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明代洪武时期,景德镇开始设立御窑烧造宫廷用瓷,因此,对这批洪武瓷的研究一直是人们关注的问题。采用能量色散X荧光分析方法对景德镇和南京出土的数件洪武瓷样品作胎釉成分无损测试。结果表明,明洪武不同品种瓷器采用的釉料不同;官窑洪武青花瓷和蓝釉瓷的色料采用了低锰高铁特征的钴料;洪武瓷胎料使用了二元配方。  相似文献   
从1901年《辛丑条约》签订到1911年辛亥革命爆发是清朝统治的最后十年。这十年中,民族危机和社会危机日益加深,清朝统治集团为了维护其根本利益,采取了废科举、兴学堂、发展交通、改进司法制度等改革措施;还宣布预备立宪,各省相继设立了谘议局;1908年又颁布《钦定宪法大纲》。然而,清政府打着开办新政的旗号,增捐加税,横征暴敛,对民众进行无休止的掠夺,将专注于工商业的国内立宪派也推到了自己的对立面。辛亥革命前夕,清朝统治集团对外一味屈从,其政治腐败已到无可救药的地步,最终为民众所共弃,它的覆灭是必然的,谁也挽救不了。那种一厢情愿地认为,如果让清朝政府继续存在下去,稳步地有秩序地进行改革,中国的现代化将会来得更快些的说法,终究是“纸上文章”,“不当不实”。  相似文献   
辽阳博物馆收藏有两件1988年出土于辽阳市太子河区东京陵乡石嘴山汉墓中的西汉刻铭铜器,其中的铜魁应为铜承盘,与同墓出土的铜熏炉是一组器物。两件铜器所刻铭文为研究汉代计量提供了实物资料,也反映了汉代辽阳地区与内地的经济交往。  相似文献   
金以林 《民国档案》2007,8(1):117-125
自1927年宁汉分裂到1931年宁粤对峙的数年间,国民党内爆发了数次反蒋战争,陈铭枢都以自身实力鼎力拥护蒋介石,成为非蒋嫡系的地方实力派中独一无二的挺蒋劲旅。特别是在宁粤对峙期间,国民党内粤籍领袖几乎全部投入反蒋阵营,唯有陈铭枢率领的这支以粤人为主的第十九路军,公开支持蒋介石,助蒋稳定权力,立下汗马功劳。以往对陈铭枢的研究多集中在福建事变的反蒋活动,而缺少对此前陈氏政治活动的探讨,即使在他个人回忆录中对此也语焉不详。本文主要依靠档案文献,力图重现此段历史真实。  相似文献   
对中国当代金银币的统计与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自1979年中国发行当代第一套金币——纪念中华人民共和国成立30周年纪念币开始,至2005年为止,当代金银币已发行了27年。中国当代金银币的发行丰富了中国货币的品种,通过这些货币展示、宣传了我国的政治事件、历史人物、艺术文化、科学技术、自然风光、民俗民风等。当代金银币作为中华人民共和国货币的组成部分,作为向国内外公开发行的重要货币品种,作为受到人们重视的收藏、投资门类,金银币的设计、生产、发行受到社会很大的关注。  相似文献   
本文通过对首轮10部县志有关艺文内容设置的统计,指出首轮修志在艺文志设置方面的缺憾,并从历代史志学家的主张及修志传统、新方志的功能等方面论述了设置艺文志的重要性。作者还进一步论述了编纂艺文志须从征、象、亲、本四方面加以把握。  相似文献   
我国有约200万朝鲜族,绝大多数居住在东北三省,约63%的人又集中在中朝、中俄边境,他们中有不少人与朝鲜、韩国、俄罗斯、日本、美国等国家的朝鲜人保持着密切的联系。改革开放以来,特别是"兴边富民行动"实施以来,边疆地区的朝鲜族充分利用海外的广泛联系,发挥人缘、地缘、文缘优势,积极引进国外资金、技术、先进经营管理经验,促进对外贸易、对外劳务合作和边境贸易,并努力发展民族地区经济,在"兴边富民行动"中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines an unusual type of ‘cultural theme park’, one that is not based on simulating existing cultural diversity or historical places, but based in some senses on a ‘double simulation’. The theme park is based on an historical painting assumed to represent the North Song Dynasty period in Kaifeng, China; however, it is a representation that historians argue may never have existed. Utilising on-site interviews and participant observation, this paper traces the connections between the classic painting (清明上河图) and the actual historical landscape of Bianjing (the first simulation), and in so doing, unravels the links between the painting and the theme park (the second simulation) and the simulacra that are envisioned to form within the spaces of the theme park as a result of the interplay of simulations during theme park visits. The simulations and intended simulacra are ‘consumed’ to various degrees, suggesting that the representations of Kaifeng's historical past and culture have been impactful and (in)authenticity has not been an issue. Moreover, the theme park has served to entertain and, in some cases, inspire through playful appropriations of Kaifeng's past and culture. The resultant simulacra and its double simulations (in simulating both the real Bianjing and the neo-real landscape painting) contrast and simultaneously connect with rampant replications of the Occident in contemporary Chinese residential landscapes, townships and themed spaces.  相似文献   
This paper traces a much overlooked historical event, whose impacts threatened to upend the status quo in the Far East and potentially escalate the Anglo-Russian rivalry in Eurasia. With the occupation of Port Hamilton (Geomundo) by a hegemon, Britain, Korea was catapulted into the centre stage of the international system, where it garnered unprecedented attention from major powers. It was also during this period that neutralisation was contemplated both within and without Korea. By exploring this incident through contemporary neutralisation discourse, this work illustrates neutralisation's role in providing an analytical framework to assess the geopolitical importance of this incident in international relations. After suffering a crushing defeat in the Crimean War, Russia was forced to modify its designs in the Mediterranean and adjust itself to a new regional order. Since its room for manoeuvre was constrained by its chief rival, Britain, the Russian government was forced to tread more cautiously in European geopolitics and to refrain from military means in advancing its interests there. Similarly, the British offensive on Geomundo thwarted Russian expansion into the Far East and denied Russia access to the Pacific, allowing Britain to repeat the feat that it had achieved in the Crimean War.  相似文献   
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