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刘晓 《安徽史学》2021,(3):46-57
顺天张柔为蒙古政权治下的汉人世侯之一.蒙(元)宋对峙期间,张柔率部长期驻扎亳州,负责对南宋作战,亳州成为荟萃各地汉军的屯兵重地,张柔、张弘略父子先后任亳州万户,统一进行指挥.李璮之乱后,张氏失去对亳州军团的指挥权.此后,亳州军团逐渐分化出众多汉军万户,张氏嫡系部队亦被拆分.元灭南宋后,重组军队,张氏嫡系部队定名为"保定万户府",由参与灭宋有功的张柔子张弘范及其后人世袭万户.保定万户府先是驻守建康、太平,后移驻武昌,成为湖广行省的镇戍军主力之一.  相似文献   
张琳  谌骁  杨毅 《东南文化》2018,(2):112-118
博物馆作为展示文化遗产、普及文化教育、满足文化需求的社会机构在中国发展迅速,国家也鼓励其与相关产业融合创新、开发衍生产品以提升发展能力。文化授权作为激活文化资源潜能和博物馆文化产业发展创新的重要方式,在国内外文博产业中得到广泛应用。博物馆文化授权具体涵括图像授权、出版品授权、品牌授权等类型,也包括直接授权、委托授权、综合授权三种模式。博物馆文化授权存在一定的风险,要通过整合资源、发布信息、签订合同、监管过程和协同运营等具体路径更好地实施授权,以实现博物馆整体价值的提升和公共文化消费需求的满足。  相似文献   
张晓  董乾坤 《安徽史学》2018,(4):121-128
徽州向以历史文献丰富著称,这些文献为我们了解复原徽州历史提供了充分的信息。然而,文献在记录编纂过程中,对徽州历史往往会重新书写塑造,这与多重因素相关,其中宗族、士绅的作用尤为重要。胡曈、胡学父子作为婺源、祁门胡氏的始迁祖,从南宋晚期被写入族谱,到明代晚期进入地方志,经过了一个漫长的过程,其间可以窥见徽州宗族发展、土绅认同与重塑地方史的密切关联。  相似文献   
抗战时期,为推行国民教育,江西保学在经费筹集、师资培训、教师待遇、教学方法和校舍与设备等方面进行了充实与改进,使保学得到迅速发展。战时的保学教育,虽存在经费缺乏、教师待遇低等不足,但它注重民众教育,积极宣传抗战。保学教育在提高民众识字水平和认知能力的同时,培养了民众爱国、爱家乡的情感和仇恨侵略者、敌视汉奸卖国贼的态度,对唤起民众保家卫国起了积极作用。  相似文献   
2006年4~7月,为配合河北省南水北调中线天津干渠工程建设,内蒙古文物考古研究所、涿州市文物保管所及中央民族大学民族学与社会学学院博物馆学专业合作,对容城县容城镇北城村遗址进行了发掘,发现了金元明时期和新石器时代两个阶段的文化遗存,其中新石器时代文化遗存最为丰富,是这次发掘最重要的收获。从所发现的新石器时代遗迹、遗物特征判断,其文化面貌与后冈一期文化较接近,可能属于向后冈一期文化过渡的阶段,时代似当新石器时代中早期。它的发现为冀中平原乃至华北地区新石器时代早期中期文化发展演变提供了新的材料,并有助于推进这一地区早期不同文化之间相互关系的研究。  相似文献   
Crime has been one of the notorious public threats in cities. Fortunately, the increasing digital crime data provide great opportunities to analyze and control crime incidents. However, studies that predict the risk of crime exposure for an individual’s spatiotemporal paths based on historical crime big data are still limited. In this study, we have proposed the crime risk index (CRI) for spatiotemporal trajectory and built a model to estimate the CRI. Furthermore, an online crime risk analysis platform has been developed based on the model. First, we proposed a multi-scale tile system and a novel algorithm to estimate trajectory-based CRI using big historical crime data and entropy-based weighting. Second, we created a web-based platform that allows users to provide a spatiotemporal trajectory and estimate the crime risk for such trajectory. We conducted several experiments based on the crime data in Detroit. Results demonstrate the practicability and generalizability of our platform. The proposed model and platform can be applied to multiple cities, providing useful references for crime information and public safety.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the study of simulations for spatially variable seismic underground motions in U-shaped canyons. First, a canyon ground cross-coherence function based on commonly used coherence function models of flat terrain, is deduced and presented. To further obtain the underground cross-coherence function, a mathematical expression, including its specific deduction process for describing the relationship between coherence functions of multi-support ground and underground motions, is also given in detail and adopted. Then, the key factors (i.e. canyon underground power spectrum density and canyon underground coherence function) for simulating the spatially variable seismic underground motions are obtained by a two-step transferring method from flat-ground to underground soil. Furthermore, a program is coded for generating the spatially variable seismic underground motions. The effectiveness of the generated seismic motions is further verified. Finally, two numerical examples are taken to validate the proposed simulation approach, illustrating the specific characteristics of canyon coherence function. The analysis results show the apparent differences of the simulated seismic motions using the canyon coherence function from those using conventional coherence function models of flat terrain. The proposed approach provides some insights for anti-earthquake analysis of soil-structure interaction or underground structures in canyon topography.  相似文献   
From central place to central flow theory: an exploration of urban catering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The research shift from central place theory to central flow theory has demonstrated the influence of information technology on cities. The study explores this shift at the city scale of urban catering industry in Nanjing, China. A comprehensive set of indicators of E-WoM for the catering industry has been established. Based on this, the spatial distribution patterns of catering industry in Nanjing, China have been discussed to examine the relationship of restaurants distribution and the central place theory or the central flow theory using a data analytical approach. The results revealed that the spatial distribution of restaurants’ density in Nanjing follows a traditional central place theory, but the spatial distribution of restaurants’ E-WoM in Nanjing rather follows the central flow theory. In addition, different characteristics could be found in different types of restaurants’ E-WoM distribution. Mainstream cuisine follows central place theory but is inconsistent in urban business districts, which demonstrate some characteristics of central flow theory. The distribution of E-WoM of non-mainstream cuisine is similar to the E-WoM distribution of overall restaurants, showing a central flow pattern. Finally, the implications of the study are drawn.  相似文献   
历史街区的保护已经受到我国城市政府的高度重视,然而在历史街区的保护中,街区衰败的现象屡见不鲜。为探究历史街区衰败的原因,本文以常熟市的历史街区为例,分析了物质空间衰落、基础设施匮乏及社会空间边缘化的街区衰败问题。研究也发现历史街区衰败的原因在于政府决策困境、产权关系复杂和多头管理带来价值差异等。为此,研究建议在今后的街区保护工作中,要考虑当地居民的需求,而社会舆论也应当对历史街区改造更加包容。同时,政府部门也要建立跨部门的协调机制,探索"接地气"的改造方案。  相似文献   
陈潇 《收藏家》2010,(9):79-82
粉彩瓷器,是景德镇陶瓷工匠在五彩瓷器的基础上及珐琅彩工艺的影响下,于清代康熙中期创烧而成。由于粉彩瓷器工艺精美细腻、色彩浓淡相宜,因此深受人们的喜爱。  相似文献   
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