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Book reviews     

TANG KWOK‐LEUNG. Colonial State and Social Policy: social Welfare Development in Hong Kong 1842–1997. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1998. 192 pp. US$36.00, hardcover.

ZHENG YONGNIAN. Discovering Chinese Nationalism in China: modernity, Identity, and International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 208 pp. US$54.95, hardcover; US$19.95, paper.

STEVAN HARRELL, BAMO QUBUMO and MA ERZI (photographs by Zhong Dakun). Mountain Patterns, The Survival of Nuosu Culture in China. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2000. Colour and black‐and‐white illustrations. No price given, paper.

PENG XIZHE with ZHIGANG GUO (eds). The Changing Population of China. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2000. 312 pp. Figures, tables, index. £50.00, US$68.95, hardcover; £15.99, US$31.95, paper.

ROBERT S. ROSS (ed). After the Cold War: domestic Factors and U.S.‐China Relations. Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. xiv, 208 pp. Charts, figures, index. US$59.95, hardcover; US$22.95, paper.

PING CHEN. Modern Chinese: history and Sociolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 229 pp. Introduction, tables, notes, references, index. US$59.95, hardcover; US$21.95, paper.


MARK R. MULLINS. Christianity Made in Japan: a Study of Indigenous Movements. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1998. 288 pp. Illustrations, preface, notes, bibliography, index. US$24.95, paper.

HIROSUKE KAWANISHI (ed). The Human Face of Industrial Conflict in Post‐war Japan. London: Kegan Paul International, 1999. 287 pp. Introduction, chronology of events, translation of Japanese organisational and statutory names, index. US$93.50, hardcover.

YUKIKO KOSHIRO. Trans‐Pacific Racisms and the US Occupation of Japan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. xi, 295 pp. US$21.50, paper.

PHYLLIS BIRNBAUM. Modern Girls, Shining Stars, the Skies of Tokyo: five Japanese Women. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. 255 pp. US$29.00; UK£19.95, hardcover.

ROBIN M. LEBLANC. Bicycle Citizens: the Political World of the Japanese Housewife. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. 246 pp. US$14.95, paper.


ROWENA ROBINSON. Conversion, Continuity and Change: lived Christianity in Southern Goa. New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, London: Sage Publications, 1998. 236 pp. £27.50, hardcover.

RAJAT GANGULY. Kin State Intervention in Ethnic Conflicts: lessons from South Asia. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1998.266 pp. Map, notes, bibliography, index. Rs. 350, hardcover.


DANNY UNGER. Building Social Capital in Thailand: fibers, Finance, and Infrastructure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 227 pp. A$90.00, hardcover; A$29.95, paper.

JEFFREY R. VINCENT, ROZALI MOHAMED ALI and ASSOCIATES. Environment and Development in a Resource‐Rich Economy: Malaysia Under the New Economic Policy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997. 364 pp. Foreword, preface, bibliography, index. US$46.95, hardcover; US$22.95, paper.


ANITA CHAN, B. J. TRIA KERKVLIET and J. UNGER (eds). Transforming Asian Socialism: China and Vietnam Compared. St. Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 1999. 240 pp. A$24.95, paper.

KURT W. RADTKE and J. A. STAM et al. (eds). Dynamics in Pacific Asia: conflict, Competition and Cooperation. London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1998. 287 pp. US$110, hardcover.

YUE‐MAN YEUNG (ed). Urban Development in Asia: retrospect and Prospect. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia‐Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. 453 pp. Plates, introduction, notes, index. No price given, hardcover.  相似文献   

武汉会战后,长江中下游地区为日军占领,而此时国民政府海军舰艇仅存十余艘内河炮舰。面对此种局面,国民政府海军总司令陈绍宽提出除在长江上游坚持防御作战外,抽调海军主力到长江中下游敌占区开展水雷游击战。1940年1月,海军成立长江布雷游击队,随即赴敌后开展游击战,揭开了海军游击战的序幕。全面抗战期间,国民政府海军布雷游击队屡建战功,牵制、消耗了日本海军力量,破坏了日军长江水道交通,配合了陆军作战,拱卫了陪都重庆的安全,增强了民族抗战的自信心,推动了战争胜利的进程。  相似文献   
《黔诗纪略》是最为学界重视的黔诗选本.展贵州明代诗歌状况、取名能诗家之制和存文献是该书的三个编纂目的.三个编纂目的共存使《黔诗纪略》诗学批评功能和文献功能兼具.贵州文献散佚严重,莫友芝保留文献意识强烈是"存文献"编纂目的产生的主要原因.从《黔诗纪略》编纂目的的认识情况来看,其"存文献"的编纂目的所产生的影响更大,但《黔诗纪略》其他编纂目的也值得注意.  相似文献   
文安之,字汝止,号铁庵,彝陵人.南明永历年间,拜东阁大学士,加太子太保,兼吏、兵二部尚书,总督川湖诸处军务.其以忠义激励诸军,锐意复兴明室.文安之著述亦丰,存世的有《易佣》十四卷和参与辑录的《新选注释古文蒙求不分卷》,然诗文集《铁庵稿》、《略园集》尚未得见.经笔者经多方搜索,得其诗20题79首.辑录其诗,不仅可以补明诗之阙,还可了解其诗歌创作概况,亦有助于深入了解明清时期少数民族文学的发展.  相似文献   
The recent developments of the economic theory suggest that due attention to territorial context increases efficiency and improves delivery of the policies. This in turn calls for better linkages between spatial and socio-economic efforts. The paper analyses the concept of policy territorialization and proposes policy tools for that purpose. The relevant theoretical models are used, mainly evolutionary economics and new economic geography. The key outcome is a set of territorial keys supposed to enhance territorial approach in developmental policies. Also some plausible ways of making use of those keys are proposed and then tested using Polish territory as a case study.  相似文献   
宋末江西文人刘辰翁以耿直名,他具有江西文人的个性特点。同为江西籍文人,他继宋代欧阳修、杨万里以及其他江西诗派文人而来,并具有江西地域文化性格。同时因处于改朝换代和蒙古族入主的特殊历史时期,其个性更被扩张,他抒发对旧朝的哀怨和新朝的不平之怒,情绪激烈。这造成了其文学创作和文学鉴赏的不一致,其诗词创作有情真与自然的特色,而其文学鉴赏和主张则务求艰涩尖新。然而其实这些都是统一于其耿直的人格特点下,他继承江西大儒欧阳守道之学,表面上畔于圣人之道,实际则是一个有真性情和个性,坚持自我的儒士。  相似文献   
Metok in Nyingchi Prefecture was the only county that did not have a road in the past. On October 31st, 2013, the Road to Metok was officially opened to the public. The opening of this road signified that now all counties in China can be accessed by road.  相似文献   
The Changsha Street Corps originated in the local militia during the period of the Taiping Rebellion, and it played an important part in Changsha’s urban social management at the grassroots level. However, the role and influence of the street corps underwent changes during the process of modernization and the building of the modern nation–state. By 1920, although the street corps of Changsha still worked as the agent of the state at the grassroots level, its autonomy had been curtailed, and its social influence weakened. In the new social environment, even the maintenance of neighborhood interests became a challenge for the street corps. This article illustrates the readjustments in geopolitical and industrial relations during the process of urban modernization. It also illustrates how a new form of state power, namely the police, infiltrated the social management system, affected the traditional social structure, and complicated the interaction between modern state and society.  相似文献   
采用光学显微观察、激光拉曼、紫外-可见吸收光谱以及高效液相色谱对河北隆化鸽子洞蓝棉袄蓝色、浅蓝色纤维以及百衲枕顶蓝色纤维进行分析研究.通过多种分析手段相互佐证表明,该组样品采用蓝草中的靛蓝染色,色素成分有靛蓝素和靛玉红.各样品中色素成分比例均不相同,推测至少在元代,人类已经能够有意识地调整制靛工艺,染出自己需要的色光.同时靛蓝染料耐光性耐热性差,对酸、碱和氧化均敏感,耐盐性及耐细菌性较弱.在以靛蓝染色的织物清洗中,要选择性地使用洗涤剂,进行点滴试验后才可使用,同时在存放过程中要做到避光、避免高温.  相似文献   
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