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The US decision since the 1960s to link foreign policy with family planning and population control is noteworthy for its intention to change the demographic structure of foreign countries and the magnitude of the initiative. The current population ideologies are part of the legacy of 19th century views on science, morality, and political economy. Strong constraints were placed on US foreign policy since World War II, particularly due to presumptions about the role of developing countries in Cold War ideology. Domestic debates revolved around issues of feminism, birth control, abortion, and family political issues. Since the 1960s, environmental degradation and resource depletion were an added global dimension of US population issues. Between 1935 and 1958 birth control movements evolved from the ideologies of utopian socialists, Malthusians, women's rights activists, civil libertarians, and advocates of sexual freedom. There was a shift from acceptance of birth control to questions about the role of national government in supporting distribution of birth control. Immediately postwar the debates over birth control were outside political circles. The concept of family planning as a middle class family issue shifted the focus from freeing women from the burdens of housework to making women more efficient housewives. Family planning could not be taken as a national policy concern without justification as a major issue, a link to national security, belief in the success of intervention, and a justifiable means of inclusion in public policy. US government involvement began with agricultural education, technological assistance, and economic development that would satisfy the world's growing population. Cold War politics forced population growth as an issue to be considered within the realm of foreign policy and diplomacy. US government sponsored family planning was enthusiastic during 1967-74 but restrained during the 1980s. The 1990s has been an era of redefinition of the issues and increased divisiveness among environmentalists, feminists, and population control advocates. The current justification of US population program assistance is based on concern for the health of women and children. Future changes will be dependent on ideology, theology, and political philosophy.  相似文献   
"Although nation-states assume territorial, political and cultural boundedness, their boundaries are not uniform barriers, but rather are characterized by varying degrees of openness and closure to international migrants. The manipulation of the permeability of these boundaries constitutes the politics of admission and exclusion....This paper provides a discussion of the complex economic, political and social forces impinging on the politics of admission and exclusion and an analysis of how these forces have been operating in a particular historical and geographical context to determine the admission of international migrants into national territory and community....There are signs that the integration of nation-states into regional blocs such as the EC is shifting the politics of admission and exclusion practised by the dominant member countries to the supra-national scale."  相似文献   
在远东历史的诸问题中争论最激烈的是阿穆尔河(译者按:即黑龙江)中、下游沿岸地区中世纪部落的族属问题。在研究考古发掘出的8~13世纪的某些民族遗存时,中世纪史的史家们至今未能形成一致意见。 关于古代阿穆尔地区居民的族属问题,史家们虽依据同一个材料却得出完全相反的结论,甚至对一种考古文化,史家们也提出了不同的名称,如阿穆尔女真文化又称波克罗夫斯卡文化。 笔者认为:“考古学的主要任务是提供昔日人类活动的客观画卷,以及对人类历史(指考古文化)作出科学、准确的阐述。若考古学仅从形式上对考古文化进行判断,就意味着失去了科学的方法论,而停留在物质形  相似文献   
二十世纪的历史科学——国际背景评述(续二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
d.法国:“年鉴派” 在本章中安排“年鉴派”并不是理所当然的事。科学概念和“年鉴派”历史学家的实践是多层次的。一方面他们赞同上述社会史学派关于科学方法与科学知识的可能性的观点,另一方面他们又与这些观点相对立。关于什么是历史以及谁创造历史。这一概念,——它曾以绝对的优势成为自兰克至今的历史科学的基础,——到他们这  相似文献   
在部分滨海领土上渤海国的存在时期,是苏联远东历史上最有趣和最重要的时期之一。А·П·奥克拉德尼科夫、А·П·捷列文科、Э·В·沙夫库诺夫和Л·Е·谢米尼钦科的著作中,都披露了滨海地区渤海古迹的研究史。考古学家们还是在十月革命前就开始了对中世纪有考古价值的遗物的研究。第  相似文献   
哈达与哈达文化阿赛·旦珍才让“哈达”,藏语意为礼巾,是礼仪往来使用的丝织品。在藏区,献哈达是一种很普遍而崇高的礼节,凡觐见佛像、敬谒活佛、拜会尊长、迎送贵客、婚丧节庆都有献哈达的习惯。据史书载,哈达是由萨迎法王、元朝国师八思巴流传开来的。1247年八...  相似文献   
拉鲁家族和拉鲁林苑拉鲁·次旺多吉尧西·拉鲁嘎彩位于布达拉宫北面约二里处,该地日照良好,温度适中,春天来得早。古时那里林木茂密,大小池沼星罗棋布,绿草如茵,风光秀丽,令人赏心悦目,所以被人们称为"龙与神的少男少女们游乐嬉戏的林苑",简称为"拉鲁嘎彩"。...  相似文献   
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