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“庶民研究”与后殖民史学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
“庶民研究”是印度近二十余年来以后殖民主义为研究视角的一种历史编纂实践。它主张摒弃传统史学撰述中的精英主义话语,从“庶民”的角度重写印度殖民与后殖民时期的历史。“庶民研究”在理论与方法上代表了当今后殖民史学的一个重要特征,它既批判了西方现代史学观念中的历史主义弊端,又对近现代以来非西方史学在西方普遍主义话语之下继续“受殖”的状况进行了深刻反思。“庶民研究”努力建构的书写非西方历史的新模式,以及由此导致的后殖民史学对非西方历史学的重新定向具有一种普遍意义,值得第三世界的历史学者借鉴与思考。  相似文献   
A self-centering concrete wall with distributed friction devices is proposed to achieve seismic resilient building structures. Unbonded post-tensioned tendons, running vertically through wall panels, provide a restoring force that pulls the structure back toward its undeformed plumb position after earthquake. Two steel jackets are installed at wall toes to prevent concrete spalling and crushing. Friction devices are distributed between the wall and its adjacent gravity columns to achieve controllable energy dissipation, and these devices are readily replaceable. Desirable self-centering and energy dissipation capacities were observed in low-cyclic loading tests, and influences of various parameters on the hysteretic behavior were investigated.  相似文献   
The traditional thermal expansion method using a dilatometer fails to accurately determine the original firing temperatures of low‐fired ancient pottery. For this reason, we have developed an improved method of determining firing temperatures for low‐fired pottery. This paper explains the theory of the improved method and presents the reasonably satisfactory results obtained on ancient pottery from the Donghulin site (c. 10 000 bp ). The method and the results are very important for the study of ancient pottery culture and clay moulds used for bronze casting.  相似文献   
"一代儒宗"马一浮先生的主要学术贡献在于创立了以"六艺论"为主体的新儒学理论体系,在这个"六艺论"的学术思想体系之中,《论语》、《孝经》犹如两大柱石,占有基础性地位;《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《乐》《春秋》则成为"六艺之教"学理体系得以发挥阐释的主要内涵。马一浮的新经学的方法论意义在于提倡六艺之学两两涵摄、相互融通、总别不二、圆融无碍,从而在当代新儒学思潮建构之中开创了一种特色鲜明的经典诠释学新范式。  相似文献   
美善合一是李长之的审美教育理念,德国古典美学、儒家古典审美教育思想和中华玉文化是李长之审美教育理念的思想渊源。文章从这三个视角出发去解读批评家的审美教育思想,探究介于批评家理性和感性之间的那块心灵圣地,揭示批评家批评思想的哲学底蕴和情感内涵。  相似文献   
Editor's Note: According to modern science, sunlight has a series of effects while it irradiates human skin and sequentially makes the human body stronger and healthier. Basking in sunlight is a common lifestyle for people living in western countries and has gradually formed a sunbathing culture amongst people in the west. Nevertheless, the special geographical environment and too much strong ultraviolet radiation in Tibet makes sun-bathers very susceptible to sun-burnt skin if they bask too long under sunlight of Tibet.  相似文献   
“于屯”村北墓区为前掌大“史”氏族团“分裂”而来的“鸟”氏支族墓区,其中IIIM308和IIIM309为“鸟”氏支族具有特殊身份的高级贵族夫妻异穴并葬墓。本文对IIIM308出土8件铜礼器进行材质分析及制作工艺考察,8件铜礼器的材质以铅锡青铜为主,皆为浑铸成型,采用了金属垫片、加强筋等工艺措施来保证铸造质量。9件“鸟”字铭文铜器,“鸟”字铭文形状可分为两组,可能系两个不同铸造作坊或前后两批次铸造。  相似文献   
We developed a Faxon fir (Abies faxoniana) tree-ring width chronology at the timberline in the western Qinling Mountains, China. Herein February–July mean temperature was reconstructed for Zhouqu in the western Qinling Mountains back to AD 1650 based on the standard chronology. The climate/tree-growth model accounts for 43.5% of the instrumental temperature variance during the period 1972–2006. Spatial correlation analyses with the gridded temperature data shows that the temperature reconstruction captures regional climatic variations over central and southeast China, and strong teleconnections with the nearby High Asia. There is a good agreement with cold and warm periods previously estimated from tree-rings in Nepal, India and southwest China. The temperature re-construction indicates that there was pronounced cooling in Zhouqu during the Maunder Minimum (late 1600s to early 1700s). The cold period (1813–1827) of the temperature reconstruction coincide with the volcanic eruptions. Significant spectral peaks are found at 56.9, 22.3, 11.4, 2.9, 2.8, 2.6, 2.2 and 2.0 years. The spatial correlation patterns between our temperature reconstruction and SSTs of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans suggest a connection between regional temperature variations and the atmospheric circulations. It is thus revealed that the chronology has enough potential to reconstruct the climatic variability further into the past.  相似文献   
华南海盗猖獗、英军两度侵犯共同构成乾嘉之际澳门的两大隐忧,此亦为鸦片战争前粤东及澳门海域最大规模的海疆危机.时任香山知县彭昭麟亲历危机,在两次危机应对及与澳葡政府合作中起到过重要作用.通过彭昭麟所为,既可考察彭昭麟在海疆危机应对中的策略及作用,也可藉此厘清同时期中葡关系的本相.  相似文献   
<近代史研究>2010年第4期所刊唐博<民国时期的平民住宅及其制度创建——以北平为中心的研究>一文,认为平民住宅最早兴建于1934年南京市政当局整顿市容,对此结论,尚可商榷. 国民政府奠都南京以后,该市人口年增长率达到14.2%①,随之而来的棚户数量的增加,成为一大社会问题.至1934年棚户总数已达29572户,占全市65482户的45.1%.②为此,市政府于1934年特组织成立"棚户住宅改善委员会",专门负责棚户住宅改造事宜③,始将棚户区的全面改造纳入市容整顿的规划中.市政会议议决通过改善棚户区的办法为"(甲)迁移,(乙)取缔,及(丙)建造平民住宅",并"觅定适当地点,与殷实商人及银行界官商合资起造平民住宅".④随后在和平门外、止马营、七里街等处筹建了多所平民住宅.但此次并非该市兴建平民住宅的开端,只是"于原有平民住宅外,加建一部分平民住宅,平价出租".⑤  相似文献   
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