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Wells located in the Colombian Andean foreland often produce biodegraded hydrocarbons and relatively fresh water (total dissolved solids concentrations of 2000 mg l?1 dominate across most of the basin). The ratio of water to hydrocarbon in the produced fluids is high and has often been interpreted by explorationists and simulation engineers as being due to massive meteoric water invasion. To challenge this hypothesis, previously published and existing data are compiled here, along with 68 new water samples collected from both the surface (rivers) and subsurface (production wells), which are analyzed for major elements, salinity, and stable isotope compositions. The data indicate a mixed origin for the water, which involves formation water, meteoric water, and a third source that we interpret as being related to diagenetic processes (such as clay dehydration). Analyses of the variation of the parameters from north to south and west to east allow us to define the mixtures as coming from waters of different origins and make it possible to determine the relative contribution of each source.  相似文献   
谷跃峰 《史学月刊》2007,(12):65-69
冯玉祥的国民军1925年10月进入甘肃,驻军5年之久,对甘肃社会产生了深刻的影响。国民军实行全省军政和财政统一,整顿吏治;宣传国民革命和新三民主义,使新思想和新思潮广泛传播;发展经济,创办学校,促进甘肃文化教育事业的发展,使甘肃社会发生了前所未有的变迁。  相似文献   
The 1831 census database is the newest addition to the series of 19th century Canadian census microdata available for social science research, thanks to a collaboration between the Programme de recherche en démographie historique (PRDH) and FamilySearch. This article presents the work undertaken to prepare this database and the main challenges encountered in the course of this work. While the data extracted from the 1831 census are an invaluable tool for demographic research, particularly on account of the agricultural and industrial questions included in this census, cleaning these data have required particular attention to the age-sex-marital status tallies of the household co-residents. Additional efforts were devoted to integrating missing data for Montréal’s Notre-Dame parish and for other parishes.  相似文献   
Quarrelling is a ‘routine’ activity of the Republic of Letters. This article demonstrates that quarrels played a key role in the field of historical criticism. The contention of this article is twofold. First, it explores the epistemological issues raised by Bayle while reporting the quarrels of the Republic of Letters, and demonstrates their creative potential, thus applying to historiography conclusions drawn by recent research on scientific controversies. It offers a new understanding of scholarly quarrels, here understood as a socially and intellectually structuring activity. Second, this article takes issue with the debate over Bayle’s historical pyrrhonism. As will be shown, the quarrels constitute a key element within a method of writing history that is both conscious of its limits and confident of its investigative powers  相似文献   
The determination of gamma dose rates is of prior importance in the field of luminescence dating methods. In situ measurements are usually performed by the insertion of dosimeters or a portable gamma spectrometer cell in sediments. In this paper, Monte-Carlo simulations using the Geant4 toolkit allow the development of a new technique of insitu gamma dose rate evaluations: a spectrometer cell is placed on the surface of sediments under excavation to acquire successive spectra as sediments are removed by excavations. The principle of this non-invasive technique is outlined and its potential is discussed, especially in the case of environments in which radioelements are heterogeneously distributed. For such cases, a simple method to reconstruct gamma dose rate values with surface measurements using an attenuator is discussed, and an estimation of errors is given for two simple cases. This technique appears to be applicable, but still needs experimental validation.  相似文献   
一、前言契丹族是中国古代北方强族,公元4世纪左右开始在西拉木伦河和老哈河一带游牧。公元916年,契丹迭剌部首领耶律阿保机统一契丹各部,建立大契丹国,后改国号为大辽,称雄中国北方数百年,与北宋、西夏形成三足鼎立之势。有辽一代,契丹族政治、经济、文化有长足的发展,辽代医药学也有一定的发展。辽代医药学发展上承隋唐、五代,旁及宋及周边民族的先进经验,加之自己八百余年的医学实践,在医学理论、疗法、疗术、方、散、丹、丸的研制以及食疗,保健等方面都有一定的建树,甚至有自己的发明和创新。历史步入21世纪后,在全世界范围内非常重视对…  相似文献   
顾洪 《文献》2002,(1):191-215
顾颉刚先生(原名诵坤,字铭坚)于1980年12月逝世,根据其"藏书不要分散,以便后人利用"的遗愿,家属将其藏书捐献给中国社会科学院,1981年先由历史研究所代管,1988年由文献信息中心(当时称文献情报中心)正式接收,成立"顾颉刚文库".  相似文献   
顾洪 《文献》2002,39(2):258-266
(二) 余嘉锡先生藏书极多,"但只有明清刻本,而没有宋元珍本.因为他是为读书而买书,……所藏的书凡是四部有用的书和丛书大都具备,与藏书家收藏古本不同.  相似文献   
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