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A widely held perception in Oceania is that China has taken the opportunity of Western sanctions against Fiji's military-led regime to expand its influence in Fiji. Observers and media in the region were alarmed by the sudden increase of China's pledged aid to Fiji shortly after the 2006 military takeover. They are concerned that China has a well-calculated strategy of displacing traditional Western players in Fiji, most notably Australia and New Zealand. Such concern is not well founded. While China does have multiple interests, including strategic interests, in Fiji, there is no clear evidence to suggest that China aims to displace the traditional players there. China's growing influence in Fiji is part of China's global rise. Both Australia and New Zealand are committed to Fiji and the South Pacific as a whole. Given its substantial interests in Australia and New Zealand, it is not in China's interest to increase its influence in Fiji at the cost of its relations with these two traditional players.  相似文献   
蒋炳昌 《收藏家》2011,(2):60-64
我国古代知识分子非常重视祖国医学、识药会医。宋程伊川认为治病而委之庸医,比之不慈不孝。早在唐宋时期,许多文人雅士就以不懂医药为耻辱。认为不读医书、不会处方配药、上不能孝敬父母、下不能养儿育女,对自身亦不能安身立命。历史记载:唐狄仁杰,虽身为朝廷重臣,日理万机外,  相似文献   
发生在清光绪初年的"丁戊奇荒",是中国近代史中最著名的大祲奇灾。本文通过当时稽查山西省赈务大臣阎敬铭以及山西巡抚曾国荃致丁宝桢的几封信函,为这段历史补充了难能可贵的第一手资料。  相似文献   
社区考古学反映了一种全新的文化遗产管理和考古学研究的思路,其实践仍然具有草创性、不平衡性和多元性。社区考古学是作为让本土社会获得考古学权力的工作方式,以权力让渡为核心,主要涉及发掘权、阐释权、教育权和商业开发权。社区考古学理念确立了社区在文化遗产管理的主体观念,廓清了中国的生态博物馆运动对生态观念和文化保护与经济发展的关系的误解。在考古学研究上,社区考古学是情境考古学的表现形式,将通过采取不同的视角揭示传统考古学研究所无法触及的问题。  相似文献   
进入日据后期(1931-1945年),附属于日本的台湾殖民地经济体系基本形成,台湾成为日本向中国东南沿海地区进行经济侵掠的重要基地.与侵华日军的直接经济掠夺相比,日本殖民者利用近代垄断企业进行经济掠夺的方式较为隐蔽.为配合日本对中国经济资源的掠夺,台湾总督府于1936年推动设立了台湾拓殖株式会社(简称"台拓").随后,在台湾总督府及侵华日军的共同支持下,台拓对中国广东、海南等地实施了一系列经济侵掠.日军占据广东、海南后,其经济侵掠的重点在于对广州、汕头等沿海地区近代工业的掠夺和物资的严格统制,以及对海南岛物产资源的"开发".在此一过程中,台拓起到极为重要的"作用".台拓攫取了大量的经济资源,充当了日本侵华战争的经济帮凶,具有鲜明的殖民侵略性质.  相似文献   
第二轮修志如何落实《关于第二轮地方志书编纂的若干意见》和《地方志书质量规定》等文件提出的地方志工作质量和志书质量标准体系,成为史志工作者的紧要任务。山东省结合《山东省志》的编纂,就质量管理体系建设进行了探索和思考:一是树立全面质量管理理念,以质量第一为原则,指导全方位工作;二是建立健全质量管理组织机构体系,确保组织到位;三是制定全面的制度规范体系,提供制度保障;四是构建严格的质量监控体系,强化质量监督;五是加强队伍建设等,营造良好的质量保障机制;六是不断积累和总结,形成持续改进的质量管理机制。  相似文献   
“Bare branches,” the name given to unmarried men in China, have historically posed a great threat to social stability in that country. Based on historical records and literature, the findings in this study reveal that female infanticide, coupled with the practice of polygyny, meant that during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Republican Era, up to twenty percent of males remained single. As a result, underclass bare branches turned to less socially accepted marriage practices. And if they were still unable to find a suitable marriage partner, they would turn to prostitutes, adultery with married women, or might even resort to sexual assault. Humiliated by their social status, bare branches tended to drift away from their hometowns and form brotherhoods, secret societies, bandit gangs and even military groups, posing a real threat to social stability. In extreme cases, they engaged in armed conflict, taking over government offices, clashing with government forces, destroying social infrastructure, and helping to topple dynastic regimes. Such extreme violence and disorder led to the reduction of local populations by the thousands or even millions, creating a subsequent negative effect on social development.  相似文献   
《西域闻见录》异名及版本考述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对《西域闻见录》不同版本的分类、对比和考证,认为该书最早的书名和版本并非传刻最广的《西域闻见录》,而是《异域琐谈》。  相似文献   
张践 《史学理论研究》2020,(2):87-95,159
治理与管理一字之差,体现的是系统把握、刚柔并济、综合施策、互利双赢。中国历代宗教治理不仅包括政府刚性的宗教管理,还包括整个社会柔性的礼乐教化;宗教治理不仅包括针对宗教的一套规则,而且包括社会的政治经济管理制度;宗教治理不仅指政府的管理,也包括宗教组织的自治;宗教治理的手段不仅是控制、引导、操纵,还包括对话、辩论、汇通;宗教治理的结果并非简单的支配与服从,更多的是理解与配合。具体内容包括:对宗教“敬而远之”的治理理念;多元宗教和谐并存又不一家独大;礼乐教化引导外来宗教中国化;保持政教关系的适度张力;经济上控制宗教发展的适度规模;政府管理与僧团自治结合运用;防范境外宗教引发的国家主权危机。  相似文献   
China's South–North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP) is a vast and still expanding network of infrastructure and institutions that moves water from the Yangtze River and its tributaries to cities in North China. This article aims to assess the SNWTP's impacts by beginning to answer seven questions about the project: How is the management of the SNWTP evolving? What are the problems to be resolved when managing SNWTP water within jurisdictions? What are the status and management of water quality in the SNWTP? What are the consequences of resettlements caused by the SNWTP? How is increased water supply affecting regional development? Is the SNWTP achieving its stated environmental goals? What are the sustainability credentials of the SNWTP? Drawing on primary and secondary data, the article demonstrates both that the opportunities and burdens characterising the project are highly uneven and that management systems are evolving rapidly in an attempt to enforce strict water quality targets. Furthermore, while the SNWTP may be helping to resolve groundwater overexploitation in Beijing, it is highly energy intensive, raising questions about its sustainability. Our analysis highlights the need to continue to interrogate the socio‐economic, environmental, and political implications of such schemes long after they are officially completed.  相似文献   
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