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中国西北地区采集经济向农业经济过渡的可能动因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界农业起源可以概括为两种基本模式,一种是农业是在当地采集狩猎经济基础上发展起来的,如中东"新月形地带"、中国、中美洲、安第斯-亚马逊河地区、美国东部、非洲撒哈拉地区、西非热带雨林地区、埃塞俄比亚以及新几内亚;另一种是本地农业的发展周围其它地区农业扩散的结果,如欧洲大陆以及北美的Great Baisn地区①.  相似文献   
土族原是叱咤风云于马背上的陆牧民族,先民曾在甘青地区建立过一个长达350余年的吐谷浑王国。公元7世纪中叶,吐谷浑亡国后,留居于河湟一带,与蒙古、汉、藏等民族融合形成了一个新的民族——土族。  相似文献   
中国纺织建设公司的民营化与股票发行探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战时期,纺织工业的国营、民营之争就已开始,但国民政府一贯坚持纺织工业民营化的原则。然而,战后国民政府却接收原在华日伪纱厂,建立国营中国纺织建设公司,违背了纺织工业民营化的诺言。以后为补充财政不足,国民政府又一度积极推进中纺公司民营化及其股票发行工作。尽管如此,1948年以后由于内战扩大、通货膨胀等种种原因,纺织工业走向全业破产。纺织业资本纷纷逃货南下,国民政府对财政经济状况失去控制,资本市场日益失序,无法正常运作。在这种情况下,中纺公司的股票出售不能按预期顺利进行,其民营化方案也自然未能实现。  相似文献   
季忠平 《文献》2001,(3):23-31
就目前所知,作为一部记载六朝历史的重要史书,《建康实录》在其流传过程中只刊刻了四次,包括宋刻两次,清刻两次.其中最早的北宋嘉祐三年江宁府刻本,诸家著录多付阙如,尚存天壤与否,不得而知.  相似文献   
Through a close examination of late Ming publisher Hu Wenhuan’s Embellishing Appearances with Fragrant Cosmetic Cases, this article shows how beautification techniques became part of the culture of nourishing life. Hu encouraged women to make and use cosmetics as a way of practicing womanly work. For men, these techniques became a means of investigating things and cultivating the self. Hu’s text is an example of amateur experimentation involving medical knowledge in late imperial China that went beyond proprietary expertise. The practice-oriented recipes in Fragrant Cosmetic Cases helped readers to translate written knowledge into practical knowledge, and to circulate them to a broad group of users that included women, the less literate, and even the illiterate. By the early seventeenth century, what Hu marketed as knowledge to nourish the lives of women had become common knowledge for male elites.  相似文献   
女儿怎的会和城墙联系起来隗?其实这个题目一直在我的脑海里盘旋了三年,我真的不晓得究竟是什么在作祟。今天,在春天里的沙尘暴肆虐大地时,空气里弥漫起呛人的尘土味儿时,我就在键盘上不由自主地敲下这几个字。  相似文献   
The circumstances surrounding the call for a referendum on national independence in Catalonia in October 2017 led to high levels of collaboration between two, at first sight, unlikely partners: anarchists and Catalan independentists. Unlikely as this alliance may seem, it was well grounded on a number of factors: first of all, in the State response to the independentist challenge—the massive repression and the blockading of institutional channels to process nationalist demands pushed both movements closer in opposition to the central government; and secondly, in the prolonged interactions (in specific regions and industries) and engagement in joint solidarity activities between anarchists and segments of the Catalan left who had been influenced by the bottom-up approach of the indignados movement. Finally, this collaboration was also rooted on a long history of mutual engagement between anarchism and sectors of Catalan nationalism that, while not unproblematic, provided deep roots to this dialogue.  相似文献   
This study provides a conceptual and empirical explanation of how and why the leadership of Republika Srpska (RS), which is one of the entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, formed a specific discourse concerning the flight of Sarajevan Serbs after the 1992–1995 war. Undertaking an analysis of local media, it explores the ‘defensive’ and ‘cohesive’ strategies promulgated by the RS elite that have been pivotal in shaping the idea of Serbhood. The former accentuates victimhood through discursive dimensions of external enforcement, suffering and rupture. The latter channels a sense of collective identity and the notion of ‘statehood’ in RS through narratives of sacrifice and patriotism. These strategies help to advance the concept of Serbhood to counter the war's external near-hegemonic understanding, fuelling denialism and promoting in-group characteristics in the RS society. The legacy of the flight has contributed to moulding the political memory of RS.  相似文献   
韩休墓壁画作为典型的唐代墓葬壁画,其颜料表征及加固剂对色度的影响亟待研究。使用基恩士VHX-5000超景深三维显微系统、X-rite VS450色度仪等检测仪器对韩休墓出土的玄武图残块进行了表面观察,同时分析了两种加固剂对其色度的影响。研究发现玄武图中黄色颜料为钒铅矿与铅丹混合使用,铅丹氧化产生的碳酸铅在实验室环境下被进一步氧化为氧化铅。色度方面,研究表明实验室目前使用的两种加固剂对壁画中出现的5种颜色色度影响ΔE值不超过4.33,符合良好标准。  相似文献   
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