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In this commentary we reflect on the potential and power of geographical analysis, as a set of methods, theoretical approaches, and perspectives, to increase our understanding of how space and place matter for all. We emphasize key aspects of the field, including accessibility, urban change, and spatial interaction and behavior, providing a high-level research agenda that indicates a variety of gaps and routes for future research that will not only lead to more equitable and aware solutions to local and global challenges, but also innovative and novel research methods, concepts, and data. We close with a set of representation and inclusion challenges to our discipline, researchers, and publication outlets.  相似文献   
A series of pottery samples excavated from the Xigongqiao site in Tengzhou city of Shandong province was determined using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Together with excavation data and archaeological analysis, the potential for provenance and technology of unearthed ancient pottery was studied by using multivariate statistical analysis and X-ray powder diffraction pattern (XRD) analysis. In order to characterize and classify these earthenware samples, the major and minor/trace element concentrations were studied with both cluster analysis and principal component analysis. The results showed that there were three different groups in cluster analysis dendrogram in good correlation with their colors. This indicated that the potteries were made from clays of different composition. These results were in agreement with the results of principal component analysis. XRD analysis further assessed the validity of multivariate statistical analysis.  相似文献   
田彤 《史学月刊》2005,(1):83-88
在逐步确立自己文化学体系期间,陈序经曾倾心于社会问题的研究,积极参与包括民和华侨问题在内的西南社会的研究工作以及乡村建设运动的讨论。在西南社会研究中,他应用文化学方法,开展对民的调查研究,拟从中发掘出新的资料,印证西方文化学说,寻找文化发生、发展的一般法则;并宣传进步文化观,主张不同民族应共同发展。有关华侨研究本身是对文化主体的关注,其现实目的是为了保护华侨权益、激发华侨创造新文化的活力。在乡村建设运动的论战中,他以文化进步说、文化时境论、文化不可分论、文化动力论与文化中心论,反对复古趋向、以农立国说,主张立足都市,西化乡村。现实关怀则促使陈序经将其中零散的文化理论进一步明晰化、系统化。陈序经文化学与其社会问题研究之间存在着相辅相成、互相交融的关系。  相似文献   
1931年九一八事变后,日本由向中国输入鸦片逐步发展到在中国占领区大量种植鸦片,1936年前后蒙疆地区被强迫大面积种植罂粟。1939年到1945年,日军和伪政权通过调整鸦片政策,实行清查制、“大鸦片政策”,致使蒙疆地区鸦片烟毒极度泛滥。日本侵略者利用毒品这把双刃剑,在把中国人变成“东亚病夫”、“大烟鬼”、亡国奴的过程中,不断膨胀着长期占领中国、奴役中华民族的狂妄野心。一方面制造着荼毒生灵的罪恶渊薮,一方面满足着侵略者掠夺占领的强盗欲望。日伪在蒙疆推行的毒品政策,是蒙疆烟毒的祸根,是日军在精神上侵华、彻底灭亡中华民族“国策”的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   
This study presents an algorithm for measuring the time‐distance accessibility based on the flow data of actual transportation networks and examines resulting accessibility distributions. Specifically, we construct an extended graph of the transportation network to take into account not only the average speed and transfer time extracted from the data set but also various possible trajectories taken via transfers. Employing the modified Floyd algorithm which finds the shortest time distance, we compute the time‐distance accessibility of every bus stop in the Seoul bus system, which yields distinctive skew distributions. We then introduce a time‐distance cutoff to focus on effective connections and probe the emergent spatial distributions as the cutoff is varied. Revealed are the characteristic scales as well as spatial structures of the system. It is suggested that the time‐distance accessibility can serve as a significant measure to describe and predict the urban land use pattern.  相似文献   
华北平原农村居民点演变及社会经济影响因素分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨勇  邓祥征  吴锋  陈彤 《人文地理》2019,34(2):116-124
基于遥感图像分类解译数据,利用位序-规模模型、洛伦兹曲线、景观指数,定量识别了2000-2015年华北平原农村居民点空间分布、规模与形态演变特征,分析了社会经济因素的驱动机制。结果表明:华北平原农村居民点南-北方向呈显著的空间分异与集聚特征,密度分布呈现南密北疏的态势,与面积规模分布存在局域负相关;农村居民点景观指数显示出密度增大、形状更加规则、斑块面积差异增大、斑块间邻近距离不断缩短的变化特征;总人口数量和乡村户数等对农村居民点用地扩张具有促进作用,乡村常住人口、乡村从业人员数量等的作用为负。  相似文献   
Dekyi is a Tibetan girl who always has a smile on her face.She came from Tibet to Beijing to receive her higher education and then she gave up the opportunity to work in city where she could have had a high income and comfortable life.Instead she decided to work in Sema Village of Nechung Town of Tohlung Dechen County,where she launched her new life by contributing to the rebuilding of a rural area in Tibet.She interpreted the rural policies issued by the government by applying her own knowledge.  相似文献   
Soon after the death of Kim Jong-il on 17 December 2011, his youngest and previously least-known son, Kim Jong-un, was declared the next leader of North Korea. At least for now, it seems clear that the Kim Jong-un regime is determined to uphold the established policies and ideologies of its predecessor. The present study attempts to explain why that is the case using path-dependence theory. Obviously, the old policies and ideologies are intimately bound up with the political processes of the present regime. North Korea’s unique monolithic system, comprising the Juche ideology and the military-first policy, which was constructed during the Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il regimes, has exerted a comprehensive influence on the country’s political and socioeconomic development processes for decades, and it is clear that the existing policy and the institutional framework based on it wield a powerful influence on the current political processes. This greatly restricts the autonomy and the range of choices of the new incumbent, suggesting that path dependence is relevant in the case of the North Korean regime.  相似文献   
陶瓷是人类文化史上的重要发明,世界上不同地区的古代文明、不同文明传统内部之大小不等的地域性文化,都拥有差异程度不等的陶瓷文化,因此陶瓷史成为考古学上研究人类文化史、族群谱系关系史的最重要指示物,成为考古学上重建历史的最重要依据之一。陶瓷考古的研究内容是多方面的,民族考古向来是陶瓷史研究的重要方法之一,中外考古学家、人类学家都予以重视。上世纪50年代以来,我国的考古学者主要在西南开展了一系列少数民族地区原始制陶的调查研究,著名的有李仰松先生关于云南佤族、傣族、彝族及海南黎族原始制陶工艺的调查,并结合仰韶文化的制陶工具发现,研究史前时代的制陶技术发展史的不同阶段,是制陶工艺之民族考古调查研究的奠基。此外,宋兆麟、黄展岳、杨原、张季、林声等人分别对贵州苗族、云南傣族、云南元谋汉族等原始制陶的调查研究,也都是这方面重要的成果。除了技术史的调研外,还有人作文化史的民族考古研究,我曾探讨过台湾高山族民族志中的原始陶器群与闽台史前文化间的源流关系。伴随着考古学的自身发展与完善,陶瓷史的民族考古学研究还可拓展更广阔的研究领域和空间。本期收入的三篇文章,在这方面都有不同程度的突破。从研究领域看,似乎技术史是中国陶瓷考古的永恒话题,我们很少关注陶器上所反映的社会史信息,这方面得仰仗他山之石来攻玉。美国夏威夷大学人类学系教授MiriamT.Stark著、厦门大学历史系博士生佟珊翻译的《菲律宾卡林阿地区陶器制作传统中的社会因素》一文,以菲律宾吕宋岛科迪勒拉(Cordilleras)山地卡林阿(Kalinga)地区的原始制陶为例,探讨陶器制作过程的技术风格、陶器形态与装饰的物质模式,所体现的族群划分和社会分界,从物质文化的差别中钩沉社会关系,体现了考古学研究回归人类学本位。这类研究对于我们今后拓展原始制陶的民族考古,具有重要的启发。  相似文献   
风景名胜区土地经济密度是衡量旅游用地效益的关键指标.为掌握中国风景名胜区土地利用经济状况、类型和空间差异特征,本文以国家级风景名胜区为研究对象,应用土地经济密度指数、变差异系数和Arcgis空间分析法对中国2003年~ 2009年26个省(市、区)国家级风景名胜区土地经济密度及其差异特征进行分析.结果表明:(1)从全国层面来看,我国国家级风景名胜区土地经济密度总体上呈现逐年上升的趋势,其中陵寝类、壁面石窟类、历史圣地类等三类风景名胜区土地经济密度相对较大;(2)分省层面来看,我国国家级风景名胜区土地经济密度的区域差异明显,区域时间差异变化上大致呈现“整体上升型”、“有升有降型”和“整体下降型”三种类型;区域差异动态特征显示,26个省(市、区)国家级风景名胜区土地经济密度的区域差异随着时间的变化呈现先缩小后扩大的趋势.  相似文献   
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