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利用漫反射光谱、显微激光拉曼光谱和能量色散X射线荧光技术,对一张道教人物画像的颜料进行原位无损鉴别,结果显示,画像主要使用了朱砂、巴黎绿、群青、雌黄、碳黑和铅白。为了明确群青是人工合成还是天然颜料,采用X射线衍射对画像蓝色颜料进行物相分析,结果表明,该颜料确为合成群青。由于群青和巴黎绿均为人工合成颜料,其首次合成时间分别为1828年和1814年,清代晚期引入我国,由此推断该画像应在清代晚期以后绘制。这一研究表明,上述三项技术联用非常适合于易损和不允许取样的古字画颜料的无损分析鉴定,在纸张类文物分析中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
宋代是我国钱币的一个大发展时期,宋代钱币在我国钱币史上占有极其重要的地位.为了解南、北宋钱币的成分、显微结构的差异对铸币保存状况的影响,通过显微镜观察、合金成分分析、显微结构分析,对南宋和北宋各21枚钱币的保存状况进行了对比分析研究,以了解这42枚钱币的锈蚀状况、锈蚀原因,以及成分、显微结构的差异对铸币保存状况的影响.同时在分析研究的过程中,对北宋、南宋钱币的合金成分、铸造工艺进行了对比研究.研究结果表明,南宋钱币的保存状况比北宋的差一些,合金成分及显微结构的差异,是导致保存状况不同的重要原因.这些钱币主要是由铜、锡、铅铸造而成,分析结果进一步证实北宋钱币合金成分比较稳定,成分配比比较科学.而南宋成分数据比较分散,早期铜、锡含量较高,铅含量较低,晚期铜、锡含量较低,铅含量明显增高,合金品质大大降低.本研究可为了解当时的科学技术、社会经济形态进一步提供基本信息.  相似文献   
为了更好地对纺织品文物进行保护修复,在系统学习布兰迪现代修复理论的基础上,尝试运用意大利的纺织品文物保护方法和技术对承德市外八庙管理处的一件黄绸花袈裟进行保护和修复.历经除尘、清洗、干燥、染色和加固等处理过程,着重介绍用意大利方法对白色丝绸和白色丝线进行染色.经过保护修复后袈裟上的灰尘、污渍等病害基本得到清除,损坏部分得到了加固,针线缝合法保证了修复的可再处理性.  相似文献   
抗日根据地禁毒立法问题研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
齐霁 《抗日战争研究》2005,1(1):127-154
抗战时期,日本侵略对中国肆行毒化政策,造成沦陷区毒品严重泛滥,也致使抗日根据地毒品问题日趋严峻。中国共产党领导的各抗日根据地政府,为了粉碎日军的毒化阴谋,肃清根据地内的毒品犯罪,相继制订和颁布了一系列禁毒法规。这些禁毒法规比较完整、系统地反映了中国共产党的禁毒政策,内容涉及禁种、禁贩、禁售、禁吸等方面。抗日根据地禁毒法规的颁布和实施有着重要的历史意义:保证了中国共产党禁毒政策在根据地的实施;有效地遏制了根据地内的各种毒品犯罪活动;促进了根据地经济的发展,提高了根据地人民的健康水平,从人力物力上支援了抗日战争。  相似文献   
Several lines of archaeological and human palaeontological data from the Moravian earlier Gravettian (or Pavlovian) indicate a high level of mobility among these earlier Upper Palaeolithic human populations. The congenitally abnormal young adult Dolní V stonice 15 human remains support this pattern. Dolní V stonice 15 suffered serious developmental abnormalities, most likely as a result of the X-linked dominant form of chondrodysplasia calcificans punctata, that included pronounced infantile and minor later childhood developmental defects of dental enamel (enamel hypoplasia), asymmetrical curvature and angular deformities of the proximal femora, asymmetrical shortening of the femora, a diaphyseal deformity of the distal right humerus, a probable healed left ulnar fracture with associated deformity of the radial diaphysis, elevated length asymmetries of the forearms, and an unusual pattern of anomalies of tooth position and number. These are combined with trivial intervertebral articular degenerations, plus localized pronounced osteoarthritis of the right glenohumeral joint and right second and fifth ray hand proximal interphalangeal joints. Yet, there is little asymmetry of the lower limbs distal of the mid-femora, and both diaphyseal hypertrophy of the humeri, femora and tibiae and relative arm and leg muscle attachment size and moment arms indicate a level of skeletal hypertrophy average to high for an earlier Upper Palaeolithic human. The severe upper limb osteoarthritis may indicate a pattern of pronounced and repetitive carrying or dragging of heavy loads. These data indicate the ability of the population to keep a severely affected individual alive through development, yet they also emphasize the necessity for all individuals to participate actively in the elevated mobility and overall activity levels of these earlier Upper Palaeolithic human populations.  相似文献   
The excavation and palaeoanthropological analysis of the early Upper Palaeolithic site of Dolní V stonice II has yielded a series of incomplete and isolated human remains, comprising cranial vaults, teeth (including a series from an infant), ribs, arm bones, hand phalanges, leg bones, tarsals, metatarsals and pedal phalanges. Morphologically and morphometrically the elements are similar to those from buried individuals at Dolní V stonice I and II and Pavlov I, as well as to other European early Upper Palaeolithic human remains. They differ principally in the high percentage of cortical areas of the distal humerus and femur. The Dolní V stonice 36 infant's teeth may well derive from an undisturbed burial with in situ bone destruction. Geological processes are unlikely to have produced the taphonomic patterns observed, and the preservation and damage patterns of the elements (other than Dolní V stonice 36) suggest that the original bodies were processed by some combination of scavenging agents. Moreover, the original number of burials at Dolní V stonice II may have been greater than the four currently known.  相似文献   
李继 《东南文化》2021,(6):130-134
智慧博物馆的建设在促进博物馆信息化的同时也给博物馆信息系统安全带来挑战.博物馆信息系统安全包括网络安全和信息安全.网络安全需在系统应用层、传输层、互联网层、网络接口层各环节设置,信息安全需从身份鉴别、访问控制、密码保护、安全审计、操作系统安全、数据库安全、边界安全、应用系统安全几个方面加以强化.博物馆信息系统建设和安全体系建设应同步规划、同步建设、同步发展;同时应完善管理制度,只有"技管并重"才能真正保障信息系统安全.  相似文献   
Contemporary innovation processes increasingly involve a large number of networked actors, and cross-fertilization between knowledge institutions and firms has thus become a significant driver for innovation. Important insights into the differing nature of research and development (R&D) collaboration in particular sectors have been provided by research inspired by the knowledge-base approach embedded within innovation system (IS) theory. This study aims to contribute to this body of literature by applying the concept of differentiated knowledge bases to the former state-socialist countries, where the IS operates through a firewall between academia and industry. Data on collaborative R&D projects co-financed by public resources have allowed a detailed analysis of the nature of collaboration networks, revealing emerging patterns of academia–industry linkages and questioning the propositions stemming from the knowledge-based approach. The study concludes that collaborative science–industry networks show a very distinct topography when analytical and synthetic knowledge is compared.  相似文献   
The research on the economic convergence of Central and Eastern European countries towards the old EU members is voluminous, and it has an obvious appeal to both policy-makers and public. Unlike the traditional literature concerned with selected macro-patterns of the European convergence process, this paper presents a comparative study of two economies, attempting to comprehend more nuanced aspects and underlying mechanisms shaping their evolution. It examines the evolutionary dynamics of the structure and spatial organization of the Czech and Austrian economies since the late 1980s. Therefore, as a basis for subsequent analysis, the conceptual part attempts to systematize the key specific factors of the former command economies. The empirical results show that, despite significant similarities in the structure of these economies, the absolute and relative productivity as well as the spatial relatedness of the main types of industries reveal important differences between these two countries. These distinctions tend to be disregarded when making inferences about the European convergence process on the basis of traditional literature concerned predominantly with macro-patterns. Consequently, this study shows that since the collapse of socialism, Czechia has been reintegrated into the global economy in a different way from Austria, implying different evolutionary trajectories in the future.  相似文献   
杨万里佚文《罗塘许氏族谱序》辨伪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纪永贵 《文献》2007,(1):75-81
<文献>2006年第2期发表胡建升先生<杨万里佚文考>(以下省称"胡文"),首次披露作者所发现的<罗塘许氏图谱>中一篇署名杨万里的序文<罗塘许氏族谱序>.  相似文献   
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