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2012年2月7日,由中国社会科学院当代中国研究所和中华人民共和国国史学会联合主办、当代中国研究所政治史研究室承办的"纪念‘七千人大会’召开50周年"学术座谈会在京召开。会议由当代中国研究所副所长、中华人民共和国国史学会秘书长张星星主持。中国社会科学院副院长兼当代中国研究所所长、中华人民共和国国史学会常务副会长朱佳木出席会议,并作了题为《纪念"七千人大会"坚持和发展民主集  相似文献   
中国共产党对军队的绝对领导,即"党指挥枪",是马克思主义建党建军学说与中国军事斗争实践相结合的伟大创造,是毛泽东建军思想的重要组成部分。新中国成立后,中国共产党逐步发展和完善了一整套领导人民军队的基本制度,实现了党的组织与军队建制的有机融合,实现了党的思想政治领导与军事行政领导的内在统一,并从新的高度深刻论述和发展了毛泽东"党指挥枪"的建军思想,为坚持党对军队的绝对领导奠定了新的理论基础。  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to verify or refute hypothesis of existence of basic/universal glass batch: quartz sand: potash: limestone, at a ratio of 2: 1: 1 used in Bohemian glass production since the middle ages onwards and to simulate the preparation of a potassium glass type with the composition used in medieval Bohemia. The chemical composition of Bohemian glass, which incorporated in the proposed glass batch for glassmaking on a laboratory scale, was evaluated by (a) findings directly related to glassmaking (samples from glasswork in Moldava dating back to the 15th century) and (b) information from publications.Experimentally produced glasses for the present paper were prepared from raw materials such as ash, leached ash, potash, limestone and quartz sand. The plant raw materials (spruce, beech and bracken ashes, raw and refined potash) were treated and prepared by methods similar to the production procedures used in the pre-industrial era.The main contrast was found in the CaO/K2O weight ratio, which was determined in glasses that were characteristic of given periods. While this ratio was often below 1 in glasses of the 15th century, it reached values above 1 in glasses at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries. This result may indicate that the composition of the glass batch had changed.The results of the present study reject the current scholarly work dealing with glass batch composition during the 14th-17th centuries and confirm that glass produced in some Bohemian medieval glassworks could have been melted from a batch that included plant ash, making the use of limestone unnecessary. The traditional suggestion of the exact ratios of raw materials, often cited in historical literature, seems to be impossible. The glassmakers had to react to the variable composition of the raw materials, especially plant ash.  相似文献   
本文针对目前史学界多将渤海建国伊始称之为“震国”或“振国”的现象进行了探讨。根据中外文献及考古资料 ,作者认为渤海建国之初的国号应为“国” ,而“震国”或“振国”只能是它的俗称。  相似文献   
张季 《安徽史学》2005,1(5):52-57
清末传入中国的联邦制思想,在民初新的政治环境中,引起了知识分子群体的极大关注和论争.<民立报>所代表的革命派知识分子主张有限的中央集权,即某种程度的地方分权;<庸言>所代表的原立宪派知识分子主张中央集权;而<东方杂志>则折衷于二者之间.同时三者还提出了各自对地方制度的不同主张.他们的态度和主张与民初政局的复杂多变以及各自所代表阶层利益的不同有着很大的关系.  相似文献   
从江南回来已是数年有余,可江南的雨夜着实让人难以忘怀。当霓虹灯闪烁的光芒和着屋檐边淋淋漓漓掉下的雨珠,一个人沿着青石板的巷道孑然穿行,没有油纸的伞,没有迭橐的木屐声,就一个人孑然地向前走。心境竟是为了接受洗礼般虔诚信念如雨般浸润着生命的枝梢。我要独享这江南的雨夜了。生活的风尘灵魂的污垢被雨水冲刷得明亮,仿若脚下延伸的青石板,光洁整齐生命里的种种祈求和奢望,已似乎不那么重要,仿若那水塘里泛起的水泡以及水泡迅即破裂后荡出的层层涟漪。源源不断有水泡形成,水泡源源不断迸裂有声,溅起一朵朵水花,涟漪层层叠叠地泛起,就…  相似文献   
17-19世纪喜马拉雅地区的羊绒贸易和战争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近代以来,西喜马拉雅地区出品的羊绒披肩享誉世界。巨大的利益诱使莫卧儿人、锡克人、道格拉人、英国殖民主义者为争夺羊绒资源,垄断羊绒贸易相互倾轧。作为羊绒输出国,清政府却本着"修其教不易其俗,齐其政不易其宜"的治边理念置身事外,无视自身利益受损,为以后边疆危机的出现种下隐患。  相似文献   
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