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The Uncoupled Modal Response History Analysis (UMRHA) method developed by Chopra et al. is modified in this paper to estimate damage to welded moment-resisting connections in a steel frame (MRSF) subjected to earthquake ground motions. The behaviour of these connections is modelled by a moment-rotation relationship that accounts for the cracking of the beam flange-to-column flange groove weld. The behaviour of the frame is approximated by a sequence of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) models for the first three modes to allow for the contribution of higher modes of vibration. The dynamic properties of these SDOF systems are determined by nonlinear static pushover analyses of the building frame. Because of the significant drop in connection strength caused by beam-to-column weld cracking, the pushover procedure uses a changing rather than invariant distribution of horizontal loads, while the structural responses are calculated from shapes that are based on the displaced shape of the frame after damage occurs. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated by a comparison with the results of a nonlinear time history analysis of the frame. This method can be used for rapid assessment of seismic damage or damage potential and to identify buildings requiring more detailed investigation.  相似文献   
Elastic dynamic earth pressures induced by earthquakes are computed by analyzing a wall-foundation-backfill system. Both foundation and backfill are considered viscoelastic; the foundation is a semi-infinite space and the backfill, a uniform layer of constant thickness. A simple analytical solution is developed by assuming an approximate backfill-foundation interface condition and adopting the least squares method. The response functions computed indicate the large influence of the various system parameters on earth pressure, including the foundation characteristics,as well as wall geometry and mass. The transient response of the system is also studied by obtaining spectra for base shear. A large number of seismic records are analyzed to obtain average spectra and a total of three correction functions are used to take into account the foundation stiffness and density as well as wall inertia. A simple design method is proposed to estimate the maximum base shear.  相似文献   
为研究六安双墩一号汉墓出土的漆器工艺特点,利用超景深三维显微镜、拉曼光谱仪、X射线衍射仪和傅立叶红外光谱仪等仪器对木胎和夹纻胎耳杯残片进行了分析测试。结果表明,耳杯的结构由内表面漆膜、内侧漆灰、胎体、外侧漆灰和外表面漆膜组成。木胎耳杯以榆木为胎,夹纻胎耳杯中的纺织品为麻类。红色漆膜的呈色物质为硫化汞。木胎耳杯漆灰层薄而细腻,填料主要为石英、钠长石和云母,夹纻胎耳杯漆灰层掺杂了大颗粒无机矿物,填料主要为骨灰、石英和钠长石。不同胎体的耳杯体现了不同的工艺特点。  相似文献   
李晖达 《东南文化》2011,(3):112-117
浙江汉代土墩遗存与先秦江南土墩墓有着紧密的内在关系,它同时也是两汉时期浙江北部地区一种以汉墓为埋葬主体的考古学文化遗存。其文化特征既包含了大一统王朝所共有的诸多文化要素,又充分体现了古会稽郡文化圈内不同于中原王朝主流文化的地方性特征。  相似文献   
消费社会下商业地理研究的新取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二十世纪二、三十年代以来,在实证主义和行为主义的影响下,商业地理学研究多聚焦于空间结构与边界、商业活动的区位与业态、商业活动中人的行为等经典领域。九十年代之后,网络经济的快速发展和大数据的应用,使实体商业与电子购物的关系、消费者行为的空间分析等主题,成为新的研究焦点,并积极推动商业地理在研究内容和研究方法上的革新。伴随着消费力量在现代社会的崛起,商业地理所关注的商业空间和活动,不仅被消费地理从社会文化的视角进行诠释,而且在主题上扩展至更为多元的消费实践和社会关系网络。人本主义、新马克思主义、结构主义等流派的思想,也被广泛用于消费空间的解读。在一个更为广阔的社会背景和更贴近日常生活的框架下,商业地理将不局限于对物质层面的关注,而是处于一个更加开放的知识体系之中。  相似文献   
正如人们已经注意到的,“民族”的概念迄今为止在国内外学界一直是一个颇富争议的问题。与此相关联,“民族主义”也同样是一个复杂而难以界定的概念。由于民族主义在中国近代史上生存与发展之历史条件的特殊性,中国近代史上的民族主义更是有着自身不尽同于西方近代民族主义的复杂性。本人拟从“化认同”的特殊视角对中国近代史上民族主义的复杂性问题谈一点看法,以就教于关心这一问题的方家与同道。  相似文献   
<淮南子>高诱注在北宋时期出现了散佚,而历代学者并未对散佚的高注加以关注.论文从历代文献中搜罗散佚的高注近70条,并对其真伪做了简单的考辨.  相似文献   
少数民族地区博物馆在征集藏品时必须探索一条适合本地区博物馆建设和可持续发展的思路,简单归纳为坚持三种意识,即从客观实际出发,注重征集反映本地区民族民俗的文物;古今兼顾,为未来而征集;收集非物质文化遗产,让它在博物馆得到保护和传承。有了明确的新思路,大胆尝试新模式,善于积累新经验,基层博物馆征集工作才能迈上新台阶。  相似文献   
“磨炼”是晚唐五代诗学的理论核心,这不仅体现为晚唐五代诗格中的具体理论阐述,而且可以从诗格著作群体以及诗格所举的诗例方面得到证明。晚唐五代诗格中的“磨炼”理论是对诗歌创作中字、句、意、格进行锤炼的全方位理论总结,是诗歌创作多方面要求的理论体现。  相似文献   
南京六合县程桥东周时期的墓葬,出土了一把青铜剑,其剑身满饰菱形纹饰、剑首为同心圆、剑格部铸夔龙纹并镶嵌绿松石,出土时分为六截,锈蚀严重。为了保护修复此剑,并观察剑上菱形纹的形成工艺,故将保护分为:剑纹饰、锈层的分析,残块的粘结与修补和表面仿旧三个步骤。通过此剑的保护更加证明了金属膏剂涂层工艺就是东周吴越青铜兵器表面菱形纹饰的形成方法,同时又发现了在剑首的背面有一圈麦束形的纹饰,该纹饰的成形工艺将有待于进一步的探讨和研究。  相似文献   
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