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魏晋南北朝社会长期分裂对峙,但北方农业仍在向前发展:一、耕作工具和耕作技术有了大的进步,牛耕得到广泛普及,畜力耙及牵引软套都被发明出来,传统的耕一耙一耱北方旱田耕作体系形成。二、继承汉代精耕细作的传统,强调“宁可少好,不可多恶”,发展区种法,重视提高单位面积效益。三、农业中畜牧成分增加,是北方农业适应外部变化的一次重大产业结构调整,有利于农业增收和土地利用率的提高。总体看来,是进大于退。  相似文献   
民国时期苏北水灾灾况简述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘涛 《民国档案》1998,(4):108-110
历史上苏北人民长期不能摆脱天灾和人祸这两种灾难带来的苦厄命运,有兵燹之灾以及一系列的自然灾害,诸如水灾、旱灾、蝗灾等等。其中又尤以洪魔肆虐为甚,或为黄河泛滥夺淮入海、或为暴雨引起山洪暴发、或为飓风海啸致灾,不一而足。民国时期,苏北地区水灾的发生更为频繁,给苏北人民带来的损失与苦难更为深重,每次大水过后,哀鸿遍野,死亡枕藉,其状惨不忍睹。  相似文献   

Growing in number in the last two decades, rural migrant workers in China have completed intergenerational replacement, and young migrants have become a principal part of the migrant population. However, the process of such intergenerational reproduction has not been thoroughly examined. Based on field studies in the Chinese countryside, this paper analyzes the mechanisms of intergenerational reproduction of rural migrants from the perspective of rural communities, families, and school education. “Left-behind” rural communities, their migration-oriented social culture, and the cognition of rural–urban differences as constructed through migrant parents facilitated a subjective willingness for migration among left-behind children. Exclusion from urban-biased rural education is often the final external thrust for their migration. Having finished the transition, the households of a new young generation of rural migrants are experiencing a different crisis of reproduction. This paper argues that there is a systematic rupture between labor, households, and rural society and that this presents a critical development trap for China.  相似文献   
In 2011, Myanmar started its political transition after decades of military rule. In Kachin State this coincided with the breaking of a 17‐year ceasefire between the Kachin Independence Organization/Army (KIO/A) and the state army, the Tatmadaw. For youth living in Kachin State, this meant that opportunities for civic and political participation opened up while at the same time their context remained volatile and uncertain. Using citizenship theory and the concept of the ‘everyday’, this article analyses how youth in Kachin State connect the challenges they experience to their sense of citizenship, and how this informs everyday forms of youth action as well as youth participation in policy processes. The article argues that young people act out of moral and political reasons to ‘build Kachin’, in response to deeply historically rooted experiences of discrimination and state repression. While the agency of young people living in conflict settings is often believed to be limited to tactical agency for individual and immediate survival, an analysis of youth's experiences of citizenship shows that they also act strategically to advance the interests of their society.  相似文献   
By extracting information from various original materials and using geography departments, curricula, and faculty as indicators, this paper contributes to the discussion of the development of geography in higher education in China from 1904 to 1949. Four mutual connections are outlined. First, the development of geography in higher education is inextricably linked to social and political changes. Second, geography in higher education during the period concerned progressed in fits and starts, which affected its distribution. Third, geography departments were split into two categories according to the type of higher educational institution, which created differences in the tasks, curricula, and faculty of these departments. Fourth, faculty were trained in both domestic and foreign universities, and Western universities made an obvious contribution to the growth of qualified academic faculty. Simultaneously, universities where qualified academic faculty were trained were centralized both in domestic and foreign aspects. The special role of geographers returning from overseas study, the particularity of geography in higher education in China, and the connection between Chinese and foreign geography are also discussed in terms of geography departments, curricula, and faculty.  相似文献   
中国近现代著名的文物收藏家之一———庞元济以收藏古代书画闻名,而其收藏的鼻烟壶,琳琅满目,件件精品,亦堪称收藏界之“一绝”。  相似文献   
城市生活质量空间评价研究——以西安市为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在总结国外城市生活空间质量评价模式的基础上,采用实证和行为方法,对西安城市生活质量进行了客观和感知评价,并揭示了西安城市生活质量的空间分异规律和特征。  相似文献   
为了对南京明代石拱桥襟湖桥的科学保护技术进行系统研究,首先通过现场调研,对南京明代石拱桥的残损进行分析,找出其可见的病害。然后通过ANSYS有限元模拟分析其结构性能,找出其潜在的病害,并进行结构构件的重要性分析。最后,综合残损调研及数值模拟结果,提出了适用于明代石拱桥的保护技术,得出的结论可供同类型石拱桥的加固修缮参考。  相似文献   
潘向明 《清史研究》2005,(3):98-102
清道光二十七年(1847)六、七月间,时称回疆的新疆南部喀什噶尔一带发生了以白山派和卓后裔为首的叛乱事件,喀什回城陷于叛匪之手,英吉沙尔、叶尔羌等处亦遭袭扰。清廷闻讯为之震惊,派奕山为参赞大臣,统率北疆驻军五千余人速往南疆。清军从阿克苏取道叶尔羌,在英吉沙尔附近一举击溃叛匪主力,于九月底收复喀什噶尔,从而平息了此次叛乱。这一事件是道咸年间和卓后裔多次叛乱中的一次,由于史料缺乏等原因,至今人们对其了解比较模糊,以至对作为叛首的和卓后裔究竟是些什么人也不大清楚,更谈不上对事件本身的深入研究。就事件的名称而言,以往均谓…  相似文献   
为了对金陵大报恩寺南北两块御碑遗址进行科学保护,首先通过有限元模拟对南北御碑遗址的现状结构性能进行分析,找出其在正常使用和地震作用时存在的安全隐患;然后根据计算分析结果及整体设计要求提出增设隔震支座的保护技术方案,采用有限元模拟计算对南北两块御碑遗址在增设隔震支座后的结构性能进行分析。计算结果表明:带有御碑的北碑的第一阶自振频率约为不带御碑的南碑的0.087;地震作用下,带有御碑的北碑最有可能破坏的部位是御碑,而不带御碑的南碑最有可能破坏的部位是龟趺头部。施加隔震支座后,南北两块御碑遗址结构的振动频率、最大主拉应力和最大主压应力均明显减小,在7度罕遇地震的情况下均不会发生破坏。研究结果对石碑的结构保护工程研究有参考价值。  相似文献   
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