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《中国地方志文献·学校考》汇集了4000余部历代方志学校类文献,即将由学苑出版社出版。类编方志学校史料的意义在于,不仅可以详细了解各地兴学办校的历史过程,还可以看到从古代到近代,政府和乡绅在普及教育和传播文化方面的积极投入,尤其是清末民初社会变革时期,教育体制发生巨大变化,初等教育真正开始成为一种普及式公益事业。综观不同时期的方志学校文献,这一变迁清晰可见。  相似文献   
黄展岳 《考古》2012,(5):59-64
肥致碑,1991年出土于河南省偃师县(今改市)南蔡庄一座东汉墓内。偃师县文物管理委员会编写的发掘简报见《文物》1992年第9期。简报发表后,备受海峡两岸学者的关注。20年来,公开发表的研究文章不下20多篇。文章内容相对集中在碑文的释读、肥致碑的性质、碑文记述与墓内被葬者的问题、碑文反映的东汉社会风气和碑文的书法艺术等五个方面。后面两个问题,研究者的看法基本一致,兹不赘述。前三个问题,看法  相似文献   
Cai, C., Clarke, D.J., Huang, D. & Nel, A., 2014. A new genus and species of Steninae from the late Eocene of France (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Alcheringa 38, 557–562. ISSN 0311-5518.

A remarkable new genus and species of rove beetle, Eocenostenus fossilis gen. et sp. nov., is described and figured based on one well-preserved specimen from the late Eocene of Monteils (near Alès, Gard, France). Eocenostenus is definitively placed in the extant subfamily Steninae, based on the combination of dense and coarse body punctation, globular and protruding eyes, exposed and closely spaced antennal insertions on the vertex, and six visible abdominal terga. Eocenostenus differs from the two extant stenine genera Stenus and Dianous most notably in the structure of the prothorax, which is strongly transverse and with unusual anterolateral projections, and in the anteriorly placed antennal insertions. This new discovery highlights the palaeodiversity of a genus-poor subfamily and suggests that the early diversification of Steninae is probably complicated.

Chenyang Cai [] and Diying Huang [], State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Rd., Nanjing 210008, PR China; Dave J Clarke [], Integrative Research Center, Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 S Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605, USA; and André Nel [], Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB, UMR 7205 CNRS UPMC EPHE, CP50, 45 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France. Received 23.1.2014; revised 2.5.2014; accepted 12.5.2014.  相似文献   
A new genus and species of Prophalangopsidae, Hylophalangopsis chinensis gen. and sp. nov., is described here on the basis of one well-preserved complete fore wing from the Paleocene of Northern Tibet. The differences between this species and other described species, its systematic position, and its evolutionary significance are discussed.  相似文献   
The Pairizhang (day-to-day accounts) found in Huizhou were mostly written by the pupils in old-style private school. They seem similar to a dairy in some way with the activities of family members (mostly male) as the main contents. However, they differ from modern diaries in many ways. It was a common practice in Wuyuan County to keep day-to-day accounts in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. By analyzing the 5 accounts found there, many underlying facts can be revealed, such as the time allocation of the main labor force, the composition of the peasant’s family economy, the general situation of productive activity and the days and ranges of their outdoor activity, etc. All these findings can help us have a better understanding of the peasants’ life in Huizhou at that time. __________ Translated by Li Dan from Jindaishi Yanjiu 近代史研究 (Modern Chinese History Studies), 2008, (2): 119–124  相似文献   
近代中国历史上第一个全国性工业团体--中国全国工业协会成立于1943年4月.本文分析了中国全国工业协会的缘起、成立的历史原因和开展的主要活动,指出它的成立及活动在中国资产阶级成长史上亦有着重要意义.它的出现,反映了资产阶级的新的分化和组合;它的成立及其活动,增强了工业资产阶级的阶级和阶层意识,提供了工业资产阶级与政府联系和向社会表达主张的渠道,标志着中国工业资产阶级在组织上的逐渐成熟和政治上的新觉醒.  相似文献   
大洪山南麓发现的史前遗存不仅数量多、保存好,而且价值高、影响大,是国内外学界广泛关注的探讨中华文明进程的重要热点区域之一.2008年,通过大洪山南麓以石家河为中心的区域进行的系统调查显示,在约150平方公里的区域内集中分布73处史前遗址,我们选择文化堆积单纯的遗址作为基本参数分析聚落规模级差,进一步丰富了我们对于该区域聚落形成发展及变化的认识,并借此加深对大洪山南麓以石家河为中心的史前聚落的数量、规模、年代、文化内涵、分布及其关系等方面的认识,提供分析以石家河古城为核心的聚落形成与发展过程的基础性资料,进而推动该区域文明进程的研究.  相似文献   
中国上古先民对桃的药物特性的认识,以及神话中度朔山大桃树与蟠木的叠合,推动了蟠桃的出现。蟠桃传说与瑶池会传说的结合又衍生出瑶池蟠桃会的故事情节。瑶池蟠桃会是元明清小说戏曲经常描写的场面。明清时期官宦之家庆寿时演唱蟠桃祝寿戏,民间中有王母池庙会和蟠桃宫庙会,都是由蟠桃信仰产生的民俗事象。从蟠桃到蟠桃会,从神话到小说情节,从民间传说到民俗生活,这些变化反映了我国传统文化中神仙内涵逐渐扩张的过程。  相似文献   
近年来,日本对华政策趋于强硬,对华政策中的消极面逐渐凸现。由此.造成了中日关系的“政冷经热”局面。特别是近一段时期以来,由于日本现任主要领导人依然没有完全放弃参拜靖国神社的立场,日美两国公然把台湾问题列为日美共同战略目标之一,日本还在教科书问题上.在东海油气田开采、专署经济区划分和钓鱼岛主权归属上咄咄逼人,态度强硬,企图逼中国让步,并公开阻挠欧盟解除对华军售禁令等,致使中日关系出现了复杂局面。此外,日本企图在未解决历史问题之前急于成为联合国安理会常任理事国的做法,也引起了包括中国在内的许多国家人民的强烈不满。  相似文献   
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