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Chinese President Xi Jinping, gave an important speech describing the great achievements and significance of Chinese archaeology, pointing out the way forward for the development of Chinese archaeology in the new era. By reviewing the century-long history of Chinese archaeology, its historical tradition and the mission of the times are distinctive. Since 1949, under the guidance of archaeological culture theory and regional systems and cultural types theory, Chinese archaeology has made a series of significant achievements and taken up the mission of the times in inheriting historical traditions and exploring major issues including the origins of Chinese civilization. The current development of Chinese archaeology should further the historical tradition of Chinese archaeology under the guidance of the spirit of Xi Jinping’s speech. From a longitudinal perspective, Chinese archaeology should strengthen the research on the origin of Chinese civilization and its characteristics, development trajectory, major landmark achievements, and the way of civilization inheritance after its formation, especially to strengthen the exploration of how the“5,000-year continuous unity” was formed after the unification of the Qin and Han dynasties. From a horizontal perspective, with the Belt and Road Initiative as the main thread, we should continue to strengthen archaeological research on cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, advocate mutual appreciation of civilizations, tell the Chinese story well, and contribute Chinese historical wisdom and experience to the world. On the whole, we should strengthen the theoretical construction and ability training of archaeology, strive to build Chinese archaeology with salient Chinese features, style, and ethos, and realize the historical mission of the new era of the Centennial“Chinese Dream.”  相似文献   
阎家沟墓地处于关中地区与陕北地区的边界地带,文化因素较为复杂。为探究晚商时期关中地区与陕北地区之间的文化交流和陕北地区青铜铸造业的发展状况,本研究首次对阎家沟墓葬出土的十二件青铜容器进行成分分析和金相组织观察,结果表明十二件青铜器中有五件为红铜材质、四件为铅砷青铜材质、两件为砷青铜材质及一件铅青铜材质,十二件青铜器均为铸造,部分青铜器铸造后经过了热处理。结合文献分析,阎家沟墓地出土青铜器的"无锡高铅高砷"材质不同于中原地区青铜器和北方地区青铜器。其自身的重食传统比陕北地区其他李家崖文化遗址更为突出,表明阎家沟地区在某些方面其自身文化传统仍占据着主导地位。但这种现象具有特异性,其本质上仍是属于李家崖文化遗址中的一员。分析结果可为研究商晚时期关中地区与陕北地区间的文化交流提供借鉴。  相似文献   
程圩  张澄 《人文地理》2021,36(3):76-86
提升文化遗产竞争力,谋求中国在国际文化竞争中的话语权,无疑是当今国家文化建设面临的重大课题.本文从文化遗产生产力、文化遗产消费力、文化遗产支撑力、文化遗产传播力、文化遗产管理力以及文化遗产创新力六个方面构建中国文化遗产竞争力指标体系,在此基础上,结合主客观赋权法对文化遗产竞争力指标体系的权重进行综合确定,并对我国31个...  相似文献   
依据"新社会经济发展的公正理念"首议的"新区域经营"管理思想,从空间公正角度创立了将其耦合到区域发展规划的系统理念。当代人文社会科学与区域学科出现了"社会公正"转向探讨的系列"新"前沿理念。地理学提出了新人文地理学逻辑,社会行政的公共管理也提出了新公共管理逻辑。将空间公正与社会公正耦合到区域生活空间单元体系,为此"新区域经营"提出了"社会与区域价值统一"的原理。论文以新人文地理学的"社会生活空间质量观"为基础,阐述了"空间体系价值统一规划"机理、原则与控制性路径;其次,论证了其构建的价值体系响应及构成因素响应结构;最后,论述了新区域经营观对生活质量价值统一的两个层次控制规划规则与路径。  相似文献   
霞浦屏风山贝丘遗址出土了1件未知属性猪骨样本,拟通过骨样的C、N稳定同位素分析,揭示此猪个体生前的食物结构特征,通过与已发表有关数据进行对比来推断该猪的属性。为此,对该骨样进行了骨胶原提取和碳氮稳定同位素比值测定。测得该猪骨样本骨胶原的δ~(13)C值为-12.2‰,δ~(15)N值为4.9‰。碳同位素比值显示该猪的食物结构中既包含C_3类植物,也包含C_4类植物,但更偏向于C_4类植物。而氮同位素比值则表明此猪个体营养级较低,摄入肉食较少,但仍高于对照组野猪及部分陆地野生哺乳动物的营养级。综合分析,研究认为该猪的食物结构在一定程度上依赖于人类的供应,应该是驯养的家猪。同时,该猪食物结构中的碳四植物来源提示该遗址可能存在粟作农业。  相似文献   
一、前言   在社会现代化进程中,中国乡村的社会结构和权力文化呈现着多元互动的组合模式.对于中国农村,既不能从主流政治的立场把它简单地界定为国家权力的基层组织,也不能从纯行政区域的眼光看待其空间组合,而要从历史文化变迁、人文地理状况等多方面深入考察不同区域的社会文化特征.我们在晋南万荣、河津等地的田野调查中,就深刻地体会到不同区域乡村组织的复杂性.“社“这一从古代传承下来的民间组织,在其他地区已经销声匿迹了,但是,在河津、万荣以及与此隔河相望的陕西韩城、合阳却还存活着,而且正显示着实际的社会功能,这引起我们对当前乡村民俗组织的结构特征、存活形态、运行机制等问题的浓厚兴趣.经过考察,我们发现“社“这种民俗组织在不同历史时期、特定地域内显示着不同的社会功能,因而在乡村社会中也表现出相异的民俗特征,它作为乡村权力文化网络的交织点正在社会现代化进程中发挥着不可替代的作用.……  相似文献   
从顺治元年开始,摄政王多尔衮成为清朝主要决策者。由于战略形势的巨变,为了得到朝鲜的物资援助,多尔衮及时调整了朝鲜政策,使得清与朝鲜的关系由征服与被征服者的关系开始向传统的宗藩关系转变。白顺治元年到顺治七年,虽然时间很短,但由于处于清王朝建立全国性统治的关键时刻,多尔衮的朝鲜政策承上启下,对清与朝鲜实现长期稳固的宗藩关系意义重大。除勇猛果敢、具有杰出的军事指挥才能之外,史料记载多尔衮具有多重性格,在摄政初期顾全大局、治军较严,后期则独断专横、脾气急躁、耽于享乐,因此这一时期的朝鲜政策也打上了多尔衮个人的鲜明烙印。本文主要从多尔衮摄政这一时期对皇太极制定的朝鲜政策的继承与调整以及其个人对政策实施的影响两个层面来阐述天聪年间至顺治初年的清廷对朝政策。  相似文献   
Regional income convergence and divergence has been an active field of research for more than 20 years, and research papers in this field are still being produced at a prodigious rate. Despite their importance for the study of dynamics of income distribution, interactive visualization tools revealing spatiotemporal dimensions of the income data have been sparsely developed. This study introduces a visual analytics system for the space–time analysis of income dynamics. We use state-level US income data from 1929 to 2009 to demonstrate the visual analytics system and its utility for exploring similar data. The system consists of two modules, visualization and analytics. The visualization module, a Web-based front-end called Rank-Path Visualizer (RPV), draws inspiration from the cartographic technique of flow mapping, originally developed by Tobler and embodied in his canonical Flow Mapper application.  相似文献   
Anacaenaspis yanpingensis sp. nov., from the lower Niuchang Formation (upper Rhuddanian, lower Llandovery, lower Silurian), is the first record of this genus from South China. The biogeographical distribution of Anacaenaspis and some other trilobite genera from South China (e.g., Gaotania, Hyrokybe, Aulacopleura and Raphiophorus) in the Llandovery evidences faunal exchanges between Avalonia–Baltica, Laurentia, Australia and South China. We attribute these dispersals to prevailing ocean currents, and especially equatorial countercurrents, which would have propagated dispersals during the Rhuddanian, shortly after the end-Ordovician mass extinction.  相似文献   
宋代由于社会商品经济的发展,城市人口的增多,商业市场的活跃,人们生活水平有所提高,对野生动物的食用、药用、器用价值的追求热情日盛,使得野生动物经济价值凸显,这是导致野生动物被捕杀的根本原因,由此对当时和后世生态环境产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
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