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2006年初,在河南省地方史志优秀成果评奖会上,《濮阳市志》(以下简称《濮志》)荣获河南省史志优秀成果一等奖。全书6卷60篇,洋洋400余万字,纵贯上下5000年明史,于2005年由中州古籍出版社出版,犹如一股清新的风,感觉新意扑面而来。《濮志》是河南省唯一的一部两轮修志合一的志书,上承前志之精华,下聚续志各方之卓见,是当代史志园地中的一朵奇葩。[第一段]  相似文献   
现藏于河北曲阳北岳庙的唐李克用题名碑是李克用所书。唐中和五年(885年),幽州李克举等犯易定,李克用领兵救援时题字勒石于曲阳北岳庙,其内容可证史,并补史书之遗误。  相似文献   
The Qhapaq-Ñan Project promotes the integration of shared cultural values among six countries: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. These countries are collaborating to nominate the Main Andean Road or “Qhapaq-Ñan” for inclusion on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Although the participants envision local and Indian communities as the true beneficiaries of the project, and the archaeological effort is already under way, communities associated with the road have not been involved. (At the very moment we are editing this article (March 2007) Argentina is holding the first meeting about a project that is already five years old, with some of the Indian communities of the territories where the project will be carried out. The participation, however, was far below what we expected.). Following the guidelines of the World Archaeological Congress and the current emphasis of many heritage professionals on community participation, we strongly advise that these dynamics must be changed and that the program must be developed jointly with affected communities from the beginning of the project and not in subsequent steps, or (even worse) once the project already taken shape.  相似文献   
This paper records a conversation that took place on Thursday 23rd November 2006 at the Museo del Hombre de Antofagasta de la Sierra (Museum of Man of Antofagasta de la Sierra), Catamarca, Argentina. The conversation involved different research groups co-investigating, each formed by a student of archaeology and a member of the personnel of the museum and/or other areas of the culture of the municipality of Antofagasta de la Sierra. Each presented the state of his/her enquiry into a particular object in the museum collection. The task was to tie stories to objects: stories by the elders of the town, the people who had discovered the item, the personnel of the museum and the texts written by archaeologists. This paper focuses on the conversation with Ernestina Mamaní, about a stone slab by Antofagasta elder, Don Anacleto Cháves, which she and Laura Roda had chosen to research.
Résumé Cet article rapporte une conversation qui a eu lieu le jeudi 23 novembre 2006 au Museo del Hombre de Antofagasta de la Sierra (Musée de l'homme d'Antofagasta de la Sierra), Catamarca, Argentine. La conversation mettait en scène différents groupes de recherche travaillant conjointement, chacun constitué d’un étudiant en archéologie, d’un membre du personnel du musée et/ou d'autres secteurs du service de la Culture de la municipalité d'Antofagasta de la Sierra. Chacun a présenté l'état de ses recherches autour d’un objet particulier des collections de musée. Il s’agissait d’accoler des récits aux objets: histoires rapportées par les anciens du village, les personnes ayant découvert l'objet, le personnel du musée et les rapports écrits par les archéologues. Cet article relate particulièrement la conversation avec Ernestina Mamaní, au sujet d'une dalle de pierre faite par un ancien d'Antofagasta, Don Anacleto Cháves, qu’elle même et Laura Roda avaient choisie pour leur recherche.

Resumen Esta ponencia registra una conversación que sucedió el jueves 23 de noviembre de 2006 en el Museo del Hombre de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina. La conversación involucraba diferentes grupos de co-investigación, integrado por una estudiante de arqueología y un miembro del personal del museo y/o otras areas de cultura de la municipalidad de Antofagasta de la Sierra. Cada una presentaba el estado de su indagación acerca de un objeto particular de la colección del museo. La consigna era anudar historias a cada objeto, historias ofrecidas por los ancianos del pueblo, los descubridores de la pieza, el personal del museo y los textos escritos por arqueólogos. Esta ponencia se focaliza en la conversación con Ernestina Mamaní, sobre una laja encontrada por un vecino de Antofagasta, Don Anacleto Cháves, que ella y Laura Roda habían elegido para investigar.
We present the palaeopathological analysis of a right fourth metatarsal (ATD6‐124) recovered from the Atapuerca–Gran Dolina site (Spain). This fossil, ca. 1 Ma, belongs to Homo antecessor, the earliest known European hominin species. The metatarsal exhibits a proliferative lesion on its medial periosteal surface. Periosteal reaction can be the bone response to a wide number of injurious processes. We describe a lesion on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic analyses, including microtomography and scanning electron microscopy. Externally, the osteoblastic lesion presents a highly porotic and disorganised morphology. Internally, we observe a series of micro‐fractures on the compact bone that do not affect the medullary canal. We provide a differential diagnosis and suggest that the ATD6‐124 lesion could correspond to a pedal stress fracture, also known as fatigue or march fracture. Stress fractures have been related to a load increase and muscular fatigue. This type of fracture has been widely reported in the foot of soldiers and athletes, which are usually engaged in strenuous, excessive or prolonged locomotive activities. Despite its high frequency in these groups, stress fractures have not been reported as such in fossil collections, with the exception of a metatarsal belonging to the Sima de los Huesos site (Atapuerca). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于考古资料并结合前人研究成果,梳理了乡宁之鄂、沁阳之鄂、随州之鄂、南阳之鄂的地望变迁。西周早期为南控南淮夷、荆蛮,周封鄂于今随州。周夷王时,将鄂迁徙到今河南南阳市宛城区新店乡西鄂故城一带,周代南土防线亦随之收缩。约在春秋早期楚将南阳盆地纳入政治版图之时鄂国已消亡。战国中期前后,西鄂为楚封鄂君之地。垂沙之役后,鄂君东迁大冶鄂王城,始有东鄂。秦及汉初于东鄂故地设鄂县,其后又在南阳鄂国故地设县,因江夏先有鄂县,故称南阳之鄂为西鄂。湖北简称鄂与西周时期随州鄂国或南阳西鄂并无直接关系,而是与行政区划变迁及武昌九省通衢的地位日渐重要有关。武昌有“鄂”之别称,是湖北省简称鄂的直接原因。  相似文献   
尉迟寺出土陶鬶的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕琪昌 《江汉考古》2006,(1):38-43,93
史前陶鬶发展的主流看法是起源于海岱地区,然后向周围传播。但是,蒙城尉迟寺遗址出土的陶鬶现象给这种观点带来了难解的课题。本文通过对尉迟寺出土陶鬶的验证,再次肯定了陶鬶应该发源于太湖地区。并且,尉迟寺遗址也是陶鬶发展过程中的关键区域,为陶鬶的传播研究提供了宝贵的资料。  相似文献   
本文由胡适对晚清以来中国现代化进程的历史评价、中日现代化历史进程的比较研究两个层面,梳理和阐释了胡适对中日现代化进程问题研究的历史深度和理论贡献。胡适立足于中日两国历史的比较,进而归纳出两种截然不同的现代化反应类型:发散渗透型与中央控制型。在众说纷呈的抗战思想论观中,胡适独树一帜,其在抗战时期初步成型的中日现代化历史比较研究理论模型探讨,有着强烈的时代特征。胡适没有局限于对日本帝国主义侵略战争的一般性揭露,而是通过对长期流传的所谓日本现代化成功论的历史分析,揭示日本社会深层次的文化危机和历史困惑。胡适对19世纪中期以来尤其民国建立后中国现代化进程中所取得成绩的肯定,是其思想复杂性中占主要方面的一个认识;他所归纳的文化冲突的理论及规律模式,与他对近代中国现代化历史进程的阶段性成绩观察紧密关联,也为我们认识近代中国历史的诸多重大事件,提供了一个新颖而独特的历史新视角,其理论价值不容忽视。从胡适所已经尝试的由现代化视角进行中日现代化进程历史比较研究来看,抗日战争与中国现代化进程研究确是一个历史时期已存在的学术主题。笔者认为,此方面学术研究成果的继续挖掘,于当今的抗日战争研究,仍有启发意义。  相似文献   
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