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昆仑文化作为一个学术体系,是一个令人肃然起敬,一个令人心驰神往,一个令人回肠荡气的文化,她给中华民族带来了无法估量的深远影响。近年来,国内外专家学者有关昆仑文化学  相似文献   
方簋是青铜簋中形制罕有的一类,出土数量极少,未能引起学界的关注。而常见的簋的形制虽然多样,有无耳、双耳、三耳、四耳簋;有环耳、附耳、贯耳簋;有圈足、方座、三足或四足簋等,但都具有一个共性,即圆形的敞口、鼓腹、圈足。因此,彭裕商在《西周铜簋年代研究》一文中将其作为划分簋型式  相似文献   
论文通过对跨国领养的出现及其发展与国际政治气候之间是否存在着某种相关性、美国跨国领养家庭如何建构跨文化的"家"等问题的分析论述,揭示了美国公民跨国领养的历时性变化的原因及其相关的国际政治大背景以及通过对美国公民来华领养及其连带形成的社会文化现象。认为某种世界性的关怀与视野,已经是美国中产阶级民众价值观中不可或缺的部分;被美国人所领养的数目庞大的中国婴孩,他们当中的绝大部分人在美国中产阶级或者中产阶级以上阶层的家庭中生活,他们将有着与其他的美国华人不同的社会资源与背景;他们对中国和中国社会文化的理解甚至可能会直接在两国关系上发挥影响,日后必将在美国的华人社区中占有一席之地。  相似文献   
It is widely known that the Hexi Corridor in North‐West China lies at a hub of trans‐Eurasian cultural exchange. Its role became increasingly important during the late prehistoric period, particularly as the ancient Silk Road began to be used. While the profound transformation of local cultural characteristics in the late Neolithic and the Bronze Age is well documented, the detailed economic dynamics of cultural evolution have not yet been clearly illustrated. In this paper, we report on significant new zooarchaeological and faunal isotopic data from the Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in the Hexi Corridor. The primary objective is to systematically reconstruct the prehistoric economic context of this area by combining these new data with previous archaeological studies and radiocarbon dates. We argue that the primary economic activities of local inhabitants changed dramatically in the prehistoric Hexi Corridor. This was marked by agricultural production at c.4800–4000 bp , agro‐pastoral production at c.4000–3000 bp and animal husbandry at c.3000–2200 bp , respectively. The major subsistence strategies of these three periods show considerable variation. It is very likely that these transformations of economic patterns in the prehistoric Hexi Corridor were primarily triggered by transcontinental cultural exchange and, to a lesser extent, by climate change.  相似文献   
中国古代是家国同构体制,这一特点在皇家事务中体现得尤为鲜明。皇帝大婚既是国家大典,又是皇家一族一姓的家事,由此可见中央、地方各机构间的关联及职能运作。本文以清代皇帝大婚,尤以清末同治、光绪二帝大婚为切入点,剖析各行政机构之间的运作模式,从而加深对历史复杂性的理解。  相似文献   
Academic research on contemporary Dutch nationalism has mainly focused on its overt, xenophobic and chauvinist manifestations, which have become normalised since the early 2000s. As a result, less radical, more nuanced versions of Dutch nationalism have been overlooked. This article attempts to fill this gap by drawing attention to a peculiar self‐image among Dutch progressive intellectuals we call anti‐nationalist nationalism. Whereas this self‐image has had a long history as banal nationalism, it has come to be employed more explicitly for political positioning in an intensified nationalist climate. By dissecting it into its three constitutive dimensions – constructivism, lightness and essentialism – we show how this image of Dutchness is evoked precisely through the simultaneous rejection of ‘bad’ and enactment of ‘good’ nationalism. More generally, this article provides a nuanced understanding of contemporary Dutch nationalism. It also challenges prevalent assumptions in nationalism studies by showing that post‐modern anti‐nationalism does not exclude but rather constitutes essentialist nationalism.  相似文献   
This paper is a preliminary comparative analysis of three polity‐seeking nationalisms that emerged in the contiguous peripheral areas – the overlapping ‘spheres of influence’ of three contending imperial centres: Taiwan, Okinawa and Hong Kong. Specifically, it examines and compares the pattern of nation‐formation and the form, ideology and politics of nationalism in each case, and in doing so it tries to suggest a possible explanatory framework for the rise of these nationalisms. Its tentative conclusion is that the rise of nationalism in Taiwan, Okinawa and Hong Kong should be understood as a macro‐historical sociological phenomenon caused by both the short‐term penetration from centralizing colonial and geopolitical centre(s) that triggered nationalist mobilization in the periphery and the long‐term process of peripheral nation‐formation that created the social basis for mobilization. The three cases also demonstrate some other traits of anti‐centre peripheral nationalism: they all adopted a similar ideological strategy of indigeneity, and all developed a differentiation between radical and pragmatic lines characteristic of minority or peripheral nationalisms. A final observation is that while the geopolitics of states in the region is powerfully shaping the development of the three nationalisms, interactions on the societal level may over time create a counterforce from below.  相似文献   
王守仁平定宁王宸濠叛乱,不论是对当时朝廷还是对王守仁本人,都是一件大事。然而关于王守仁的献俘行迹,史载却颇多错乱。故宫博物院藏王守仁书《铜陵观铁船歌》长卷,是一件非常珍贵的历史资料,不仅对于考证正德十四年九月至正德十五年三月王守仁平定宁王宸濠叛乱后的三次献俘行迹与艰难处境有很大帮助,对于了解王守仁遭遇政坛险恶与人生坎坷的复杂心理也有很大裨益。  相似文献   
Dong, F., Shih, C.K., Skibińska, K., Krzemiński, W. & Ren, D., 10.4.2015. New species of Tanyderidae (Diptera) from the Jiulongshan Formation of China. Alcheringa 39, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518

Two new tanyderid species of Praemacrochile Kalugina, 1985 (P. dryasis, P. ovalum) and one new tanyderid species of Protanyderus Handlirsch, 1909 (P. astictum) are described and illustrated from the late Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou in eastern Inner Mongolia, China. These species are circumscribed using well-preserved fossil specimens with bodies and complete wings. We also collected and identified new material of two species of Praemacrochile (P. ansorgei Lukashevich & Krzemiński and P. chinensis, Krzemiński & Ren) and one species of Protanyderus (P. vulcanium Zhang) from the same locality.

Fei Dong [], Dong Ren [] and Chungkun Shih [], College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University, Xisanhuanbeilu 105, Haidian District, Beijing, PR China 100048; Kornelia Skibińska [] Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland; Wies?aw Krzemiński [] Pedagogical University of Cracow, Faculty of Geography and Biology, Institute of Biology, ul. Podchor??ych 2, 30-084 Kraków, ma?opolskie, Poland.  相似文献   
明朝平定云南后,为适应云南边疆外弧地带复杂的国际地缘政治、地理环境和多样民族性特征,在西南边疆逐渐建立起一套“内边区”与“外边区”差异化的边疆行政区划和管理模式,并对云南外边政区实行军管性和羁縻性的统治.这是明朝边疆控制和政区建置的创新性制度,体现了明朝疆域观在行政管理上的灵活性,保障了西南边疆较长时间的稳定,为中国现代国家领土的确立奠定了重要的基础.  相似文献   
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