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本刊讯 八月的三川惠风和畅,新麦飘香;八月的三川锣鼓震天,“大好”声声。8月25日至27日,由青海土族研究会主办、民和回族土族自治县承办的青海省第七届土族安召纳顿节在民和回族土族自治县中川乡、官亭镇举行。省人大常委会副主任刘春耀,省政协副主席、青海土族研究会会长鲍义志以及来自西宁、互助、大通、同仁等地的土族代表和当地土族群众约2万人参加了这次盛会。  相似文献   
2004年.中日经贸活动持续发展,经贸与投资再跃新台阶并屡创历史新高,双方贸易额达1680亿美元.往来人员达到435万人,中日之间缔结的友好城市达到262对,双方每周有500班次各种飞机对飞。在华投资日本各种企业包括办事处合计2.48万家,在华常住日本人有7.3万人.仅上海一地就有日本企业4500家,常住日本人3.4万人。在日本的中国人已经超过60万人.中国已经成为向日本输出留学生最多的国家,2万多名中日婚姻的国际婴孩诞生。上述经贸及民间交流使中日关系即使在部分日本政要否认历史导致中国国内发生连续及大规模的反日示威游行时也没有受到严重冲击。  相似文献   
The objective of this article is to evaluate the results of the excavation at the site of Al-Khidr on Failaka Island that was probably a port or a fishermen’s settlement in the past. A very large number of stone architectural remains and artifacts have been discovered there. Al-Khidr is a typical Dilmun culture site and the settlement was probably contemporary with the known sites F3 and F6 located on the south-west coast of the island. Based on the pottery that has been processed, we preliminarily dated the site to a period between the beginning of the second millenium and approximately 1500 BC, although older settlement may have occurred, beginning at the end of the third millennium.  相似文献   
For the first time, Hispano‐Moresque glazed tiles from Portuguese and Spanish collections were studied together and compared. This work is included in a wider study tackling the technology of Hispano‐Moresque tile production from several collections in the Iberian Peninsula. While showing many similarities, differences were identified between collections, regarding both chemical and morphological characteristics. The collection from the Mosteiro de Santa Clara‐a‐Velha (Coimbra) stands out from the other collections, with higher SnO2 content (up to 14 wt%), the highest Fe2O3 contents in amber glazes and a Ca‐rich interface layer (mostly comprised of wollastonite, CaSiO3). Samples from Palácio Nacional de Sintra (near Lisbon) and Seville‐attributed samples (from the Instituto Valencia de Don Juan) are chemically similar, except that most Sintra's samples display a K‐rich glaze/ceramic interface, whereas the ones from Seville exhibit both K‐rich and Ca‐rich inclusions. The samples attributed to Toledo show glazes with many inclusions, contrasting with the homogeneous glazes in most Hispano‐Moresque tiles. From these results, we identify differences that can be used as markers in future studies on Hispano‐Moresque tiles.  相似文献   
大拙 《中国土族》2008,(4):13-13
互助土族自治县东山乡党委、政府大力扶持农民发展洋芋产业,今年洋芋又喜获丰收。 东山乡位于浅山地区,气候干旱,土质为大白土,十分适宜洋芋的种植。这里出产的洋芋口味好、颗粒大、干爽、不沾泥、无空心,消费者和加工厂家十分欢迎。  相似文献   
文物保存微环境空气氮氧化物集成净化技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为研究文物保存微环境中的集成净化技术,联合采用光催化预处理和竹炭吸附技术净化低浓度的氮氧化物.研究了组合方式在不同光源下的净化效果,同时探讨了湿度对低浓度氮氧化物净化效果的影响.结果表明:在采用恰当的组合情况下,紫外线照射和可见光照射下,净化结果相差不大,最佳组合为光催化+竹炭+4A分子筛+竹炭的组合,NO和NO2的出口浓度分别可降至1.98μg/m3和1.80μg/m3;而相对湿度增加,处理效果降低,但在相对湿度为60%情况下,仍可较长时间内稳定运行,保持出口NOx在4ng/g以下.综合实验结果,光催化联合竹炭吸附集成技术净化低浓度的氮氧化物效果良好,为今后文物保存微环境中的实际应用提供科学依据.  相似文献   
李达  李六存 《收藏家》2013,(2):79-81
之所以写下这个题目,是因为在传世的数百方磁州窑白地黑花枕上的纹饰中,很少有几方枕是画玉免纹饰的。这就使我对看到过的这几方枕上的玉免纹饰画面始终久放不下,在脑海里常常浮现,与宋代崔白《双喜图》中玉免的形象不断地进行重合且反复的显现。磁州窑征宋元时期受到宋代院体画派的影响,并且有文人参加。换言之,宋代的院体画家曾经参与影响了磁州窑的创作。而磁州窑的工匠们,这些长期生活任社会底层的人民,由于其对生活的热爱,画其所爱,笔触他们所熟悉的生活图像,在一定程度上也影响和推动了宋代院体画家的创作。  相似文献   
本文通过对不同地域遗址中发掘出土的陶器的胎质、型制、纹饰等特点进行比对,找出其地域差异,并分析形成这些差异的原因。认为陶土资源的分布、土壤质地、地形等环境因素对陶土资源的选取、制作技术、造型及装饰工艺等具有一定的影响作用。  相似文献   
This article revisits and challenges some of the presumptions and methodologies pertaining to the current ‘global’ turn in Dickens scholarship, and Victorian studies in general. It uses the case of the cross-cultural transfer of David Copperfield from Britain to China in the early twentieth century to demonstrate the importance of attending to local differences and cultural specificities when examining cross-cultural interactions. This article investigates the influence of the Chinese life-writing traditions on the way in which the text was adapted and translated for the Chinese readership, and explores the relationship between self and society as manifested in the adapted work at a specific historic moment. It reveals the complexities surrounding cross-cultural interactions and demonstrates the intricate relationship between the global and the local, thereby challenging any simplified pursuit of the concept of ‘Global Dickens’.  相似文献   
中国农工银行是由原大宛农工银行改组,于1927年2月正式成立的。该行为商办,开办目的在于以农工银行扶助农工业的发展。开办资本金为1000万元(实收500万元),是为民国时期一家重要的民办商业银行。中国农工银行得到当时北洋政府的特许发行银圆兑换券,该行的第一版银圆票在1927年开始发行,发行的主币面额为壹圆(图1、图2)、伍圆、拾圆三种,辅币面额为壹角、贰角、伍角三种。1935年国民政府实施法币政策,中国农工银行的纸币发行权被取消,该行发行业务由中央银行接收。最近见到了几张“特殊”的中国农工银行壹圆券(图3、图4、图5、图6)。这三张壹…  相似文献   
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