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“May Fourth” has long been considered a turning point for modern China, resulting in continuous heated discussion on the topic since the 1920s. These discussions not only reexamine culture but also have political intent. Many recent scholars have discussed the “ideologization” of May Fourth from the perspective of “memory politics.” They argue that “May Fourth discourse” was not only used to understand and recapture the past, but also to help one’s own cherished values occupy a core position in modern Chinese history, thus using historical interpretation to create a compass for China’s future that conforms to historical tides. From the four great philosophies of modern China, the Nationalists and Communists have incorporated May Fourth into the “Three People’s Principles” and “New Democracy,” respectively. Liberals held up democracy and science as a need for China’s future, and made efforts to propagate and practice democracy in Hong Kong and Taiwan after 1949. As for New Confucians who had continuously criticized May Fourth for being anti-tradition, they supported traditional values but also believed that democracy and science were a “priority and necessity for China's cultural development,” and hoped to use the spirit behind this ideal. They along with liberals criticized the Nationalist and Communist autocracy for departing from May Fourth ideals, and especially noted how May Fourth created fertile ground for the rise and expansion of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), “resulting in the growth of the Communist Party,” and the Nationalist government’s move to Taiwan. After 1949, Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) and the Guomindang (GMD) Nationalist Party he led primarily assessed the May Fourth Movement by synthesizing the views of the liberals and New Confucians. They highlighted the slogans of saving the nation, ethics, democracy, and science to promote ethical education and “national spirit education” as top-priority cultural policies. The focus of this article is to examine how liberals and New Confucians used the topic of May Fourth to criticize the CCP and GMD in Hong Kong and Taiwanese political commentary magazines during the 1950s (approximately 1949–1960). It also explores how the GMD synthesized liberal and New Confucian views to lay out their own position. This discourse shows how May Fourth had diverse interpretations under the context of conflict between the liberals and the New Confucians as well as Nationalists and Communists. The criticism of the ideologization of May Fourth in recent years is actually an important turning point in the scholarly study of May Fourth.  相似文献   
清代中叶以前长江上游在使用传统的生物质燃料时期燃料总体十分富足,唐宋元明时期个别煮盐业发达的地区出现了薪材匮乏的现象,但并不影响总体的生物质燃料的丰富充足状况。长江上游最早在汉代就开始发现火井,并在晋代利用天然气作为手工业燃料,但直到清代才逐渐在川东、川南部分地区盐业中广泛使用,而在生活中较多使用天然气等液化气是20世纪80年代以来的事。煤炭在中国也是早在汉代就开始,在长江上游的使用早在唐宋就出现,但很长时期内不论是在生产中或是在生活中都是煤炭与木材、木炭并用。近代以来,城市生活和生产煤炭使用范围扩大,但农村受多方面的制约,煤的使用程度并不十分普及,直到今天,农村生物质燃料仍为主体。由于人口压力、工业化过程中燃料换代不能实现,清中叶以来至20世纪80年代,是长江上游生物质燃料的危机时期,也是从生物质燃料向非生物质燃料转换的转折时期,其中20世纪60年代至80年代达到顶峰。近十多年来,由于液化气、煤炭、沼气、电力等非生物质燃料大量使用,燃料换代加速,加上城市化背景下农村实际生活人口减少、环境保护意识增强、烹熟可食用品增多,虽然生物质植物燃料在农村仍为主体燃料,但城市乡村的生物质燃料薪材采伐量大大减少,森林生态环境的压力减弱。  相似文献   
黄东阳 《文献》2007,10(4):47-52
"腰缠十万贯,骑鹤上扬州"微妙地道出世人欲兼得超脱升仙、享有荣华的心理,后世多比喻兼得人间美事,或譬说个人贪欲太多,传续在文人创作与民间口语里.  相似文献   
2005年8月中旬,为配合三座店水利枢纽工程建设,在赤峰市松山区初头朗镇三座店村洞子山石城址参加抢救性发掘期间,利用工余时间考察了三座店村东梁石城址。该  相似文献   
观台出土窖藏汉晋时期钱币简报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
观台,村名。位于河南省许昌市东侧四十华里,汉魏许都故城遗址东南八华里的溟水岸边,当年汉魏之际曹操屯田的中心遗址。东汉末年,曹操在此实行军垦屯田,为了观兵练武而在此修了一台,名曰“观台”。后人在此建村,村名延续至今。该村现在隶属河南省许昌市鄢陵县只乐乡。  相似文献   
The Xicun kiln is a typical kiln for firing porcelains for export, including celadon, which imitates the products of the Yaozhou kilns. In this paper, 10 pieces of celadon from the Xicun kiln and 8 celadon samples from the Yaozhou kiln were analysed in situ non-destructively by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence microprobe and optical microscopy. The results indicated that the body of the Xicun celadon contained less TFe2O3, Cr, Sr and Zr, and more K2O and Rb than that of the Yaozhou celadon. Also, the glaze of the Xicun celadon contained lower quantities of Sr and higher Rb; thus, these elements could be employed as relevant markers for the non-destructive discrimination of the provenance of Xicun celadon. In addition, the thicker glaze, the numerous bubbles, and the existence of the middle layer could be used as auxiliary indicators for a micro-structural distinction between samples from the Yaozhou kiln and those originating from Xicun.  相似文献   
1927年4月3日发生的"麻城惨案",是武汉国民政府辖区农民运动发展到高潮时爆发的一起典型的反动势力破坏革命的群体性事件.惨案发生后,武汉国民政府起先想通过武装征剿红枪会的军事斗争打击反动势力,从而保障农民运动积极开展,由于受各种主客观因素的影响,武装征剿遭到失败.随后,政府将善后事宜交由地方处理,各组织团体达成妥协,...  相似文献   
阿里地方作为藏族历史上的藏区三部之一,早已融入到西藏文化的习语之中.然而阿里地域概念的形成与演变,经历了一个相当漫长的历史过程.西藏西部地区,最初是以象雄闻名于世.7世纪中期吐蕃王朝统一青藏高原,象雄地区首次纳入卫藏政权治下.吐蕃王朝崩溃后,赞普后裔进入西部,以"领地"命名象雄故地,西藏西部完成了从象雄到阿里的转变.吉德尼玛衮在阿里的经营,促成阿里三围概念的出现.由于史料与政治的原因,三围的具体划分众说纷纭,但阿里三围作为一个地域概念却众所周知.17世纪后期,分裂了数百年之久的阿里地方的大部分统一到甘丹颇章政府治下,结束了政治上的割据局面.而近代随着清王朝的衰落与外国殖民势力的蚕食,阿里地域范围日益缩减.阿里地域概念的分合盈缩,正是西藏民族兴衰的晴雨表.  相似文献   
首轮省志经济、社会部类各分志的编纂总结了一些好的做法:一是突出时代特色。二是总体结构上不断完善小编体,努力寻找科学性与行业性的契合点,做到既符合现代社会分工越来越细的趋势,又便于落实修志牵头单位。三是注意结合省情,突出地方特色。第二轮省志经济、社会部类,要在回顾和总结首轮《江苏省志》、认真学习《地方志工作条例》和挖掘江苏经济社会的亮点和特色的基础上,进行合理设置。第二轮省志经济、社会部类各分志重点把握好两方面问题:一是资料系统性与完整性;二是记述深度与实体。  相似文献   
《水经·渭水注》所载渭水支流新兴川水文句存在错简、脱讹之处。由《水经注》写作手法可以看出,"南川水"并不是新兴川水的一条支流,而是新兴川水的二源之一。由此可以发现注文的一处错简,进而得以对新兴县的地望进行重新考订。通行文本中的"故道候尉"也是由于传抄中的脱字和误改所致。  相似文献   
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