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Summary. The plan of the Bignor villa is reassessed in the light of recent excavations by Frere. Changes of plan are recognized and discussed. The farm buildings are considered in detail modifying Applebaum's original interpretations.  相似文献   
A method for obtaining an understanding of people's environmental knowledge and values and the major findings are discussed. A participatory mental mapping exercise method was used with the Teme-Augama Anishnabai and non-indigenous, government-appointed members of the Wendaban Stewardship Authority in Temagami, Ontario. Analytical categories were permitted to 'emerge' from the data obtained, rather than being imposed by the researchers. The findings demonstrate that the Teme-Augama Anishnabai perceive the land in a more complex, more detailed way than do the non-indigenous people. Both groups, however, are concerned with maintaining the quality of the environment in which they live, but there are differing bases for such concerns0
Une mëthode est présentée id pour la compréhension des valeurs et des connaissances qu'ont les peuples sur leur environnement. Les principales observations sont également présentées. On a demandéà des Teme-Augama Anishnabai et à des membres non-indigénes de la « Wendaban Stewardship Authority de Témagami, en Ontario, de participer à un exercice oú Us dressaient des cartes de mémoire. Les recherchistes ont permis >>ľémergence de catégories analytiques à partir des données obtenues, plutôt que ďimposer ces catégories. Les observations indiquent que les Teme-Augama Anishnabai perçoivent la terre de maniére plus complexe et plus détaillée que ne le font les non-indigénes. Par ailleurs, les deuxgroupes tiennent à maintenir la qualité de ľ enveronnement dans lequel ils évoluent, même si ľimportance qu'ils y accordent ne part pas des mëmes motivations.  相似文献   
“To withstand constitutional challenge, previous cases establish that classifications by gender must serve important governmental objectives and must be substantially related to achievement of those objectives.1 With this one statement, Justice William Brennan, Jr., writing for the majority in the 1976 Supreme Court case Craig v. Boren, 2 both reversed the decision of the district court below and—more importantly—redefined the legal standard for equal protection in gender-discrimination cases. Brennan's statement encapsulated decades' worth of development and decisions under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which bars states from denying “to any person within [their] jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,” 3 by creating what is now referred to as the “heightened scrutiny” 4 standard for judging equal protection legislation. Yet Brennan's creation of a new standard is quite striking, even when looked at in hindsight. How was Brennan able to create this standard of review, and where did it come from? Was this new step taken by the Justices under equal protection adjudication a mistake, or a necessary reality of the period? Through a close analysis of both the history of the Equal Protection Clause in its relation to gender legislation and the history of feminism during the 1960s and 1970s, the inevitability of Brennan's decision becomes clear. In fact, the creation of the heightened scrutiny standard was an inevitable outgrowth of two separate, yet fundamentally related progressions: the steps taken in the Court in its review of gender-discrimination cases in the years prior to Craig v. Boren; and the changes in society's relation to the feminist movement in the pre-1973 and post-1973 periods.  相似文献   
The growth of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the West entails complex geographies of health, identity and knowledge. Debates about why people are attracted to CAM highlight the importance of consumer agency and increasing access to health care information. The article explores a key space within which information on CAM is produced and negotiated: health and lifestyle magazines. Drawing upon interviews with the editors of eight British titles, the article outlines three ways in which CAM is discursively framed: as a pragmatic medical tool kit brought to bear on the diseased body; as a means of achieving 'total well-being' in everyday metropolitan space; and as a central pillar of an alternative lifestyle. The final section of the article considers how editors understand and address their predominantly female readerships, with an emphasis on how CAM is articulated within an ostensibly emancipatory project of self-responsibility and personal empowerment against the ambivalent backdrop of consumer culture.  相似文献   
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