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伟大的十月社会主义革命开辟了人类历史的新纪元,同时也为世界上最先进的苏维埃文化建设事业奠立了基础。苏维埃文化继承了人民群众在以往历史过程中所创造的一切最进步的事物,而作为这种前所未有的新型文化建设事业的基础和决定性因素,乃是苏维埃的社会制度和国家制度。共产党和苏维埃国家,为了使苏维埃文化的发展配合苏维埃人民建设  相似文献   
沉船内有色金属文物之腐蚀研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对出自西澳大利亚海域沉船上的有色金属文物腐蚀产物的研究,为进一步保护处理提供了有价值的信息。这些文物包含了铜、黄铜、青铜、银、铅和锡基合金。对有氧无氧环境条件下这些金属腐蚀产物的性质分析,可帮助保护者选定最佳的保护处理方法。源于次要合金成分腐蚀产物的存在,对母体金属的腐蚀行为也给出了有益的提示。  相似文献   
Aminda M. Smith's bold and thought-provoking first book examines the reeducation of China's "dangerous classes" in the 1950s, using the process of thought reform to study how the new party-state answered the following question "What makes a vast population of heterogeneous individuals into the Chinese People?" (p. 11). With an array of primary source materials including government documents from the Beijing Municipal Archive,  相似文献   
我们已经有很久的交情了——我和阿卡迪亚国家公园相识在50年前。第一次与阿卡迪亚遭遇时,它就把我吓得半死——只习于平地生活的我,鲁莽地轻忽了自己严重的恐高症,竟然在一个大雾弥漫的早晨,头晕目眩地攀爬阿卡迪亚最为险峻陡峭的小径。  相似文献   
很久以来,中国书法就在西方艺术和文化中占据着一个重要的位置。本文将探讨它对一些现代诗人和画家的影响,还将描述这种影响的某些历史条件。  相似文献   
险峻、荒凉的南乔治亚岛伸出海面,岛上幽昧的南极群峰以及冰原.悬冰川构成了一条180公里长的弧线。从一艘船的甲板上看过去,整座岛屿显得突儿而吊诡,就像喜马拉雅山刚从史前一场席卷全球的大洪水中现小身来。  相似文献   
都市传说的研究方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在美国民俗学界,都市传说研究对那些不怎么成熟老到的学者来说是一个富有创意而且很有价值的领域,也是一次提升自身研究水准的非同寻常的机会。这是因为,正如本书(《消失的打车客》)已经表明的,与都市传说有关的很多信息和资料都是学生们在学习民俗学课程时收集的,或者是年轻学者们通过大众传播媒介偶然发现的。跟民俗  相似文献   
This article explores the living arrangements and familial relations of small business households in northwest English towns between 1760 and 1820. Focusing on evidence from inventories and personal writing, it examines the homes that such households lived and worked in and the ways in which space was ordered and used: indicating that access to particular spaces was determined by status. This study suggests both the continuance of the "household family" into the nineteenth century (rather than its more modern, "nuclear" variant) and the existence of keenly felt gradations of status within households making it likely that the constitution of "the family" differed according to one's place in the domestic hierarchy.  相似文献   
Milgram's series of obedience experiments and Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment are probably the two best-known psychological studies. As such, they can be understood as central to the broad process of psychologization in the postwar era. This article will consider the extent to which this process of psychologization can be understood as a simple overflow from the discipline of psychology to wider society or whether, in fact, this process is actually inextricably connected to the science of psychology as such. In so doing, the article will argue that Milgram's and Zimbardo's studies are best usefully understood as twin experiments. Milgram's paradigm of a psychology which explicitly draws its subject into the frame of its own discourse can be said to be the precondition of Zimbardo's claim that his experiment offers a window onto the crucible of human behaviour. This will be analysed by drawing on the Lacanian concepts of acting out and passage à l'acte. The question then posed is: if both Milgram and Zimbardo claim that their work has emancipatory dimensions - a claim maintained within mainstream psychology - does a close reading of the studies not then reveal that psychology is, rather, the royal road to occurrences such as Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib? The drama of a psychology which is fundamentally based on a process of psychologization is that it turns its subjects into homo sacer of psychological discourse.  相似文献   
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