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This study uses multiple scientific methods to analyse a case of trepanation from a cemetery located at the westernmost point along the ancient Silk Road in China dating back to the Early Iron Age. The skull of interest belonged to a middle-aged male; the opening is located on the left posterior side of the skull in the occipital bone. Computer tomography (CT) and microscopic observation show that the incision was unhealed, indicating an immediate death either during or after the operation. The procedure of trepanation might have been used to treat a depressed fracture from inflicted trauma on the individual’s right parietal bone, suggesting the presence of surgical trepanation in early Western China.  相似文献   
文章介绍了第二轮《哈尔滨市志》篇目设置及细化过程。在篇目设计修改的过程中,《哈尔滨市志》充分注意和体现了时限内的新变化、新特点和新要求。文章最后介绍了《哈尔滨市志》篇目设计过程中的5点体会。  相似文献   
One of the ways in which the heterosexualization of women's bodies is made apparent is through the blatant promotion of Ladies' Night at night clubs. These are typically weekly events, of which women are granted complimentary entry by club operators. Ladies' Night is thus popularly construed as a time and space in which men can gain access to many ‘heterosexy’ female bodies. The deliberate deployment of specific kinds of (post)feminine bodies and subjectivities—slim, savvy, and sassy—in club promotional material is often couched in discourses that highlight female expression, consumption, and autonomy. Such a celebratory rhetoric of women as empowered actors seems to suggest that traditional gendered expectations of women as self-reserved, timid and vulnerable to sexual aggression are archaic and are no longer valid. In light of this, I investigate how women negotiate a postfeminist terrain within the context of Singapore's night clubbing scene. By employing qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews, ethnographic work, and discourse analysis, I argue that clubs are paradoxical spaces for performing gendered and (hetero)sexualized selves that vacillate between affirming and subverting heteropatriarchal regimes. In so doing, this paper hopes to contribute to the scholarship on feminist geography by bringing recent debates on postfeminism into a productive conversation with the literature on (hetero)sexuality and space.  相似文献   
白蚁是一种古老的害虫,给国民经济带来巨大的损失,也严重危害原址保护的木质文物。本文综述了近年来国内外原址保护木质文物遭受白蚁侵害的情况以及灭治方法。其中,以昆虫生长调节剂(IGRs)为毒饵,采用监测-毒杀-再监测的方法杀灭白蚁低毒高效,对文物损害最小。另外,以寄生虫、细菌、病毒等生物感染白蚁,或采用植物及其提取物灭杀白蚁,是有待探索的灭蚁新途径。  相似文献   
主循环泵是直流换流站内水冷系统中重要的旋转设备,是内水冷系统中的“心脏”部件,其安全稳定运行,对于冷却可控硅阀及其组件,保持换流阀在稳定温度区间正常工作,防止换流站事故的发生极为重要.本文对换流站CPK系列主循环泵内部结构和工作原理进行了深入分析,对机械密封部件的结构进行了剖析,并对主循环泵及电机运行过程中存在的噪音、漏水、渗油等故障进行了原因分析并提出运维建议,可供换流站主循环泵运维和故障处理参考.  相似文献   
在现当代日本阳明学者中,与贵州关系最为密切的有三个人:三岛毅、冈田武彦和志贺一朗。冈田武彦先生是国际上享有盛誉的当代著名阳明学家和儒学家,冈田先生对中国文化所怀有的特殊感情。他从上世纪八十年代中期开始,一直心甘情愿地为贵州、浙江等地的文化建设与学术振兴作了许多有益之事。今年是冈田先生逝世10周年,为表达对先生的敬意,特撰此文,以资纪念。  相似文献   
文物保护中传统工艺科学化研究探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中国传统工艺的研究不但取得了丰硕的成果,还逐步进入了新的研究高潮,中国文物保护修复界已率先提出了"传统工艺科学化研究"的呼吁。本文对目前国内出现的古建彩绘保护技术、古建琉璃构件保护技术、古纸修复技术等相关领域的传统工艺科学化研究案例进行分析,认为:传统工艺科学化研究是一种以传统工艺实地调查为基础、以现代科学知识和科学方法为科学化分析手段,并利用现代科学原理、科技理念进行工艺解释,最终实现建立一套规范化的传统工艺科学化体系的目的。但是,对传统工艺进行科学化研究也不可避免地具有方法上的局限性,因此在对传统工艺研究过程中仍需要尊重传统工艺的真实性,辨别使用科学化研究的方法。  相似文献   
结合相关文献资料对柘皋河流域商周时期遗址野外考察,辅以高分辨率遥感资料等对流域内遗迹形态要素、平面特征、微地貌形态等分析,经钻孔获取遗迹点垂直剖面资料分析,采集相关含碳土样进行测年分析,从形状、位置、面积、微地貌、内部结构特征、土质特征、与古水系关系等指标来分析柘皋河流域商周晚期遗址点形态特征,探究遗址点形态特征的形成原因。  相似文献   
略论史前聚落的萌芽与发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱耀鹏 《中原文物》2003,17(5):8-13
聚落作为人类重要的文化现象,普遍发达于新石器时代,但其本身也存在着一个漫长的发展过程。从世界范围来看,聚落的萌芽似应发端于晚期直立人以来的地面穴居现象,并随着房屋建筑、墓葬以及窖穴等诸多要素的相继出现而日渐复杂。至迟在旧石器时代晚期可能就逐渐开始形成了一些较为显著的聚落布局规划现象,为史前聚落的进一步发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   
钱存训 《文献》2002,(1):4-11
现在一般人都公认纸是中国古代四大发明之一,对人类文明产生了一定的影响.实际上,自从16世纪以来,西方学者如英国哲学家佛兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon,1561-1626)只列举印刷术、火药及指南针三大发明,纸并不在其中.  相似文献   
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