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The current method for delineating U.S. metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas (collectively referred to as core‐based statistical areas—CBSAs) is to cluster counties based on the strength of commuting interactions between outlying areas and urban cores. The social and economic integration of a metropolitan or a micropolitan statistical area is operationalized using what we believe is an outdated, monocentric perspective on functional spatial structure: one that fixates solely on inward and reverse commuting. We propose a new spatial optimization model for delineating CBSAs that can better account for polycentric urban structure by considering all intercounty commuting linkages. Our model seeks to find the boundaries that maximize the containment of entire webs of intra‐CBSA intercounty commuting. We apply the proposed method to delineate alternative sets of metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas for comparison with the federal government's currently defined (2010 Office of Management and Budget [OMB] standards) official CBSAs. El método actual para delimitar áreas estadísticas micropolitanas y metropolitana en los Estados Unidos (denomidado genéricamente áreas estadísticos nucleares o core‐statistical areas‐ CBSA) consiste en agrupar condados en base a la fuerza de las interacciones de los desplazamientos residencia‐trabajo entre las zonas periféricas y los núcleos urbanos. La integración social y económica de un área estadística metro y micro politana se pone en operación usando un enfoque funcional que los autores consideran obsoleto que se basa en una estructura espacial urbana monocéntrica. Dicho enfoque se limita únicamente a los desplazamientos hacia el interior y de vuelta. Los autores proponen un nuevo modelo de optimización espacial para delinear CBSAs que respresenta mejor una estructura urbana policéntrica que considera todos los desplazamientos entre condados. El modelo busca encontrar los límites que maximizan la inclusión de redes enteras de desplazamientos intra CBSA y entre condados. El método propuesto es aplicado para delinear conjuntos alternativos de áreas estadísticas metropolitanas y micropolitanas y es comparado con los límites oficiales actuales de CBSA proporcionados por gobierno federal (de acuerdo a los lineamientos de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto u Office of Management Budget‐OMB) en 2010). 目前用于描述美国大都市区与居住区统计区域(共同地被称为基于核心的统计区域—CBSAs)的方法,主要是基于边远地区和城市核心区间的相互作用强度对郡县进行聚类。大都市区或居住区统计区域社会与经济一体化的运作方式,采用的是一种功能空间结构上落伍的单中心视角,即仅关注内部交换或反向交换。本文提出了一种新的空间优化模型用于描述CBSAs,将所有内部通勤联系考虑在内,能更好地解释多中心城市结构。该模型力图发现能最大化包含内部CBSA通勤联系网的边界。最后,将该模型应用于大都市区和居住区的统计区域描述,并与联邦政府目前定义的官方CBSAs(管理与预算 [OMB]标准2010办公室)进行了对比研究。  相似文献   
The fundamental basis for territorial political representation is the presumption that people share greater common interests with others in closer geographic proximity than with people farther away. This principle is found in U.S. legal requirements that districts for the House of Representatives and state legislatures should not needlessly divide “communities of interest” and should be “reasonably compact.” We propose a new objective standard to evaluate spatial fairness of redistricting plans: the extent to which a delineation minimizes total distance between all pairs of people assigned to the same district. To date, the legal standard of compactness has primarily been thought of in terms of the shapes of political districts, but boundary shape may have little correspondence with how populations are actually clustered and dispersed. Inter‐person separation, by contrast, provides a direct, intuitive metric for evaluating the congruence of districting plans with the territorial basis of political representation. To operationalize an inter‐person separation standard, we propose a model and present a heuristic method for delineating comparator districting schemes. We apply the standard to the current U.S. Congressional Districts in the states of Arizona and North Carolina to demonstrate how inter‐person separation could be used to develop and vet future redistricting plans.  相似文献   
Land appropriation and subsequent resettlement of rural inhabitants are central to urbanisation in China. Often, the result is the impoverishment of landless farmers, who are a principal source of social unrest in the country. In the literature, landless farmers are often wrongly assumed to be a homogeneous group. In contrast, this paper presents the age‐differentiated experiences of land appropriation and resettlement among farmers. Using the case study of Xinghua village in China, and by reference to data collected via surveys and interviews, we show that even within a single community, there can be significant age‐related differences in terms of compensation, livelihood changes, income, living conditions, and satisfaction. Older farmers tend to receive more compensation, and the negative impact of land appropriation is felt most acutely by middle‐aged farmers. Viewed from a broader theoretical perspective, this study demonstrates the importance of understanding the impact of land appropriation and resettlement and shows how this impact is distributed unevenly across the affected communities.  相似文献   
Achieving the greatest coverage using limited resources has long been a concern for regional planners. Since the 1970s, a variety of models have been studied and relied upon. Finding ways to best represent geographical space remains a challenge to many researchers. Solutions suggested by models vary greatly with different space representation schemes. For example, in the past, points have been widely adopted to represent spatial demand for coverage. However, this simple abstraction of geographical space could bring about inaccuracies and uncertainties, and often compromises its solution quality. Considering that demand can be area based, which is beyond points, objects of different shapes have been proposed as an alternative for representation. With advances in geographic information systems (GISs), the new representation scheme using objects has recently received much attention. Compared with the straightforward point‐based abstraction, spatial object representation poses considerable challenges to both model formulation and computation capability. This article revisits model development for the problem of regional coverage maximization and proposes a new formulation where coverage of spatial demand is implicitly modeled. Model testing is conducted through an application to warning siren siting in Dublin, Ohio, which has been studied by other researchers. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new model when compared with the existing models. Uno de los objetivos comunes en la planificación regional es lograr la máxima cobertura de un servicio con recursos limitados. Desde la década de los 70s se vienen utilizado una serie de modelos conocidos. Sin embargo, la representación adecuada del espacio geográfico de dichos modelos sigue siendo un problemática para muchos investigadores. Las soluciones derivadas de los modelos varían considerablemente de acuerdo a los diferentes esquemas de representación utilizados. El uso de puntos por ejemplo, ha sido ampliamente utilizado en el pasado como esquema de representación espacial de la demanda a ser cubierta por el servicio. Sin embargo, esta simple abstracción del espacio geográfico puede provocar imprecisiones e incertidumbres que a menudo afectan la calidad de la solución matemática del modelo. En contraste, si la demanda se define como un área que abarca una extensión que va más allá de los puntos es posible proponer—como lo han hecho varios recientemente‐ el uso de objetos espaciales (de formas variadas) como una alternativa sensata de representación. Con los avances en los sistemas de información geográfica (SIG), este nuevo esquema de representación ‐que usa objetos especiales‐ han recibido considerable atención. En contraste con esquemas sencillos como el basado en puntos, la representación de objetos espaciales presenta varios desafíos en cuanto a la formulación y computación del modelo. El presente artículo reseña el desarrollo del modelamiento del problema de máxima cobertura regional (problem of regional coverage maximization) y propone una nueva formulación en la cual la cobertura de la demanda en el espacio es modelada de manera implícita. La evaluación del modelo se realiza a través de una aplicación que usa datos de la ubicación sirenas de alarma en Dublín, Ohio. Los resultados demuestran la eficacia del nuevo modelo en comparación con los modelos existentes. 利用有限资源实现最大覆盖一直广受区域规划者关注。自20世纪70年代以来,发展了大量针对这一问题的模型研究。寻找最佳的地理空间表达方式仍是研究者面临的一大挑战。不同模型对于不同的空间表达模式变化很大。比如过去空间覆盖需求多采用点集表达。然而,这种简单的地理空间抽象方法可能会引起不精确性和不确定性,通常也会导致解决方案质量下降。考虑到需求可能是基于区域而非基于点,不同形状的对象已经被当作空间表达可替代的方式。随着GIS技术的进步,基于对象空间表达的新方案近来备受关注。较之于直接基于点的空间抽象,空间对象表达在模型的形式化表达和计算性能上均面临相当大的挑战。本文回顾了区域最大覆盖问题模型研究的发展历程,提出了一个新的蕴含空间覆盖建模需求的模型。以曾被诸多学者研究过的俄亥俄州都柏林的报警器选址问题为例对模型进行检验,结果显示新模型较现有模型更为有效。  相似文献   
仝涛 《考古》2012,(11):76-88,1
青海郭里木乡的三具彩绘棺椁所绘内容表现了吐蕃贵族的社会生活、宗教信仰和丧葬习俗。尤其是丧礼场景可与敦煌古藏文写卷的相关内容相对应,为研究吐蕃时期的丧葬制度补充了珍贵的图像资料。结合汉藏文献资料可揭示棺板丧礼图的灵帐哭丧、骑射祭祀、迎宾献马以及丧讫宴饮等图像的内容及其蕴含的丧葬观念。  相似文献   
郑若曾《筹海图编》是明代海防著述的典范之作。该书在编撰过程中参考了大量官方文牍,同时也吸收了众多有识之士及民间亲历者的意见。作者郑若曾对相关素材更是旁搜远索,务求有体有用。是书内容详核,见解精到,具有极高的经世价值。《筹海图编》在明嘉靖以后至清鸦片战争之前,影响广泛,不少海防图籍以及日本相关之论著,皆不同程度的受其影响。至于今日,《筹海图编》的史学价值益加彰显,其中包含丰富的明代海防史、中日交通史、历史地理学、科技史等宝贵资料,郑若曾的海防战略思想也蕴在其中,值得予以深入研究。  相似文献   
二十世纪考古文献与楚辞研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈桐生 《文献》1998,(1):168-182
二十世纪特别是建国以后是楚辞研究的丰收季节,而楚辞研究的空前繁荣在很大程度上要归功于本世纪众多考古文献的发现①.这些在地下沉睡了两千多年的古文献,向人们展示了一个丰富灿烂的古楚文化世界,并以它们的不容置辩的特殊权威性,为楚辞研究提供了极其重要的证据或旁证材料,从而将楚辞研究不断引向深入.  相似文献   

Analyzing data of a merged sample of two Chinese student surveys conducted in two rural counties of Hunan province and in the capital city of Guangdong province, this paper examines the impact of parental migration on rural children’s involvement in delinquent behaviors. We compare delinquency of non-migrant and left-behind children in the countryside, rural-to-urban migrant children, and urban local children. Both rural children left behind by one migrant parent and those left behind by both migrant parents are similar to rural children without parental migration in terms of delinquent involvement. The situation of rural-to-urban migrant children is noticeably worse, as they are more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors than rural children without parental migration. Nevertheless, rural-to-urban migrant children are not more prone to delinquency compared to their urban local peers. We also found an acculturation impact in the study because the odds of engaging in delinquent behaviors first increases and then decreases for rural-to-urban migrant children when they stay longer and learn some local language in the hosting city.  相似文献   
山东新石器时代早期考古新收获   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
佟佩华 《华夏考古》2000,(3):41-47,87
山东地区的史前考古工作,始于1930年举世闻名的章丘市龙山镇城子崖龙山文化遗址的发掘.至80年代末期止,经过近60年的艰难探索,几经高潮,逐步建立了距今7300年至2200年左右,前后承袭、持续不断的北辛文化、大汶口文化、龙山文化、岳石文化和齐鲁文化的考古学文化发展谱系,表明……  相似文献   
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