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The accuracy of the capacity spectrum method (CSM) depends on the precise estimation of equivalent period and damping ratio as well as the modification of the demand spectrum. In this paper, the CSM provided in ATC-40 for estimating the peak inelastic responses is evaluated. First, the effect of equivalent period and damping ratio estimation on the accuracy of the CSM is assessed. Analyses results indicate that the difference between estimation methods is large when the structural nonlinearity is large, but becomes negligible as the hardening ratio increases. Next, the reduction factors provided in ATC-40 and Eurocode are evaluated. It is found that the acceleration responses obtained using the factor of Eurocode is closer to the actual ones than those obtained using the factors of ATC-40. Finally, the demand spectrum is constructed using the peak absolute acceleration and pseudo-acceleration. The results obtained using the peak absolute acceleration is found to be generally larger than those obtained using the pseudo-ones. Since the original CSM generally underestimates the response, the use of peak absolute acceleration in the construction of demand spectrum produces the response relatively closer to the exact one. However, the use of peak absolute acceleration overestimates the response more when the original CSM overestimates the response.  相似文献   
This study is focused on the constant ductility energy factors for bilinear system under the near-fault pulse-like ground motions. The variation of energy factors is studied in consideration of the earthquake magnitude, rupture distance, damping ratios, and post-yield stiffness ratios. The results indicate that the near-fault pulse-like ground motions would increase the energy dissipation of structures. The energy factors are significantly influenced by the earthquake magnitude. The damping ratios have more obvious influences on the energy factors than the post-yield stiffness ratios. A predictive model is proposed for the application of constant ductility energy factors for near-fault pulse-like ground motions.  相似文献   
乌尔奇族是俄罗斯远东地区人口较少的民族之一,属满一通古斯语族南支.本文主要依据л.я.伊瓦申科编著的<17-20纪乌尔奇历史与文化>等研究成果,介绍乌尔奇人的概况和俄罗斯学者对乌尔奇历史文化的认识和研究过程.  相似文献   
张照,清代大臣,书法家,历官康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝。在康熙朝,张照的书法、诗文颇为康熙帝欣赏。本文从以下三个方面考述了张照与康熙帝的关系:第一,从张照与康熙信任、倚重的高士奇、王顼龄、王鸿绪、王九龄、张集等大臣的家族及姻亲关系,探讨张照与康熙之间的关系;第二,从张照的书法为康熙帝所欣赏、张照跋康熙帝御书、张照书康熙玺印字样等的情况,谈张照与康熙帝的关系;第三,从张照中进士后参与相关书籍的编纂工作及入直南书房后所作的与康熙帝有关诗文为切入点,探讨张照与康熙帝关系。  相似文献   
艾森豪威尔政府时期,美国“遏制”的范围进一步扩大,手段进一步升级和多样化,由此导致冷战加速向第三世界、边缘地区和中立国家扩散。艾森豪威尔政府芬兰政策正是在这一背景下形成的。国家安全委员会5403文件标志着艾森豪威尔政府芬兰政策的确立。5914系列文件和6024文件则是对这一政策的调整,同时也体现了该政策的连续性和完整性。在承认苏芬关系特殊性的前提下,艾森豪威尔政府力图以适当的经济和军事援助,促进芬兰经济发展和社会稳定,增强芬兰对内遏制共产主义势力,对外抵制苏联政治和经济压力的能力。这些政策的推行,加强了芬兰的亲西方倾向,稳定和增强了北约的北翼战线,并对芬兰的社会历史发展产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   
In order to identify the fibre material of the pall imprint excavated from the Peng‐state cemetery in Shanxi, biomass spectrometry was applied to determine the amino acid sequences of the residual protein extracted from the soil underneath the imprint. The sequences were searched against a standard protein sequence database. A well‐preserved silk pall sample from the Warring States Period was used as a comparative template. The protein extracted is identified as silk fibroin (Bombyx mori). This finding indicates that the extremely degraded pall was made of silk and that the deceased in the Peng‐state cemetery enjoyed high social status. In this way, a novel methodology, which is very promising in uncovering the origin of silk, could be initiated.  相似文献   
山西洪洞大槐树与广东南雄珠玑巷是众多移民及其后裔心目中精神家园的象征。在被塑造成为家园符号的过程中,两地在有关移民的迁徙缘由、时机选择以及文字记载等方面有诸多的相同之处。但是,洪洞大槐树移民与南雄珠玑巷移民毕竟是分处两地且在不同时代的移民,因此在迁徙的动机、规模以及组织领导等方面都有与众不同之处,并进而形成各自独特的文化象征。洪洞大槐树与南雄珠玑巷本是地方的具体物象,但是却都不约而同地超越了区域的限制而成为众多人士追溯身世的主要参考,成为其心理认同中的家园。在这一过程中,家谱、族谱以及方志记载在其中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
林济 《安徽史学》2011,(3):65-73,82
谱系并不仅仅是满足村居宗族的收族作用,它也具有与宗族社会互构与映照的关系。谱系构造以人们的祖、宗、族观念为结构基础,此种祖、宗、族观念与国家—族群—宗族的历史联结密切相关,其远祖及始祖象征着姓族的神圣来源以及与国家的关联,也反映了主流族群的认同意识;宗祖与族祖则是国家制度下的世居权与户籍地位的象征。徽州谱系以祖、宗、族三层次结构为典型,谱系结构也在与现实社会关系互动中构造了一个以宗族为中心的社会结构。  相似文献   
一个雨季冷不丁从山顶奔涌而来,让一切润湿和记忆的神志又得以恢复。春天的记忆有些零乱,就像一个瘪嘴的老太太回味往年的旧事,有些断断续续,陈年的记忆夹杂着近年的事  相似文献   
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