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内容提要:近年,国内许多报刊报道,西汉时一支被称为“第一军团”的罗马军团落脚于中国永昌的“骊”,率领“第一军团”来到中国的是克拉苏的长子普布利乌斯。本文就“第一军团”和“克拉苏长子”两个问题展开论述,提出了自己的观点。关键词:骊第一军团克拉苏长子中图法...  相似文献   
一、都市化和民俗 研究领域的变化 以前民俗学是从村落社会中探求对象.这是因为民俗学是以方法论为主来寻求近代以前的百姓生活,其目的是搞清楚日本人传统的生活方式和思考问题的方法.因此,有必要选择远离中央、近代影响较小的社会做为研究对象.另外,正如柳田国男在《远野物语》这本书中所叙述的"这是眼前的事情","本书是现在的事实"那样,做为轻视大多数日本人生活的以中央为中心的历史学的反对,和为了解与过去连续的现在,做为探求现在中的过去的所谓现在学的历史认识逐渐深入.但是今天的社会状况已经发生了很大的变化.此外民俗学的调查本身也不是以现实的村落生活为对象,而变为调查自古以来能够听到的范围内的过去的生活.民俗学再构成的村落,已不能说是《远野物语》中的那种存在了.  相似文献   
夏商西周文化对冀西北、京津唐地区北方青铜文化格局的变迁具有重要影响.夏文化与这个地区的北方青铜文化存在间接的联系;商文化向北的扩张与收缩极大地冲击了这个地区原有的文化格局;西周文化对这个地区的文化渗透最终使得这个地区纳入了中原青铜文化区.  相似文献   
<正>幼时对南京最大的印象,就是爸爸口中经常提到的南京长江大桥,这个宏伟的工程,在那一代人心中激起了太多的涟漪。就像外地人到北京一定要去天安门看一看,照张相一样,外地人来南京,也一定要南京长江大桥看一看,光是在来时的火车上看江面上往来的船只还不够,一定要坐上一辆从大桥上经过的公交车,从桥的这头一路坐到那头,然后下车,再一路坐回来才行。后来到了南京读书、工作,住在了老城南,呆得久了,才知道原来南京不只有中山陵、明孝陵、玄武湖、紫金山、夫子庙,还有太多历史的痕迹  相似文献   
荆州胡家草场12号汉墓出土竹简《五行日书》按端、令、罚、刑、德五时占测为事、初病、生子诸事项的吉凶。这篇文献与尹湾汉墓出土的《刑德行时》大体属于同一文献的不同版本,两相比照,有助于加深对其文本源流、内涵的理解和认识。  相似文献   
Many existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures around the world have been designed to sustain gravity and wind loads only. Past earthquake reconnaissance showed that strong earthquakes can lead to substantial damage to non-seismically designed RC buildings, particularly to their beam-column joints. This paper presents a novel retrofit method using buckling-restrained haunches (BRHs) to improve the seismic performance of such joints. A numerical model for RC joints is introduced and validated. Subsequently, a new seismic retrofit strategy using BRHs is proposed, aimed at relocating plastic hinges and increasing energy dissipation. The results indicate the retrofit method can effectively meet the performance objectives.  相似文献   
青铜粉状锈中生物因素的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了青铜粉状锈中生物因素的影响。实验结果表明:微生物在青铜腐蚀中起了促进作用。  相似文献   

An advocate for modern Chinese historiography, Liang Qichao’s “new historiography” was ideologically quite closely tied to traditional Confucian historiography: his idea of “historiography” was both a form of scholarship for the provision of knowledge, as well as a type of learning for the cultivation of moral character. The fundamental objective of “new historiography” was to use the history of national development and evolution to educate the people, helping them to become nationally conscious “citizens.” However, according to Liang Qichao’s conception of history, the nationalist aspect of “new historiography” ultimately rested in the cultivation of individual character, not in imparting the concept of nationhood. During the movement to “systematize national heritage,” in his practicing of historiography, Liang primarily studied and compiled Chinese academic and intellectual histories, focusing particularly on Confucian history: he interpreted Confucianism and the cream of Chinese scholarship as a kind of “philosophy of life.” Liang’s historiographical practices eventually took shape as a form of moral education to cultivate the leading talents of society when the country was going through a transformation, while in the process signaling his profound repudiation of the empirical emphasis in historical research of the times.  相似文献   
浙江庆元县出土的南宋胡纮圹志记述志主生平、葬地等情况与文献记载多有互证、校补之处,对于南宋前期政治史研究有着重要的价值。  相似文献   
试论波斯对伯罗奔尼撒战争的介入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公元前431年爆发的伯罗奔尼撒战争既是一场希腊世界的内战,同时也是雅典与波斯之间侵略与反侵略的战争。远在东方的波斯在公元前412年与斯巴达结盟,介入战争。波斯介入战争的根本原因是其想重新占领在希波战争中失去的小亚细亚西海岸的希腊城邦,向雅典复仇。希波战争后波斯与雅典之间长期的"冷战",斯巴达主动向波斯抛出"橄榄枝"寻求结盟,以及雅典远征西西里的惨败,最终促使波斯与斯巴达结盟。战争期间,波斯主要通过小亚细亚的总督对斯巴达进行军事和财政援助。波斯的介入不仅帮助斯巴达战胜雅典,赢得战争的胜利,而且还直接引发了公元前411年的雅典贵族寡头政变,开波斯干涉希腊城邦内部事务的先河。  相似文献   
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