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In the 1970s, the Zangger Committee and the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group published guidelines on nuclear trade that drew a line between peaceful and dangerous nuclear technology, defining what was sensitive enough to require safeguarding and what was not. Given the ambivalence of nuclear technology, how was that line drawn? Historically, the understanding of whether a nuclear item is benign, sensitive, or especially sensitive has changed in response to the shifting balance between political, commercial and non-proliferation interests. The 1970s, however, merit special attention; they saw an unprecedented codification of nuclear sensitivity in the form of the published trigger lists that are still used today. In the absence of clear technical criteria, what interests and perceptions determined the sensitivity of specific nuclear items by the nuclear suppliers in the 1970s? Archival sources provide a unique insight into how the trigger lists and guidelines were negotiated and with what aims and considerations. This paper finds that nuclear sensitivity was driven by commercial interests in ensuring a level, and open commercial playing field, political interests in securing co-operation and practical interests in implementation and reputation, all of which outweighed technical considerations of how nuclear technology exports might assist a nuclear weapons programme.  相似文献   
Research at Crystal River and Roberts Island Shell Mound Complex, on the western coast of Florida, USA, offers a quantitative assessment of the temporality of shell deposit construction, Native subsistence practices, and mobility patterns through stable oxygen isotope data from eastern oyster (C. virginica). The δ18Owater values of oysters vary synchronously with salinity, assuming relatively constant δ18Owater/salinity gradients since the time of occupation, allowing for an examination of shifts in oyster habitat exploitation over time. Our previous (Thompson et al. 2015) study indicated that midden accumulation occurred throughout the year, while oysters from mound deposits were collected in colder months. New data indicate that in addition to differential season of collection, habitat exploitation also varied. During early occupation at the site, oysters were collected primarily from lower saline habitats, while in later phases oysters were obtained from higher salinity waters; we relate this to a lower sea level and concomitant settlement shift seaward. Additionally, oyster from later mound contexts was collected from higher saline habitats relative to those in midden contexts; Native people may have targeted specific bioherms at certain times for the year for feasting-related mound construction.  相似文献   
The Nordic countries – including Iceland – have been portrayed in the political-science literature as consensual democracies, enjoying a high degree of legitimacy and institutional mechanisms which favour consensus-building over majority rule and adversarial politics. In this explorative article the author argues that consensus politics, meaning policy concertation between major interest groups in society, a tendency to form broad coalitions in important political issues and a significant cooperation between government and opposition in Parliament, is not an apt term to describe the political reality in Iceland during the second half of the 20th century. Icelandic democracy is better described as more adversarial than consensual in style and practice. The labour market was rife with conflict and strikes more frequent than in Europe, resulting in strained government–trade union relationship. Secondly, Iceland did not share the Nordic tradition of power-sharing or corporatism as regards labour market policies or macro-economic policy management, primarily because of the weakness of Social Democrats and the Left in general. Thirdly, the legislative process did not show a strong tendency towards consensus-building between government and opposition with regard to government seeking consultation or support for key legislation. Fourthly, the political style in legislative procedures and public debate in general tended to be adversarial rather than consensual in nature.  相似文献   
民国初年,一批富有革新精神的南方画家客居北京,给因循守旧的北京画界带来一股新风。其中姚华和陈师曾并称"姚陈",被公认为北京画坛领袖。他们志同道合,互相影响,密切配合,并肩奋斗,在绘画创作、艺术理论和美术教育等领域都取得了卓著成就,为中国画的复兴和繁荣作出了重要贡献,堪称民初北京画坛的双子星座。  相似文献   
开化县是典型的山丘型血吸虫病疫区,也是浙西山区血吸虫病流行时间最早、最严重的地区。该县钉螺沿境内池淮溪、马金溪、龙山溪、马尪溪四条主要溪流分布,并在各溪流中形成自上而下由点状到线状的扩散趋势。开化县的血吸虫病在太平天国战争以后开始大规模的流行。移民在该县历史上不仅是血吸虫病的受害者,同时也为血吸虫病的流行提供了新宿主,造就了该县长达百余年的血吸虫病流行史。与此前自发、零散的移民活动相比,20世纪50、60年代由政府组织的新安江水库移民大量感染急性血吸虫病是开化县历史上血吸虫病与移民关系的一次集中体现。  相似文献   
古顺芳 《收藏家》2015,(3):21-32
北魏定都大同短短百年(398-494年),逐渐统一了北方。随着各地区移民的迁入,平城地区显示了多种文化因素集聚的现象,主要有拓跋鲜卑本民族文化,十六国文化,东晋南朝文化,还有西域外来文明1。1970年,大同轴承厂发现的北魏遗址出土鎏金錾花银碗1件,鎏金高足铜杯3件,八曲银洗1件。1981年,大同小站村封和突墓出土狩猎纹银盘1件。1988年,大同  相似文献   
<与士龙于承明亭作> 牵世婴时网,驾言远徂征.饮饯岂异族,亲戚弟与兄. 婉娈居人思,纡郁游子情.明发遗安寐,寤言涕交缨. 分涂长林侧,挥袂万始亭.伫盼要遐景,倾耳玩馀声. 南归憩永安,北迈顿承明.永安有昨轨,承明子弃余. 俯仰悲林薄,慷慨含辛楚.怀往欢绝端,悼来忧成绪. 感别惨舒翮,思归乐遵渚.  相似文献   
本文认为南诏是唐代中国西南边疆的一个重要政权,它在唐朝的支持下,拓展了祖国的西南边疆,并创立了一系列稳定疆土的措施与办法,为中国西南疆域的稳定和发展做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   
论西汉中期玉器风格的变化及其社会背景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
古方 《中原文物》2003,(5):55-61
西汉早中期玉器组合最大的区别之一在于装饰用玉器类和数量的消长。西汉早期装饰用玉在整个随葬玉器中占很大的比例,代表了当时玉器风格和工艺水平。西汉中期装饰用玉的数量和种类骤然减少,不但复杂的组玉佩消失,而且玉具剑饰数量也比早期少得多。分析和统计组玉佩和玉具剑饰数目、组合、出土位置及其造型、纹饰,是认识西汉早中期玉器变化的重要参考标准。西汉中期玉器风格的变化,对整个汉代玉器产生了深远的影响,汉代玉器的风格是在武帝时期形成的。  相似文献   
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