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Reviews of Books     
Arthur Waldron. The Great Wall of China: From History to Myth. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. xiii, 296. $39.30 (us) Reviewed by John W. Dardess

Michael Mccormick. Eternal Victory: Triumphal Rulership in Late Antiquity, Byzantium and the Eariy Medieval West. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. xx, 454. $4950 (us) Reviewed by Jonathan Shepard

Sylvia Schein. Fideles Cruets: The Papacy, the West, and the Recovery of the Holy Land, 1274-1314. New York: The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press,1991. Pp. x, 310. $96.50 (CDN) Reviewed by James M. Powell

Donald M. Nicol. Byzantium and Venice: A Study in Diplomatic and Cultural Relations. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Pp. x, 465. $65.00(us). Reviewed by Irene B. Katele

Mikiso Hane. Premodem Japan: A Historical Survey. Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 1991. Pp. xii, 258. $45-oo (us), dodi; $15.95 (us). paper Reviewed by Karl F. Friday

Albert Hourani. A History of the Arab Peoples. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, 1991. Pp. xx, 551. $24.95 (us). Reviewed by Donald Malcolm Reid

Peter Brock. Freedom from Violence: Sectarian Nonresistance from the Middle Ages to the Great War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. Pp. x, 385.$5500 (CDN) Reviewed by Robert L. Holmes

Tom Scott and Bob Sckibner, eds. The German Peasants' War: A History in Documents. Atlantic Highlands, N.J. and London: Humanities Press International, 1991. Pp. xvii, 355. $60.00 (us) Reviewed by Thomas F. Sba

Bernard Bailyn and Philip D. Morgan, eds. Strangers within the Realm:Cultural Margins of the First British Empire. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1991. Pp. 456. $39.93 (us), clodi; $14.95 (us). paper Reviewed by Robert Olwell

George S. Keyes. Minor of Empire: Dutch Marine Art of the Seventeenth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. xiv, 444. $65.00 (us) Reviewed by J.R. Jones

Desmond Gregory. Minorca, the Illusory Prize: A History of the British Occupations of Minorca between 1708 and 1802. Rudierford: Farieigh Dickinson University Press; London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1989.Pp. 395- S38.50 (us) Reviewed by N.A.M. Rodger

Richard B. Sher and Jeffrey R. Smitten, eds. Scotland and America in the Age of the Enlightenment. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. Pp. xii,307. $4500 (us) Reviewed by Eric Richards

Kenneth J. Hagan. This People's Navy: The Making of American Sea Power. New York: Free Press (MacmiHan), 1991. Pp. xiii, 434. $27.95 (us) Reviewed by Anthony S. Nicolosi

William Jeffrey Welsh and David Curtis Skaggs, eds. War on the GreatLakes: Essays Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of the Battle of Lake Eric. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1991. Pp. vi, 154. $29.00 (us), clodi;$17.50 (us), paper Reviewed by Jane Errington

Eugene L. Rasok. British Naval History situe 1815: A Guide to the Literature. New York: Garland, 1990. Pp. xxi, 841. $90.00 (us) Reviewed by Bryan Ranft

Carl Van Dyke. Russian Imperial Military Doctrine and Education, 1832-1914. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1990. Pp. xvi, 193. $55.00 (us) Reviewed by Keith Neilson

Clive Moore, Jacquelin B. Leckie, and Doug Munbo, eds. Labour, in the South Pacific. Townsville: James Cook University of Northern Queensland,1990. Pp. li, 335- $30.00 (us) Reviewed by I.C. Campbell

William F. Sateh. The United States and the Americas: Chile and the United States: Empires in Conflict. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1990. Pp. xi,249. $30.00 (us), clodi; $15.00 (us), paper Reviewed by Brian Loveman

James Petras and Morris Morley. US Hegemony under Siege: Class, Politics and Development in Latin America. London: Verso, 1990. Pp. viii, 258. £32.95,doth; £10.95, paper Reviewed by Richard H. Collin

Frank Niess. A Hemisphere to Itself: A History of US-Latin American Relations, Tans. Harry Drost. London and New Jersey: Zed Press; dist. Adantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press International, 1990. Pp. xx, 229. $15.95us), paper Reviewed by Richard H. Collin

Frank Mcnitt. Navajo Wars: Military Campaigns, Slave Raids, and Reprisals. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1990. Pp. xv, 477. $18.50(us) Reviewed by Ted J. Warner

Richard Gray. Black Christians and White Missionaries. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1990. Pp. viii, 134. $20.00 (us) Reviewed by M.F.C. Bourdillon

Heinz Joachim Domnick. Der Krieg der Tripel-Allianz in der deutschen Historiographie uni Pubtizistik: Zur Erforschung des historischen Lateinamerikabildcsim 19. uni zo.Jahrhuniert. New York: Peter Lang, 1990. Pp. 291. $64.80 (us) Reviewed by Friedrich E. Schuller

John Kendle. Ireland and the Federal Solution: The Debate over the United Kingdom Constitution, 1870-1921. Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1989. Pp. vii, 295. $34.95 (CDN) Reviewed by Keith Jeffey

Andreas Osterhaus. Europäiscker Terraingewinn in Sckwarzafiica: Das Vcrkâltnisvon Presse und Verwaltung in seeks Kolonien Deutschtands, Frankreicks und Groβbritanniens von 1894 bis 1914. New York: Peter Lang, 1990. Pp. 521.$68.80 (us) Reviewed by J.K. Osterhammel

Brian Digre. Imperialism's New Clothes: The Repartition of Tropical Africa, 1914-1919. New York: Peter Lang, 1990. Pp. xiii, 225. $44.95 (us) Reviewed by J.K. Osterhammel

Elizabeth A. Muenger. The British Military Dikmma in Ireland: OccupationPolitics, 1886-1914. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1991. Pp. ix, 234.$29-95 (US) Reviewed by Ian E.W. Beckett

Haim Shamir, ed. France and Germany in an Age of Crisis 1900-1960: Studies in Memory of Chartes Bloch. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1990. Pp. vi, 411. $75.00 (us) Reviewed by Carole Fink

Samuel R. Williamson, JR. Austria and the Origins of the First World War. London: Macmillan, 1991. Pp. xviii, 272. £35.00, cloth; £9.99, paper Reviewed by F.R. Bridge

Dennis E. Showaltek. Tannenberg: Clash of Empires. Hamden, Conn.:Archon Books, 1991. Pp. vii, 419. $42.50 (us) Reviewed by John W. Steinberg

Denis Winter. Haig's Command: A Reassessment. London: Viking, 1991. Pp.36a. £18.99 Reviewed by Gerard J. De Groot

Louis P. Cassimatis. American Influence in Greece, 1917-1929. Kent, Ohio:Kent State University Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 300. $25.00 (us) Reviewed by Mark Mazower

Houshang Sabahi. British Policy in Persia 1918-1925. London: Frank Cats,1990. Pp. 269. £30.00 Reviewed by J.R. Ferris

Barry Eichencreen. Elusive Stability: Essays in the History of International Finance, 1919-1939. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. xi, 335.$49-95 (us) Reviewed by Sheila M. Rimmer

Norman Ingram. The Politics of Dissent: Pacifism in France 1910-1939. New York: The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. x, 366.$100.00 (CDN) Reviwied by Robert J. Young

Marc Raeff. Russia Abroad: A Cultural History of the Russian Emigration, 1919-1039. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. Pp. viii, 239. $41.95 (CDN) Reviewed by T.R. Ravindranathan

Stephen J. Valons. 'A Policy Calculated to Benefit China': The United States and the China Arms Embargo, 1919-1929. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1991.Pp. xxii, 155. $39.95 (us) Reviewed by Paul A. Varg

Michael J. Nozinski. Outrage at Uncheng: China Enters the Twentieth Century. Scarborough, Ont.: Glenbridge Publishing, 1991. Pp. xxiii, 243. $28.95(CDN) Reviewed by Nicholas R. Clifford

Chalmers Johnson. An Instance of Treason: Ozaki Hotsumi and the Sorge Spy Ring. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1990. Pp. 324. $39.50 (us),cloth; $12.95 (us), paper Reviewed by Hilary Conroy

Robert Allan Doughty. The Breaking Point: Sedan and the Fall of France, 1940. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press, 199a Pp. xiv, 374. $39.50 (us) Reviewed by S.P. MacKenzie

Arthur J. Marder, Mark Jacobsen, and John Horsfibld. Old Friends New Enemies: The Royal Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy: Volume II: The Pacific War, 1942-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. Pp. xxx, 6a 1.$60.00 (us) Reviewed by Andrew Lambert

Mawb-Luisb Reckbr. Die Aussenpolitik des Dritten Retches. Munich: R.Oldenbourg Vedag, 1990. Pp. viii, 135. DM28 Reviewed by Robert Gellately

Alison R. Bernstein. American Indians and World War II: Toward a New Erain Indian Affairs. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.Pp. xiv, 247. $21.95 (us) Reviewed by Ted J. Warner

M.R.D. Foot, ed. Holland at War against Hitler. London: Frank Cass, 1990.Pp. XX, 258.,£2500 Reviewed by Werner Warmbrunn

Ann Trotter. New Zealand and Japan 1945-1932: The Occupation and the Peace Treaty. London and Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Athlone Press, 199a Pp. viii,231-U99S (us) Reviewed by Michael Schaller

Michael Wala. Winning the Peace: Amerikanische Aussenpolitik uni der Councilon Foreign Relations, 1945-1950. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1990. Pp. 331.DM68 Reviewed by Thomas Alan Schwartz

Douglas Stuaht and William Tow. The Limits of Alliance: NATO Out-of-Area Problems since 1949. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990. Pp. x, 383. $42.50 (us) Reviewed by Don M. Cregier

Thomas Alan Schwartz. America's Germany: John. McCloy and the Federal Republic of Germany. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1991. Pp. xiii, 404. $29.95 (us) Reviewed by Lloyd E. Ambrosius

David L. Anderson. Trapped by Success: The Eisenhower Administration and Vietnam, 1953-1961. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991. Pp. xv,276. $39.50(us) Reviewed by H.W. Brands

Douglas Pike, ed. The Bunker Papers: Reports to the President fiom Vietnam, 1967-1973. Berkeley: University of California, Institute of East Asian Studies,1990. Pp. 899. $35.00 (us) Reviewed by Wallace J. Thies

Ebekhard Kienle. Bath v. Ba'th: The Conflict between Syria and Iraq 1968-1989. London: 1 3. Tauris, 1990. Pp. 238.,£29.95 Reviewed by Raymond A. Hinnebaush

John O. Crane and Sylvia Crane. Czechoslovakia: Anvil of the Cold War, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1991. Pp. xxvi, 352. $45.00 (us) Reviewed by Radomir V. luza

Keith Neilson and Ronald G. Haycock, eds. The Cold War and Defense. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1990. Pp. vi, 206. (45.00 (us) Reviewed by Robert M. Hathaway

John B. Hattendorf and Malcolm H. Murfftt, eds. The Limitations of Military Power: Essays Presented to Professor Norman Gibbs on his Eightieth Birthday. London: Macrmullan, 1990. Pp. xx, 242.,£40.00 Reviewed by Wesley K. Wark

Kenneth C. Allard. Command, Control, and the Common Defense. NewHaven and London: Yale University Press, 1990. Pp. xiii, 317. $25.00 (us) Reviewed by Terry Copp

J.L. Gsanatstein And Robert Bothwell. Pirouette: Pierre Trudeau andCanadian Foreign Policy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. Pp. xiv,477- $35-00 (CDN) Reviewed by Thomas Keating

Roger E. Kan Et And Edward A. Kolodziej, eds. The Cold War asCooperation: Superpower Cooperation in Regional Conflict Management. London:Macmillan, 1991. Pp. xv, 439. £4.5.00 Reviewed by Wesley T. Wooley

Carl G. Jacobsen, ed. Strategic Power: USA/USSR. London: Macmillan,1990. Pp. xxiii, 519. £i9-99 Reviewed by Robert Malcolmson

Robert C. North. War, Peace, Survival: Global Politics and Conceptual Synthesis. Boulder, Col. and Oxford: Westview Press, 1990. Pp. xii, 298.$48.50 (us), cloth; $17-95 (us), paper Reviewed by Stephen Pelz

Eugene Sochor. The Politics of International Aviation. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1991. Pp. xix, 288. $36.00 (us) Reviewed by Richard C. Thornton  相似文献   
This paper examines the wider effects of inward foreign directinvestment (FDI) to the UK on improving the practices and competitivenessof domestic industry. Surveyed domestic suppliers, competitors,and customers to foreign investors reported extensive positiveimpacts on their practices, focused particularly on reductionsin X-inefficiencies, and on their competitiveness, althoughin the case of competitors benefits had to be balanced againstadverse effects. Knowledge transfers through personal contactsand the demonstration effect, were important to the transmissionof impacts, but a number of other channels were also important,including additional supplier sales, improved customer inputs,and the competitive spur. Regional policymakers should takethese wider benefits into account in the design of policiesfor attracting and embedding foreign investment. However, whilstthere was no evidence that foreign firms in assisted regionshad fewer benefits than those in core regions, there was a lotof leakage outside of the areas attracting foreign firms, suggestingthat policies to promote spillovers should not be developedentirely in a local or regional framework.  相似文献   
Traditional infrastructure evaluation focuses primarily on technical criteria, such as the completion of a designated, interconnected system of facilities or a particular project's capacity to reduce costs borne by suppliers or end users. In the contemporary policymaking environment, however, nontechnical criteria are often of great importance in determining the success or failure of a particular infrastructure enterprise. Institutional considerations, for example, can often delay the implementation of a project or undermine its effectiveness. This paper examines the importance of non-technical criteria in infrastructure evaluation through a case study of the implementation of a major highway investment program in advanced communication and control technologies, known as intelligent vehicle -highway systems (IVHS). The case study focuses on the role of institutional issues as well as environmental issues, in the implementation of IVHS in the US. surface transportation system. The case emphasizes, first, the significance of institutional and environmental issues, and second, mechanisms for evaluating these issues in the context of a major infrastructure investment program.  相似文献   
When discussing positivism today, it almost systematically falls into the realm of epistemological discourse. This discursive turn is primarily the by-product of the social sciences’ now-traditional approach to positivism—a turn which has been seen as largely dismissive of positivism for its antiquated and reductionist approaches to research. Without trying to make an apologetic account of positivism, this article reframes it in its broader social and historical dimensions. In particular, this article aims to illustrate how positivism—as a social and political movement—conveyed a cultural policy. In other words, this article attempts to re-engage with the intellectual legacy of positivism to resituate its significance in cultural and artistic terms in French culture, society and beyond. By drawing on the notion of implicit cultural policy, this article retraces the steps of positivism and specifically builds a case for its influence on French cultural policy in the Third Republic.  相似文献   
Katsinam (plural of katsina) are effigies central to the religion of the Hopi people of northern Arizona in the United States. Since 2013 the Hopi have sought the return of katsinam being sold in French auction houses. The Hopi have employed a series of legal actions to stop the auctions. All such actions, however, have been consistently denied by French courts. This paper uses social science analysis to understand why the legal actions of the Hopi failed. This paper treats the case of the katsinam as a cautionary lesson in cultural heritage studies, with the goal of drawing insights that can inform other situations involving the repatriation of Indigenous cultural heritage.  相似文献   
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