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全球化视野下的亚洲现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化和现代化是当今世界的两大潮流。用全球化的视野审视亚洲现代化,有助于解读亚洲现代化。本文从历史的纵向与横向发展的视角考察亚洲现代化;用“多样性统一”的历史观研究亚洲现代化;用宏观与微观相结合的方法解读亚洲现代化;并阐述了世界现代化与亚洲现代化的关系和亚洲现代化的特点及发展趋势。  相似文献   
GIS与人文地理学的发展   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
本文初步分析了GIS兴起的背景及其主要功能,在剖析信息社会中人文地理学发展所面临的机遇和挑战基础上,就GIS在人文地理学中的作用和发展方向进行了阐述,并就加速GIS与人文地理学的结合提出了几点对策。  相似文献   
赵明  甄江红 《人文地理》2000,15(5):68-71
内蒙古地处中纬度内陆地区,生态环境脆弱,干旱和半干旱面积占自治区总面积的80%以上。长期以来,形成的观念是内蒙古地广人稀、资源丰富,尤其是"文革"期间,在牧民不吃亏心粮口号的驱使下,将大向积林草地辟为粮田,导致草场的退化和土地的沙化。本文分析内蒙古人口发展和粮食生产的历史和现状,揭示在PRED系统中,人口增长与粮食生产面临的主要问题,结合内蒙古"九五"计划和2010年远景目标的要求,提出控制人口数量,提高粮食单产水平,实行退耕还草还林、降低耕地总量,保持人均粮食产量的动态平衡。  相似文献   
吴江  周年兴  黄金文  丁正山 《人文地理》2007,22(5):124-127,123
本文从湿地公园的概念与研究动态入手,以江苏、上海沿海湿地自然保护区为例,提出了湿地公园建设与湿地旅游资源保护的协调机制,从理念、目标、规划与政策、技术和管理、决策调控五个层面提出协调机制实施的基本模式。通过研究,希望能丰富湿地旅游资源保护的方法和途径,对湿地生态功能结构的维护和资源开发提供新的思路。  相似文献   
姜海洋 《神州》2014,(5):10-11
对人性的讨论自古就有,圣经中的亚当夏娃,教宗额我略一世的七宗罪等早已被人们所知晓;从马克思,恩格斯对人性的阐述,到刑事人类学派创始人龙勃罗梭的《犯罪人论》,都可以看出人们不断地对人性进行着探索。人们试图从中发现人性的本真,善恶,以使人类更为深刻地了解自己。人性的善恶之争从未停止,而本文将以马克·吐温狗的自述为例,来对人的趋利性、攻击性、忘恩负义等恶性进行批判,以使得人们更为深刻地自省,最终能够减轻或摒弃人类恶的本性,以达到自我的提升。  相似文献   
蒋炳昌 《收藏家》2011,(2):60-64
我国古代知识分子非常重视祖国医学、识药会医。宋程伊川认为治病而委之庸医,比之不慈不孝。早在唐宋时期,许多文人雅士就以不懂医药为耻辱。认为不读医书、不会处方配药、上不能孝敬父母、下不能养儿育女,对自身亦不能安身立命。历史记载:唐狄仁杰,虽身为朝廷重臣,日理万机外,  相似文献   
第二轮修志如何落实《关于第二轮地方志书编纂的若干意见》和《地方志书质量规定》等文件提出的地方志工作质量和志书质量标准体系,成为史志工作者的紧要任务。山东省结合《山东省志》的编纂,就质量管理体系建设进行了探索和思考:一是树立全面质量管理理念,以质量第一为原则,指导全方位工作;二是建立健全质量管理组织机构体系,确保组织到位;三是制定全面的制度规范体系,提供制度保障;四是构建严格的质量监控体系,强化质量监督;五是加强队伍建设等,营造良好的质量保障机制;六是不断积累和总结,形成持续改进的质量管理机制。  相似文献   
“Bare branches,” the name given to unmarried men in China, have historically posed a great threat to social stability in that country. Based on historical records and literature, the findings in this study reveal that female infanticide, coupled with the practice of polygyny, meant that during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Republican Era, up to twenty percent of males remained single. As a result, underclass bare branches turned to less socially accepted marriage practices. And if they were still unable to find a suitable marriage partner, they would turn to prostitutes, adultery with married women, or might even resort to sexual assault. Humiliated by their social status, bare branches tended to drift away from their hometowns and form brotherhoods, secret societies, bandit gangs and even military groups, posing a real threat to social stability. In extreme cases, they engaged in armed conflict, taking over government offices, clashing with government forces, destroying social infrastructure, and helping to topple dynastic regimes. Such extreme violence and disorder led to the reduction of local populations by the thousands or even millions, creating a subsequent negative effect on social development.  相似文献   
China's South–North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP) is a vast and still expanding network of infrastructure and institutions that moves water from the Yangtze River and its tributaries to cities in North China. This article aims to assess the SNWTP's impacts by beginning to answer seven questions about the project: How is the management of the SNWTP evolving? What are the problems to be resolved when managing SNWTP water within jurisdictions? What are the status and management of water quality in the SNWTP? What are the consequences of resettlements caused by the SNWTP? How is increased water supply affecting regional development? Is the SNWTP achieving its stated environmental goals? What are the sustainability credentials of the SNWTP? Drawing on primary and secondary data, the article demonstrates both that the opportunities and burdens characterising the project are highly uneven and that management systems are evolving rapidly in an attempt to enforce strict water quality targets. Furthermore, while the SNWTP may be helping to resolve groundwater overexploitation in Beijing, it is highly energy intensive, raising questions about its sustainability. Our analysis highlights the need to continue to interrogate the socio‐economic, environmental, and political implications of such schemes long after they are officially completed.  相似文献   
Social media outlets such as Twitter constitute valuable data sources for understanding human activities in the virtual world from a geographic perspective. This article examines spatial distribution of tweets and densities within cities. The cities refer to natural cities that are automatically aggregated from a country's small street blocks, so called city blocks. We adopted street blocks (rather than census tracts) as the basic geographic units and topological center (rather than geometric center) to assess how tweets and densities vary from the center to the peripheral border. We found that, within a city from the center to the periphery, the tweets first increase and then decrease, while the densities decrease in general. These increases and decreases fluctuate dramatically, and differ significantly from those if census tracts are used as the basic geographic units. We also found that the decrease of densities from the center to the periphery is less significant, and even disappears, if an arbitrarily defined city border is adopted. These findings prove that natural cities and their topological centers are better than their counterparts (conventionally defined cities and city centers) for geographic research. Based on this study, we believe that tweet densities can be a good surrogate of population densities. If this belief is proved to be true, social media data could help solve the dispute surrounding exponential or power function of urban population density.  相似文献   
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