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天荣 《旅游》1996,(11)
母亲是扬州人,小时候她带着我回过几次家乡。每当火车从长江大桥上轰隆隆驶过时,母亲总是对我说:“瞧,这就是江南了,你嗅嗅这风都是湿润润的。”从那时起我便朦胧地把长江当成中国的南北分界线了。这个错误直到学地理时才得以纠正。老师在地图上画了一条黑杠杠,指着说:“这是秦岭,它才是我国南北分界线。” 想亲眼看看这道分界线的念头,几十载后才实现了。今年四月初我乘火车翻越秦岭进入四川时,才真正的走近它。不知为什么,心里生出一种急切的企盼。  相似文献   
一、华南抗日根据地概况 抗战初期,广东国民党政府执行蒋介石片面抗战路线,致正面战场不断失败,国土大片沦丧。日寇于1938年10月占领了惠州、广州。随后又占领南海、番禺、顺德、从化、三水、花县、琼崖、潮汕、防城、钦廉和香港等地。其时,在广东共产党领导下,东江、海南岛两地人民奋起抗日,成立东江纵队和琼崖独立总队,建立了抗日根据地。  相似文献   
This paper examines the anatomy and physiology, together with the pathophysiology, of the ventricular system of the brain, as it was understood by arguably its greatest exponent in Western Antiquity, Galen. According to him, the purpose of the ventricles was to elaborate, store and distribute psychic pneuma, the motive force of Galenic neurology, throughout the nervous system. However, impressive as the delineation of the ventricular system is, the details of this distribution are not forthcoming from Galen. Finally, I discuss the ventricles as the site of intellect, a notion only tentatively advanced by Galen, but cast into dogma by his successors. For all the mistakes Galen made in anatomy and physiology, the study of the ventricular system reveals a mind not dissimilar to our own.  相似文献   
In recent articles Evans (1990) and Harrigan and McGregor (1993) (hereafter HM) scrutinized the equilibrium model of migration presented in a 1989 paper by Schachter and Althaus. This model used standard microeconomics to analyze gross interregional migration flows based on the assumption that gross flows are in approximate equilibrium. HM criticized the model as theoretically untenable, while Evans summoned empirical as well as theoretical objections. HM claimed that equilibrium of gross migration flows could be ruled out on theoretical grounds. They argued that the absence of net migration requires that either all regions have equal populations or that unsustainable regional migration propensities must obtain. In fact some moves are inter- and other are intraregional. It does not follow, however, that the number of interregional migrants will be larger for the more populous region. Alternatively, a country could be divided into a large number of small regions that have equal populations. With uniform propensities to move, each of these analytical regions would experience in equilibrium zero net migration. Hence, the condition that net migration equal zero is entirely consistent with unequal distributions of population across regions. The criticisms of Evans were based both on flawed reasoning and on misinterpretation of the results of a number of econometric studies. His reasoning assumed that the existence of demand shifts as found by Goldfarb and Yezer (1987) and Topel (1986) invalidated the equilibrium model. The equilibrium never really obtains exactly, but economic modeling of migration properly begins with a simple equilibrium model of the system. A careful reading of the papers Evans cited in support of his position showed that in fact they affirmed rather than denied the appropriateness of equilibrium modeling. Zero net migration together with nonzero gross migration are not theoretically incompatible with regional heterogeneity of population, wages, or amenities.  相似文献   
郑州商城的发掘工作于1974年结束,这次清理出的包括在城墙以内的遗迹、遗物全部属于商代早期(即考古学上的二里岗时期)。发掘再次表明,二里岗时期的各阶层间的等级差别已极为鲜明的反映在青铜礼器和宫殿建筑群上。(张1980) 这种差别同样反映在商城中的墓葬上面。这次所发掘出的墓葬主要有一堆人类头盖骨和三个墓,这些头盖骨集中堆放在一个浅壕顶部,三具墓葬分开地散在四周其它地方,恢原时则被放在头盖骨堆积的附近。据张光直的推测(1980),这一壕沟所在地应该是当时的“政治宗权”经常性的祭祀场所对头盖骨最原始的记录是由河南省博物  相似文献   
美国学者罗斯·特里尔在评述马列主义中国化时说,“毛泽东使马克思主义脱离了其欧洲血统,使它获得了中国的出生证。”“毛泽东也迫使西方人认清自己的份量。看不起中国文化的时代应当完结了”。这种说法不能说完全科学准确,但却形象而生动地大体上概括了毛泽东把马列主义中国化、民族化的重要特征。马列主义中国化的过程,就是以毛泽东为主要代表的中国共产党人把马列主义基本原理同中国革命和革命战争具体实践相结合的过程,同时也是批判地汲取和辩证地融合中国历史文化思想成果的过程。作为毛泽东思想重要组成部分的毛泽东军事思想,就是这一历史过程的主要产物,是中国化了的马列主义军事学说。本文  相似文献   
一、引言中国所产铜、铅、锡等用于青铜生产的金属矿产原料,因各地地质条件不同,在品种和质量方面常有不同。在古代冶铸技术的历史条件下,这种差异常常使各地的青铜产品带有自己的特点。如《考工记》所载:"烁金以为刃,……郑之刀、宋之斤、鲁之削、吴越之剑,迁乎其地弗能为良,地气然也。……吴越之金锡,此才之美者。"希望今后有机会对春秋时期的青铜器物进行系统的比较实验研究,以作进一步之验证。  相似文献   
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