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抗战时期《大公报》在大后方桂林办刊近四年时间,关注了大量国际、国内乃至广西的金融局势和动态。报纸在社会时事评论板块的金融领域,针对一些时局事件或现象,不定期刊载报社的观点以及一系列社会各界人士的评论,涉及金融秩序、金融调控、金融货币、金融机构、国际金融等方面。这些文章秉笔直书、切中要害,对当局的金融政策措施产生了一些直接或间接的影响,凸显了时人的爱国热情和金融智慧。  相似文献   
四川青川出土秦"为田律"木牍的重要价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1982年在四川青川县出土的秦田律木牍,是战国晚期泰国拓辟疆域扩大领地的重要证据之一。牍文内容仅一百多字,公开发表以后,引起国内外史学、考古、古文字、书法界的极大关注,先后有五十多篇研究文章对此进行讨论。这些文章在时牍文文字作了释读和考证,从不同角度探讨了当时法律所规的土地田亩制度。与木牍伴出的一组器物和钱币,在年代学、货币金融史方面也具有重要价值。  相似文献   
黄兆宏 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):24-26
义学是私学的一种,是私人捐资建立或宗族设立的乡校村学,是免费的蒙学。甘肃义学最早出现于明代,普遍设立于清代。义学对甘肃的教育产生了深远的影响,开创了民族教育的先河。同时,对开发智力、普及教育也有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   
本文研究的基础在于2005年以来结合神武门保护工程的实测成果。经过综合归纳数据、统计分析,作者提出神武门门楼大木所用尺长假说,并明确了精确到半尺的柱头平面设计。在此基础上,本文还尝试考察垂直方向上金柱高、屋架举架设计,以及斗栱细部设计等问题。  相似文献   
比利时的布鲁日城被称作“沉睡的美女”,它是欧洲保留最完整的中世纪城市,2000年被联合国教科文化组织列入世界遗产名录。然而,在国内似乎鲜为人知。通常到欧洲旅游的中国游客,到首都布鲁塞尔市中心广场转一圈、与著名的“尿童”小于连的铜像合个影,或再看一眼“原子球”便上车走人,就算是游过比利时了。但仅仅如此,是远远不够的,在我看来,到了比利时如若不游布鲁日,就如同没去过比利时。  相似文献   
Qiliu hospice in the Qing Dynasty were a sort of charitable organizations established for housing vagrants. According to the distinct functions they served, Qiliu hospice can be divided into different types. Those appeared in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces during the periods of Jiaqing and Daoguang were just a countermeasure to prevent the extortion of petty officials, which had very limited relief targets and measures. But in the modern times, with the quick development of society and great impact from the West, not only the sphere of Qiliu hospice’s relief targets expanded but also relief measures they adopted became more active, which show that Qiliu hospice have already started their course of modern transformation. Translated by Zhou Weiwei from Shixue Yuekan 史学月刊 (Journal of Historical Science), 2008, (2): 48–59  相似文献   
Most wooden remains from archaeological sites in waterlogged burial environments are found to be intact without shrinkage despite centuries of storage. However, waterlogged wooden remains are subject to shrinkage damage and some even lose up to 80% of their original volume when exposed to air. The shrinkage of archaeological waterlogged wood with the loss of a large part of the initial volume of the wooden remains has been considered irreversible. Here we show that “active alkali-urea”, serving as a re-swelling chemical agent, can almost fully restore the collapsed archaeological wood to its original shape. The restoration experiment showed that the main reason for the restoration of collapsed wood is that the collapsed cell cavity almost completely recovered its original shape during active alkali-urea treatment. We suggest that the shape of collapsed archaeological wood remains can be fully recovered, and that the collapsed archaeological wood can thereby recover its valuable cultural properties.  相似文献   
红山位于英金河右岸,紧邻赤峰城区东北部,是一处相对独立的丘陵山地.英金河由西面至北面环绕红山,是远古人类重要的活动区域,著名的"红山文化"就是在这里发现并命名的.红山地势西高东低,由凤凰峰等9个山峰组成,最高峰海拔746米,总面积约10平方公里,西部山体陡峭基岩裸露,岩体呈红褐色,红山因此而得名,东部及南部地表覆盖着厚厚的砂质黄土,形成略有起伏的缓坡沙地.  相似文献   
汉代画像基葬由于分布广泛,表现形式丰富多样,将它们加以综合审视,从中可以发现汉代画像墓葬从兴起、流行、昌盛到衰落的发展历程.对各地不同时期画像墓葬的种类与特色,本文也有一个整体上的比较和揭示.  相似文献   
王阳明有多篇教育论著,其中提出教育儿童“必使其趋向鼓舞,中心喜悦”的要求。为此,提“歌诗”、游戏、郊游等活动,令其“乐习不倦”。这便是东方教育史上“快乐教育”的滥觞。比西方教育史上出现的”快乐之家”早了三百多年。  相似文献   
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