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王菊 《丝绸之路》2011,(4):104-105
自博物馆免费开放以来,观众的参观热情非常高涨,一改往日门庭冷落的情况,等待参观的群众排起了长长的队伍。本文结合甘肃省博物馆的实际情况,对其观众来源特点做了分析。  相似文献   
居之芬 《民国档案》2008,(2):95-104
本文以详实的史料和证据,首次论述和比较了二次大战期间日本帝国主义与纳粹德国对占领区人民实施强制劳动罪行,在时间、强制劳动人数、政策演变与实施系统上的异同点;以便使人们更深刻地认识日本帝国主义在华强制劳动罪行的特点和本质。  相似文献   
巨国青 《收藏家》2008,(4):31-38
(一)1978年,一件元青花天马缠枝牡丹纹兽耳大盖罐(图1)曾在日本大阪市立美术馆一展峥嵘。30年来国内外学术界对其最完整的著录仅为:元青花“海马”牡丹纹兽耳盖罐,高41厘米。  相似文献   
This contribution reports on the results obtained from the 1980–7 research in the Kapthurin Formation (Baringo, Kenya) which aimed at the refinement of the chronology, stratigraphy and environmental evidence in order to establish a framework for the interpretation of the prehistoric sites. In 1966 a Late Acheulean industry with prepared-core technique and blade component, dated betweenca 0.82/0.64 myr and 0.23 myr had been described in the area concerned. All the sites belong to the middle Kapthurin formation which is situated in the Bruhnes normal polarity chron and has a lower limit of 0.58 myr. The upper limit of 0.23 myr could not be confirmed. The fauna is consistent with the available dating evidence. The sites are situated in a flat savanna landscape which was built up by a braided river system under slightly more humid conditions than the present climate. On some of the sites artifacts were found in association with palaeosoils. Although the interpretation of such assemblages must consider the impact of natural turbation processes, the palaeosoils provide exceptional conditions for comparing sites from the same phase of landscape stabilization. The present archaeological evidence suggests a sequence of Late Acheulean and Post-Acheulean (Sangoan?, Middle Stone Age) assemblages rather than the presence of one single industry as described previously. The relation between these assemblages and the two mandibles ofHomo sp. (aff.erectus) BK67 and BK8518 (found in 1966 and 1982) emphasizes the need for more research in the area.  相似文献   
甘肃省博物馆藏唐代"红地团窠对鸟纹锦",存在残缺、污染、糟朽等严重病害,急需进行保护修复。本工作在采用测色仪、便携式荧光光谱仪、数码相机、掌上便携式显微镜scalar等专业仪器对该纺织品文物进行无损分析检测。依据检测结果和纺织品保存现状制定了科学的保护修复方案,继而采用支撑法,选用风格相近的背衬面料进行缝合加固,并对修复难点等问题进行研究分析。修复后的织锦纹理清晰,丝线稳固,色泽协调,整体牢固度提高,达到了理想的保护修复效果。此成果对今后同类文物的保护修复具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
为探讨北京昌平沙河镇墓葬出土的三枚蜻蜓眼玻璃珠的质地和来源,利用X射线衍射分析(XRD)、激光拉曼光谱分析(LRS)、便携式能量色散X射线荧光分析(PXRF)三种无损分析方法,对玻璃珠基体和眼珠分别进行了结构和化学组成的无损伤测试。结果表明,这三枚蜻蜓眼珠的基质为玻璃态物质,其化学成分表明该玻璃属于钠钙硅酸盐(Na2OCaOSiO2)系统;Cu和Co是主要的着色元素。考虑到三枚珠子采用的钴料成分为高铁低锰的进口钴料,同时通过与国内外相似珠子的对比,推测这三枚蜻蜓眼玻璃珠是外国进口物的可能性较高。蜻蜓眼玻璃珠所在墓葬群虽为清代,但根据初步的分析研究可推断,墓主通过收藏或其他途径获得并将其作为随葬品。  相似文献   
Of the parasite eggs discovered in ancient samples from Korean archaeological sites, Paragonimus spp. are of particular importance in that they are regarded as one of the most insidious trematode infection sources. Although their infection prevalence decreased rapidly in the early 20th century, archaeoparasitological studies on the species are still required, as historical knowledge of paragonimiasis remains far from comprehensive. Fortunately, we recently were given a chance to examine a medieval Korean mummy in a good state of preservation. Using morphological techniques, we discovered evidence of ectopic paragonimiasis in the sample from the 17th-century female. When the ITS 2 gene was extracted, amplified and sequenced from Paragonimus eggs, it showed 100% homology to the sequences of modern Paragonimus westermani reported from Korea and Japan, forming a cluster distinct from South Asian P. westermani. Our report is the first-ever analysis of ancient Paragonimus DNA from any archaeological field in the world. The ectopic paragonimiasis diagnosis made in this study, especially involving the liver sample, also is the first of its kind in archaeoparasitology.  相似文献   
可居  懒禅 《中国钱币》2006,(3):79-79
陈元通宝背七,小平,对读。为近年新发现品种,出自越南。目前仅知两品(图1)。十多年前粤人苏瑞光氏于广西所得,后归可居先生宝藏,是泉生坑绿锈,精整完好(图2)。予今年春手拓,实物为传世品。查拓本两品分属两版,然笔意、制作大同小异。是泉阔缘薄肉,文字制作类安南陈朝(1225-1257)初期铸币,尤其“通”字与陈太宗建中通宝、政平通宝之文字宛如一人所书。安南陈朝开国于南宋理宗宝庆元年(1225),亡于明惠帝建文元年(1399)。陈太宗皇帝八岁建国,国号安南,年号建中,建中七年改元天应政平,十九年改元元丰,元丰七年崩。圣宗即位后,改元绍隆,此后因蒙…  相似文献   
数字材料是志书内容的重要组成部分,但首轮志书中的数字由于种种原因存在失实、浮夸的现象。第二轮修志要依法订正错误的统计数字,这关乎志书“信史”的地位。修订数字要按照《统计法》的规定,得到统计部门的认可。  相似文献   
"小云南"移民问题是目前社会和学术界争论十分激烈的问题,众说纷纭。本文经过梳理部分明清史籍,认为"小云南"就在今天云南祥云县附近,并对"小云南"研究中的其他问题进行分析。  相似文献   
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