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Before seeing Asgen I had imagined a girl who has been on the stage of various parties on CCTV(China Central Television)many times for such a young age.She might have the air of a star but when I saw her the first time,my former suspicions all vanished right away.Before me,was a Tibetan girl who is so pretty,nice and easy going. When Asgen did the interview with me,the sunshine shone through the window and it was warm and peaceful in the room.As she spoke to me, her eyes were attentive and her voice seemed to penetrate one’s heart with enchantment.  相似文献   
齐会芳 《神州》2012,(6):356-356
根据新教材的特点和未来社会对学生的要求,教师要认识和了解社会的发展和变革,要用全新的眼光来看待我们国家的课程和教材的改革,更要加强学习,转变我们的教学观念,在教学过程中要从教材、学生等方面获取各种信息,正确引导学生认真学习,学会学习,充分体现学生的主体地位。  相似文献   
马文臣 《神州》2012,(6):290-290
物理学是一门基础科学,它研究力、热、电、磁、光等方面的规律。从分子、原子到原子内部,从日月星辰到整个宇宙,物理学研究的对象无所不及。因此,物理知识的范围很广。智力以知识为基础,是知识的运用。因此,对智力的培养应同物理知识教学结合起来。  相似文献   
珞巴族是我国西藏南部地区的古老民族。居住在我国实际控制地区的珞巴族仅有数千人,而居住在中印领土争议东段地区的珞巴族则达几十万人。塔金部落是藏南珞巴族的重要支系,世代生息在山南、林芝两地交界处的西巴霞曲流域。20世纪50年代至今,绝大部分塔金人都处于印方控制之下。由于相关资料缺乏和实地考察不便,目前国内学界对这部分珞巴族人口的情况关注较少。本文结合中、外文资料,对中印领土争议东段地区珞巴族塔金部落的基本状况及其社会变迁做了粗浅探讨。  相似文献   
汉武帝茂陵东北部的"次冢"因其位置在大陵园之内,按规定,只有级别较高的皇帝嫔妃才能够入葬此处,故其绝非世传的董仲舒之墓。汉武帝因厚葬早逝的宠妃李夫人,有可能让其使用了原为皇后修建的陵墓,因此,"次冢"或为重新规划修建的皇后陵,其旁侧的墓葬也许是地位较高的嫔妃之墓。  相似文献   
One of the ways in which the heterosexualization of women's bodies is made apparent is through the blatant promotion of Ladies' Night at night clubs. These are typically weekly events, of which women are granted complimentary entry by club operators. Ladies' Night is thus popularly construed as a time and space in which men can gain access to many ‘heterosexy’ female bodies. The deliberate deployment of specific kinds of (post)feminine bodies and subjectivities—slim, savvy, and sassy—in club promotional material is often couched in discourses that highlight female expression, consumption, and autonomy. Such a celebratory rhetoric of women as empowered actors seems to suggest that traditional gendered expectations of women as self-reserved, timid and vulnerable to sexual aggression are archaic and are no longer valid. In light of this, I investigate how women negotiate a postfeminist terrain within the context of Singapore's night clubbing scene. By employing qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews, ethnographic work, and discourse analysis, I argue that clubs are paradoxical spaces for performing gendered and (hetero)sexualized selves that vacillate between affirming and subverting heteropatriarchal regimes. In so doing, this paper hopes to contribute to the scholarship on feminist geography by bringing recent debates on postfeminism into a productive conversation with the literature on (hetero)sexuality and space.  相似文献   
After entering Beijing in January 1949, the Communist Party immediately sent cadres to local factories in order to mobilize female industrial workers into a women's movement and to establish the idea of "revolutionary citizenship." The Party wished to nurture this idea in both the local political arena and in women's lives inside and outside the factories. This article demonstrates that a host of factors defined revolutionary citizenship, including party directives, choices in revolutionary strategy, cadres' interpretations of directives and their own initiatives, and workers' reactions to mobilization. It was in this complex mix of mobilization, women's strategies to protect and advance their own interests, and the politics of group representation in the revolution, that female workers came to understand the meaning and impact of revolutionary citizenship and the shape of labor-state relations in the emerging socialist China.  相似文献   
为了克服熟宣纸古旧书画修复后变脆的缺点,本工作以牛宣纸制成的熟宣纸为样品,通过加速老化,模拟古旧字画现状,根据文物保护"最小介入原则",以超纯水为溶剂对样品进行缓慢有限洗涤脱酸实验.通过pH值、色差、耐折度的测定分析得出,用超纯水针对熟宣纸脱酸,不引入新的杂质,且环保、低成本,减少了对占旧书画的损害.  相似文献   
本文通过对明清时期河西走廊地区甘州、肃州两地现存四种藏书记及其所附书目的解读,发现明清时期河西走廊图书传播事业总体比较滞后,而且逐渐趋于保守、科举化。而这种变化又和明清时期河西走廊时代特点以及国家统治思想息息相关。  相似文献   
中国陶瓷艺术的源头是彩陶,彩陶艺术在中国陶瓷史上占有举足轻重的地位。彩陶艺术是从自然界中获取灵感,并融合了创作者的生活经验,通过对原有形态的抽象和概括,创造出实用、美观的造型和自然朴实的装饰纹样。本文通过对马家窑彩陶的器型、纹饰的研究,从深层次解析了马家窑彩陶的艺术之美。  相似文献   
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