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忠烈祠是国民政府为祭祀在战争中为国家忠勇牺牲的官兵和民众的神圣场所.国民党江苏省地方各县市筹建忠烈祠的活动经历了抗战胜利前后两个不同的历史时期.国民政府根据变化了的社会、政治环境,对忠烈祠功能进行了有利于自身利益的诠释.忠烈祠功能的嬗变,使民众与政府之间在国家象征体系的构造上,产生了或互补、或冲突的关系.这对江苏地方忠烈祠的筹建产生了深层影响,从而导致前后两个时期不同的建祠结果.  相似文献   
全站仪代码对测量数据分类管理有非常重要的作用,本文根据坑南遗址发现的遗迹和遗物的数据属性,编制了一套代码,将其运用于实际测量中。并提出代码编制中的注意事项。  相似文献   
汉魏之际的历史变迁杂而多端,但在表层的历史运动之下始终潜伏着一条宗教神学的隐线索。曹操收编太平道、抚接五斗米道势力,集中控制方士,乃至挟天子,目的皆在暗争天命。曹魏欣赏曹操真人之号,具有同样的宗教政治内涵。曹操一生所经营之天命在吾的魏氏圣化大业,随曹丕黄初元年受禅而得实现。从曹操势力兴起以至汉魏禅代,其间许多重大历史事件与原始道教牵涉至深。  相似文献   
自唐宋迄明清,甘肃地区历来是茶马互市的主要地区。甘肃南部地区山川密布、古道纵横、风景殊绝、文化绚烂,堪与滇藏、川藏线茶马古道相媲美。本文主要就明清时期甘肃地区的茶马互市及茶马古道作一简要介绍。  相似文献   
2010年2月27日至3月4日,欧洲科学基金会(European Science Foundation,简称ESF)和日本学术振兴会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,简称JSPS)在日本福冈联合主办题为"欧亚帝国的接触地带"("Contact Zones of Empires in Asia and Europe:Complexity,Contingency,Causality")的国际学术研讨会。2月28日,大会邀请九州大学名誉教授、九州历史博物馆馆长西谷正先生(Tadashi Nishitani)发表题为"汉帝国与东亚世界"的主题演讲①。西谷正先生的演讲以日本福冈志贺岛出土的"汉委奴国王"金印、朝鲜平壤贞柏洞出土的"夫租君"银印、中国云南石寨山出土的"滇王之印"和江苏甘泉出土的"广陵王玺"金印等为线索,以汉王朝的册封制度为视角,对汉帝国与周边政权的外交关系作了全面探讨,引起与会学者的关注。承蒙西谷正教授面允,笔者将演讲稿由英文转译成中文,以飨国内读者。需要说明的是,演讲稿原文无注释,为方便读者,译者对演讲稿所涉及的古代文献和考古资料一一作了注解,中国学...  相似文献   
This study proposes a method for selecting ground motions from a ground motion library with response spectra that match the target response spectrum mean, variance, and correlation structures. The proposed method is conceptually simple and straightforward. In this method, a desired number of ground motions are sequentially selected from first to last. The accuracy and consistency of the proposed method are verified through comparisons of the ground motions selected using the proposed method with those selected using conventional methods. This study shows that the seismic responses of the frames vary according to ground motion selection and correlation structures.  相似文献   
In this paper, we studied the thermal history of a clay core sample from one leg of a bronze tripod unearthed at Daxinzhuang Site, Shandong, China. The properties of the luminescence signals of quartz depend on the maximum temperature at which the quartz was annealed in the past. We examined the feasibility of measuring the thermoluminescence (TL) sensitivity change of quartz for exploring the firing temperature of archaeological materials. The sensitization factor of the 110°C TL peak (S2/S1) and the ratio of the 210°C TL peak to the 110°C TL peak at different annealing temperatures were utilized to unveil the firing temperature in the clay core sample. The firing temperature of the clay core sample was approximately 700°C–800°C, proving the clay core has been fired. This result proved that the clay core has been fired by human agencies and indicated on the temperature of the clay core in drying and firing given by the foundry workers before the actual casting step.  相似文献   
五龙宫遗址是"武当山古建筑群"的重要组成部分,提出该遗址保护规划设想,期望更为深入地探讨该遗址保护规划问题。论文分析了该遗址现状特征:主殿已修复,废墟规模较大,历史沧桑感深厚,且拥有世外桃源般的环境,具有独特的历史与景观价值;提出了保持基本现状不变、局部修复九曲墙与北道院、停车场设置在较远处等保护规划设想,以期保护该遗址独特的历史与景观价值不受损害。  相似文献   
唐代墓葬陪葬俑、石质葬具与壁画出现一些女性披袍形象,亦见于敦煌、新疆等佛教洞窟壁画,披袍形制、装饰展现出多元文化交融特征,属于广义胡服体系,在北朝至隋唐时期女性易装背景下,反映了这一时期女性身份与地位的变化、女性服饰中西域文化的影响以及胡汉交融之性别重构与意义。  相似文献   
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