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吕馨 《南方文物》2012,(1):95-99
在众多辽代墓葬中发现的随葬金属面具与网络极大地激起了人们研究的兴趣。目前学界关于契丹族金属面具与网络的随葬这种葬俗的起源还没有统一的定论,主要有以下六种学说,它们分别是萨满教说,下嫁到萧氏皇家女子专用说,佛教说,金缕玉衣说,树葬说以及东胡说。同时,笔者认为唐代西域胡人覆面缠裹的习俗对契丹葬俗形成是起了很大作用的。综上所述,辽代的金属面具与网络正是这些因素共同碰撞的产物。  相似文献   
与王韬、康有为、梁启超等人主要基于日本学者的二手著作而形成的法国大革命观不同,严复的法国大革命观与斯宾塞、柏克、托克维尔、雨果等人密切相关,呈现出直接的地道的西方渊源,他对法国大革命的研究是广泛和深入的,所关注的问题也颇有价值和意义,学理色彩浓重。  相似文献   
辛龙 《文博》2011,(2):52-54
花萼相辉楼是唐玄宗时期建造的重要建筑,所建目的最初为联络兄弟感情,宴饮,随着开元二十四年的扩建,其又逐渐具备了举行大型宴会,组织文武举人考试的功能。  相似文献   
全站仪代码对测量数据分类管理有非常重要的作用,本文根据坑南遗址发现的遗迹和遗物的数据属性,编制了一套代码,将其运用于实际测量中。并提出代码编制中的注意事项。  相似文献   
褚馨 《东南文化》2011,(5):82-90
上海博物馆的白玉龙纹鲜卑头的形制起源于北方游牧民族的青铜牌饰,工艺上仿制同时期的金银器,同时采用了中原汉民族喜爱的玉料和纹样。汉晋时期金玉带扣的外形经历了由长方形到前椭后方形的转变;同时,这一时期金玉带扣的材料、制作工艺及设计上也反映了胡汉文化的交流与融合。  相似文献   
This study proposes a method for selecting ground motions from a ground motion library with response spectra that match the target response spectrum mean, variance, and correlation structures. The proposed method is conceptually simple and straightforward. In this method, a desired number of ground motions are sequentially selected from first to last. The accuracy and consistency of the proposed method are verified through comparisons of the ground motions selected using the proposed method with those selected using conventional methods. This study shows that the seismic responses of the frames vary according to ground motion selection and correlation structures.  相似文献   
In this paper, we studied the thermal history of a clay core sample from one leg of a bronze tripod unearthed at Daxinzhuang Site, Shandong, China. The properties of the luminescence signals of quartz depend on the maximum temperature at which the quartz was annealed in the past. We examined the feasibility of measuring the thermoluminescence (TL) sensitivity change of quartz for exploring the firing temperature of archaeological materials. The sensitization factor of the 110°C TL peak (S2/S1) and the ratio of the 210°C TL peak to the 110°C TL peak at different annealing temperatures were utilized to unveil the firing temperature in the clay core sample. The firing temperature of the clay core sample was approximately 700°C–800°C, proving the clay core has been fired. This result proved that the clay core has been fired by human agencies and indicated on the temperature of the clay core in drying and firing given by the foundry workers before the actual casting step.  相似文献   
唐代墓葬陪葬俑、石质葬具与壁画出现一些女性披袍形象,亦见于敦煌、新疆等佛教洞窟壁画,披袍形制、装饰展现出多元文化交融特征,属于广义胡服体系,在北朝至隋唐时期女性易装背景下,反映了这一时期女性身份与地位的变化、女性服饰中西域文化的影响以及胡汉交融之性别重构与意义。  相似文献   
明清以降,滇池在岁修制度下常年疏浚海口,水域范围基本稳定,但受季风气候影响,其水位存在明显季节性变化,夏秋上涨,冬春下降,主要表现为沿岸低田在雨季即周期性被湖水淹没的特点。随着滇池流域坝田开发趋于饱和,滇池沿岸低田的深水稻“水涨谷”,在明清之际逐步系统种植,实现滨湖低田稻作与滇池水位季节性变化的生态耦合。这种局面到20世纪60年代末彻底改变,入滇河道上游大小水库的修建,使滨湖低田逐渐干田化,水涨谷生长的水域环境发生变化。观察滇池水域环境与稻作生态互动的关系,发现当区域环境呈现出长时段的规律性变化,就可能变“害”为“利”,这是人与自然相处中适应并利用自然的智慧展现。  相似文献   
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