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温州大都市区形成机制及其空间结构研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大都市区是发达的城市化区域,它包括城市核心区和与之在经济、社会、文化上有紧密联系的地区。21世纪到来之际,大都市区发生了巨大的变化。大都市区,无论是走向繁荣还是衰退,都面临着经济发展、基础设施建设、环境保护、社会平等发展战略问题。本文以温州为例,在对区域经济发展水平差异和客流、物流分析的基础上,界定了温州大都市区范围;通过对温州大都市区的研究认为,宏观政策机制、市场机制、工业化模式、温州人精神和温州社会网络是温州大都市区形成的重要动力源泉;最后,作者以上述研究为依据,提出了近期和远期温州大都市区空间结构设想。  相似文献   
本文以宁夏回族自治区泾源县为调查样本,通过实地调研,科学划分出宁夏回族社区的四种基本地域类型:川地型、坡地型、半川半坡型和河谷型。总结了各类社区的外部形态、内部格局等空间结构特征及其变化的规律性。分析了回族聚居区人文环境对回族社区空间结构的影响。指出了宁南山区回族社区空间结构未来发展演化趋向是:扩张川地型社区,向大村落、城镇化推进;搬迁改造坡地型、半川半坡型社区,向科学合理的空间结构演绎;抑制河谷型社区发展,向高宽阶地集聚。  相似文献   
青海都兰位于古丝绸之路南道上,都兰吐蕃墓葬群出土了为数不少的隋唐时期金银器及饰物,其中一件"粟特银包金神袛人物连珠牌饰银丝腰带"牌饰上的人物具有典型的粟特特征,这对于研究中西方文化交流,有着极为重要的价值。但很多包金银饰片出土时腐蚀严重需要进行保护处理和相关的科学研究。为此,通过电子扫描电镜、X-射线衍射等分析方法,对工艺类似腰带牌饰的样品进行科学分析。结果表明,样品为包金银器饰物,包金层为金银合金,而银本体腐蚀严重,腐蚀产物主要是氯化银,这与环境的高含盐量有关,分析结果可为吐蕃墓出土文物的研究和保护提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Effective and optimized e‐government in Egypt faces daunting challenges that are less technical in nature and more over the issues of institutional resistance and of political will. A review of the state of e‐government in Egypt is presented with analysis focusing on the state of service implementation in 2012. The points of discussion on e‐government covered here include:
  • E‐subjugation in the guise of e‐government via information control and cyber‐snooping;
  • Institutional resistance to the transformation of routine functions into automated systems;
  • Institutional resistance to transparency of government operations;
  • Analysis of the state of Egyptian ministry websites on six dimensions of e‐government development;
  • Discussion on implementation of Egypt's e‐government master plan;
  • Commentary on the revolutionary potential of e‐government augmented by vision, competence, and leadership; and
  • Caveats that are important to note in moving the vision of e‐governance from concept to practice.
Iran's scientific impact has suffered hard from decades of imposed and self‐elected isolation from Western influences and international collaboration. Lately, however, the world has witnessed a remarkable increase in scientific publications from Iranian scientists in fields like nanotechnology; material science; and, perhaps most pronounced, chemistry. In this article, the factors behind this “publication boom” are discussed and examined together with an analysis of the coherence between the country's long‐term research strategies and short‐term needs in relation to present organic chemical research conducted at various Iranian universities and institutes. Organic chemistry is a keystone in important Iranian industrial sectors like the petroleum and agricultural industries, and also in the growing field of life science and pharmacology. The development of the petroleum industry and further refinement of raw oil into value‐added fine chemicals holds a key position in the reinforcement of the Iranian economy and labor market, thus motivating a governmental investment in chemical science and research. Taking an approach to find a reasonable balance with the impact from Western and Far Eastern scientific communities, Iran's own scientific roots and Islamic ideology could well be the success factor in becoming a worthy player on the international scientific arena.  相似文献   
This essay offers an ideological analysis of the rhetoric of the Islamist Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in its official English‐language Web site, Ikhwanweb, between 2005 and 2010 — years preceding the Egyptian uprising of January 2011. The purpose was to examine the ideology manifest in the rhetoric and uncover the instrumental function the rhetoric served. Analysis brought forth a post‐Islamist ideology manifest through a rhetoric of dialectics. The instrumental function of the Egyptian MB's rhetoric in Ikhwanweb was to alter Western societies' monolithic understanding of Islamism — radical, undemocratic, inflexible. The cyber‐rhetoric was also used as a means to disapprove certain Western agents' support for authoritarian regimes. During Mubarak's rule, Ikhwanweb was used as a communicative medium to demonstrate to the West the Egyptian MB's need to be valued — respected regardless of ideological differences, understood rather than essentialized, stereotyped, and prejudged, and supported as a pragmatic, political entity within Egypt.  相似文献   
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