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顾涛 《考古与文物》2012,(2):98-102
破古文字通假,形音义释读在上下文中得以密合,是第一步的基础性工作,之后必须具备文献求证的实验过程。文献求证如何有效地进行,是古文字考释的方法论问题。本文以王辉《古文字通假字典》(2008年)为举证范围,从所据文献之有效度的强弱入手,将古文字通假的文献释证法分作六种类型依次加以论述。  相似文献   
谷新春 《收藏家》2013,(3):75-80
1973年,柬埔寨国王西哈努克亲王要来访问洛阳,柬埔寨是个佛教信仰的国家,西哈努克亲王本人也是个佛教信徒,来洛阳自然要到白马寺(后西哈努克亲王并没有来)①。赵朴初向周总理提出,从故宫调拨一批佛像、法器等佛教文物到白马寺,周总理很快即批准同意了。同年外交部副部长韩念龙同志带领各国使馆人员到河南参观,看到白马寺当时的状况,对外影响很不好。在这种情况下,河南省委提出并报周总理批准,于1972年对白马寺进行了一般性整修。②在得到国务院批准后,从1973年3月开始,到5月结束,洛阳方面历时3个月,用车30余辆,运回文物2300多件,  相似文献   
抗战时期中国地面防空部队探略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
抗日战争时期,面对日本的狂轰滥炸,国民政府军事当局加紧地面防空部队建设,使之成为反空袭斗争的重要力量。中国地面防空部队以担负重要都市和交通线等要点之防空为主要任务,根据战局发展情况,艰苦转进,死力苦撑,在反空袭斗争中取得了一定战果,同时也暴露出不少问题,成为防空作战中值得吸取的教训。  相似文献   
Fractal geometry can be used for determining the morphological boundaries of metropolitan areas. A two‐step method is proposed here: (1) Minkowski's dilation is applied to detect any multiscale spatial discontinuity and (2) a distance threshold is located on the dilation curve corresponding to a major change in its behavior. We therefore measure the maximum curvature of the dilation curve. The method is tested on theoretical urban patterns and on several European cities to identify their morphological boundaries and to track boundary changes over space and time. Results obtained show that cities characterized by comparable global densities may exhibit different distance thresholds. The less the distances separating buildings differ between an urban agglomeration and its surrounding built landscape, the greater the distance threshold. The fewer the buildings that are connected across scales, the greater the distance threshold.  相似文献   

The Book of Job is often viewed as a story of unnecessary and undeserved suffering. A man who is “blameless” in the eyes of God is put through senseless anguish and misery simply because God and the Adversary have a wager. It is a story of a whimsical God who does not understand or care about human beings and their sufferings, and of an insignificant and yet defiant being who epitomizes human dignity and fortitude. This and other similar accounts make God villainous and human sufferings mysterious and incomprehensible. This article seeks to cast these issues in a different light by exploring some of the key terms in the Prologue and the speeches of God in the Theophany. The exploration ends with some reflections on Job in the Epilogue of the Book.  相似文献   
The UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage represents a significant move forward in the global protection and management of underwater cultural heritage. This paper reviews the Convention’s most basic tenets, such as in situ preservation, refusing commercial recovery, encouraging the cooperation of States also beyond territorial waters, and the creation of international standards for underwater archaeology. It also discusses the Scientific and Technical Advisory Body and highlights the Convention’s current status as an important tool to preserve and protect an international maritime heritage.  相似文献   
由传统迈向现代的进程与知识精英思维方式的转变关系密切。近代中国,理性思辨既是推动知识精英思维方式转化的核心因素,也是推动政治思想革新、民族新生的重要前提。因为,现代社会与传统农业社会不同,许多问题绝非“吃一堑长一智”旧式思维套路所能处置的。张謇是精英群体中思维方式率先西化的典型代表,他将东西方思维方式结合在一起分析思考中国的现实及将来,形成了对时局的独特看法,主张政治上要渐进与公正,教育上要独立与务实。  相似文献   
顾永新 《文献》2004,(3):217-228
现在一般认为,《孝经》是孔子门人或曾子门人(或者是再传)记录、整理孔子对曾子讲述孝道言论的著作,成书当不晚于战国时期,其间又经过这一学派学者的不断加工.汉兴,河间人颜芝之子颜贞献之,凡十八章,长孙氏、江翁、后仓、翼奉、张禹等皆名其学,是为今文.  相似文献   
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