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Though present before the Last Glacial Maximum, microblade technology is uncommon in the lithic assemblages of north-central China until the onset of the Younger Dryas (12,900–11,600 calBP). While it is clear that microblades here and elsewhere were connected with mobile adaptations organized around hunting, the attendant assumption that they served primarily in hunting weaponry is not. The archaeological record of north-central China, including excavations at Pigeon Mountain (QG3) and Shuidonggou Locality 12 (SDG 12) in Ningxia Autonomous Region, and Dadiwan in Gansu Providence, and a handful of bone/antler tools slotted for microblade inserts, indicate a more direct linkage to mobility. These data suggest the rise of microblade technology in Younger Dryas north-central China was mainly the result of microblades used as insets in composite knives needed for production of sophisticated cold weather clothing needed for a winter mobile hunting adaptation akin to the residentially mobile pattern Binford termed “serial specialist.” Limited time and opportunities compressed this production into a very narrow seasonal window, putting a premium on highly streamlined routines to which microblade technology was especially well-suited.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the industrialization of biomedical materials at the New England Enzyme Center (NEEC) from its establishment as a federally supported biochemical resource center in 1964 through its demise and refashioning into several commercial biotech companies in the late 1970s. It sets this history within the long‐standing debate on the proper relation between science and American economic and political traditions. The NEEC sought to embody two aims that stood in tension: academic independence in knowledge production and the market‐driven interests of the biomedical industry. A clash of values ensued, but built on a particular notion of independence: scientists pragmatically accepted the primacy of the market in the age of the ‘federal research economy.’ The question became how to carve out a space for science and scientific values in the market – an intellectual position that some legal and economic scholars have referred to as a scientific commons. Even so, industry executives came to see the idea of a scientific commons and public knowledge as obstructive to industrial innovation. This paper argues that, as seen through the case of the NEEC, the ascendancy of market values and attitudes in the 1970s played a critical role in reconfiguring the science‐industry relationship and in ‘industrializing’ the life sciences. As illustration of this change, I look at a commercial firm – Genzyme – born out of NEEC’s dissolution.  相似文献   
论文依据对青田县方山、船寮等地华侨村官以及所管辖的村民进行田野调查的结果,分析了华侨村官群体出现的原因、作用和特点,剖析了华侨村官工作中存在的阻碍和不足,以及工作中“水土不服”现象和阻碍的因素,旨在为地方政府研究制订华侨参政长效机制提供参考,并以期社会对华侨参政这一新现象给予更多的关注和思考。  相似文献   
从空间生产理论的视角而言,城市空间是一种巨大的社会资源,因而也是一个社会关系的重组与社会秩序的建构过程。文章以南京市典型的城中村江东村为研究对象,对其空间生产的历史性变迁、社会关系的再生产、制造的新空间三个方面进行分析,透视在城市空间生产过程中对人群分层和环境的差异性制造,以及对村民社会生活和生产关系的改变。江东村最终被城市强力改造成为了中产阶层社区,代表着新的生产关系和社会结构的建立,其生产和塑造的不仅仅是空间,更是社会的新界限。  相似文献   
浅析移动学习的特征及应用模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高毅  崔向平 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):104-106
移动学习是继数字化学习后出现的一种新型的学习模式,是教育技术领域研究的又一个新热点。本文提出了关于如何正确理解移动学习的几点看法,分析了移动学习的特征、物质技术条件和软件条件,并对移动学习的应用模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   
作为一名载入南朝正史的豪强人物,程灵洗在南宋以降的徽州社会一直是颇具影响力的神祇。当地对程灵洗的崇拜,从宋到元经历了形式上的变化。从南宋最初的露天社祭到世忠庙的营建,从元代程元谭-程灵洗世系关联的建立到元末各地世忠行祠的兴建,崇拜形式变化的过程也是地方神祇正统化的过程,其中地方士大夫是主导力量。随着程灵洗在明初洪武礼制中祀典地位的确立,以及明代中叶徽州商人力量的勃兴,在地方社会组建宗族的潮流之下,程灵洗崇拜不仅逐渐呈现由商人主导的态势,同时也具有了明显的宗族化的倾向。原先各地流行的世忠行祠最终演变成了各地的程氏宗祠,徽州早期的豪强人物程灵洗由此逐渐进入各个支派的程氏谱牒,成为了他们共同的祖先。  相似文献   
佚名 《中国土族》2009,(1):22-23
每年农历十一月二十这天,位于青海省黄南藏族自治州同仁县隆务河畔的土族村庄年都乎都要照例举行较大规模的驱魔逐邪的祭祀活动,当地民间将它称为跳“於菟”。而今,这一古老的驱邪祭祀活动吸引着国内外众多学者、游客的眼球,或逐本探源、或拍照传世、或一睹风情……  相似文献   
东晋南北朝道经属于重要的“古道经”系统,对道教史研究具有重要意义。本文对近五十年来西方、日本及国内的东晋南北朝古道经研究作了一个简略的综述,重点探讨了此类研究所采取的方法及其指导意义,并在此基础上进行了简单的总结。  相似文献   
清史工程自2003年正式启动至今已过了六年时间,目前主体工程即将进入审改阶段,这是为提高清史质量、统一体例的必要步骤."玉不琢不成器".  相似文献   
抗日战争是中华民族一百多年来反对外国侵略者所取得的第一次完全胜利的民族解放战争.抗战期间,中国政府和一批爱国企业家将部分沿海地区工矿企业迁到内地,并在抗战后方建起了一批工矿企业.建立了水力发电、冶金、机械、化工、电器仪表、石油及石油炼制等上百种工业门类,生产涉及当时中国有能力生产的所有产品,形成了基本能够自给、比较完整、独立性较强的工业体系,工业技术水平明显提高,培养了一批具有现代意识的工矿企业管理人才,增强了中国的科技力量,为中国人民的抗日战争做出了重大贡献,有力地推动了中国工业近代化的进程.  相似文献   
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