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葛明宇 《华夏考古》2012,(3):99-106,165,166
继徐州狮子山楚王陵及其陪葬兵马俑坑发掘之后,近年来考古工作者对其陵区内的陪葬墓区进行了全面的勘探调查,其中,在狮子山楚王陵北侧新近发现的羊龟山汉墓初步推断为王后墓葬。这些发现对进一步认识狮子山楚王陵的文物埋藏内涵和遗址分布特征,以及西汉楚王陵墓葬的整体布局与相关研究都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
中国历史文化名楼既有多层面建筑风采,也有浓郁的文化品位与人文情怀。一座名楼本身就是一个文脉遗产累积的过程,它所肩负的文化使命,延伸了城市生活的时空,丰富了城市文化的景观。名楼遗产无疑有益于人们用地域文化优势提升城市文明,用远久历史文脉延续城市文化,用名楼突出的普世价值激活城市活力,这是我们已经做了或正在努力的方向。如何让厚重的历史文化名楼重放异彩,不仅是领略建筑的精彩,更重要的是文化的魅力。然而今天的历史文化名楼面临着在城市规划中被"过度化",在城市品牌建设中被"低俗化"、在城市主体中被"离心化"的危机。我们需要围绕文物价值,文化品位和景观功能看待历史文化名楼,让它们更具魅力风采。  相似文献   
This study is aimed at investigating the demand on shear panel dampers (SPDs) installed in steel structures under strong earthquake motions to serve as guidance for the recommended capacity of SPDs in seismic design. For this purpose, an extensive dynamic analysis is carried out on steel bridge pier structures with SPD devices. To describe the restoring force characteristics of SPDs, the analysis uses a newly developed combined hardening model based on experimental data. The seismic demands made on SPD devices are examined and then summarized to give recommended values for determining the necessary deformation capacity of SPDs.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the standardized growth curve (SGC) method can be used to accurately determinate equivalent dose (De) and reduce measurement time. However, different opinions regarding the applicability of the SGC method exist. In this paper, we evaluated quartz OSL SGCs of marine and coastal sediments of different grain sizes and different cores in the south Bohai Sea in China, and tested their applicability to the determination of De values. Our results suggested as follows: (1) The SGC method is applicable to both multiple- and single-aliquot regenerative-dose (MAR and SAR) protocols of OSL dating and efficiently provides reliable estimates of De. (2) Finesand quartz of different palaeodoses showed highly similar dose-response curves and an SGC was developed, but old samples using the SGC method have large uncertainties. (3) For coarse-silt quartz, two different types of dose-response curves were recorded: low-dose (≤60Gy) and high-dose (≥100Gy). The growth curves of low-dose quartz were similar to each other, facilitating the use of SGC in De estimations, but errors tended to be larger than those obtained in the SAR method. For high-dose (100–300Gy) quartz, the SGC was also found to be reliable, but there was large uncertainty in De (>300Gy) estimation. We suggest that SGC could be employed for the dating of marine and coastal sediments dating using either MAR or SAR OSL protocol and either fine-silt, coarse-silt or fine-sand quartz.  相似文献   
高歌 《东南文化》2018,(2):46-56
江苏徐州兴化寺大雄宝殿之下的摩崖石刻造像共54龛,题记16方,分为五个区域,开凿于晚唐时期,窟龛规模较小,造像组合形式独特。造像题材中的毗沙门天王与密宗无关,是战神的形象,反映出当地百姓长期处于战乱状态下,寻求神灵护佑的心理安慰。  相似文献   
集体化时期广东省农村工业的发展历程说明:中国农村工业化的历史进程,不仅要注意到改革开放后乡镇企业的快速发展上,而且要考察集体化时期的农村工业化发展的历史。这其中包括:合作化与农村副业的兴起、社队企业与农村工业化的发展。全面梳理集体化和乡村工业之间的关系,能够为我们今天思索乡村的现代化之路提供借鉴。  相似文献   
高歌 《文博》2015,(2):102-109
云冈石窟中心柱的柱体结构与其它石窟中心柱的柱体结构有很大差异,这种差异体现在:云冈石窟的中心柱不再呈现出源于印度的覆钵式塔型,而是将中国传统的楼阁式塔与长方形柱体巧妙的结合在一起,本文则是探讨这种独特的中心柱柱体结构的佛教象征涵义。  相似文献   
In practice, correction fluid to mask text errors has been continuously in demand since papers began to be predominantly used since the late fourth century AD in ancient China. However, research on the trajectory of correction fluid composition has been largely overlooked and has not been revealed currently. In this study, a multianalytical approach was used to investigate a thin whiteout layer, used as correction fluids applied in 1890, on a book page from the famous Imperial Encyclopedia (1726 bronze-type repaint version). The results showed that the white layer was composed of hydrocerussite ((PbCO3)2·Pb (OH)2) in mixture with plant oil and a tiny portion of calcium carbonate, which had been applied to conceal the originally printed Chinese characters upon which they were rewritten in preparing photographic negatives for reprinting using photolithography. The analysis results also suggest that lead white was likely domestically made using a local lead ore source by the wet synthetic process. Considering the prolonged use of orpiment (As2S3) as a correction fluid ingredient in Chinese tradition, a trajectory to lead white suggests not only advances in pulping and papermaking technology but also a shift in cultural habits and aesthetic psychology in the late Qing Dynasty.  相似文献   
城镇土地定级与估价管理系统设计及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城镇土地定级与估价工作,需要大量的计算与制图,为了提高工作效率,避免重复输入,使数据共享,我们研制了集定级与估价为一体的管理系统。本文介绍了该系统的设计思想、结构、功能、特点及应用结果。  相似文献   
11世纪七八十年代 ,北宋逐渐形成一个介于国家 (皇权 )与民众(个人 )之间的士绅阶层 ,他们以思想与国家分庭抗礼 ,以文化权力抵消着政治权力 ,试图使文化重心与政治中心取得平衡。而这种文化权力为了与政治权力对抗 ,逐渐建构了一种超越一切甚至是皇权之上的“理” ,作为批评政治的理论根据。他们用重新叙述和解释过的“道统”说、“性情”说以及新的经典 ,建构一种高调的道德理想主义与温和的文化保守主义思路 ,这就是后来理学兴起的基本背景。由于在位官僚与赋闲官僚的趋向不同 ,现实策略与文化理想的思路矛盾 ,使中国出现了前所未有的“政统”与“道统”、“师”与“吏”、政治重心与文化重心的分离和对立。  相似文献   
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