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黄大宏 《文献》2002,(3):65-78
说明:本谱所参朱金城《自居易年谱》、顾学颉《白居易年谱简编》、宋陈振孙《白文公年谱》、清汪立名《白香山年谱》,首见用全称,后用简称,即"朱谱""顾谱""陈谱""汪谱".  相似文献   
作为古代斯巴达社会组织形式之一的奥巴见于古风时代斯巴达之重要文献"大瑞特剌".但相关希腊文传世文献颇为晚出,于其具体情形语焉不详.然而于拉格尼亚地区之铭文材料中颇可见奥巴一词,抑或其方言表达形式.此种铭文包括嘉许令、球戏铭文及圣法三类,共计19则.上述铭文固然亦多属希腊化时代晚期及其后的时代,但可据以厘清晚出传世文献所记奥巴情况之时代属性,若与传世文献相参证,对于认识希腊化时代晚期及罗马统治时期奥巴在斯巴达之历史实情亦颇有助益.  相似文献   
Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and lead isotope analyses were applied to 12 Western Zhou (1046–771 bc) bronzes unearthed from the Shuangyantang site in Wushan County, Chongqing (southwest China), to investigate their chemical compositions and possible mineral source(s). The results showed that (1) the investigated bronzes were mostly bronzes with low, common lead and (2) their lead isotopic values almost all fall into a relatively narrow range, suggesting possibly the use of raw materials from a common copper mine. The comparison between lead isotopic values for Shuangyantang bronzes and those already published for copper mines and other bronzes produced and used about at the same times leads us to believe that the Shuangyantang bronzes probably used the same copper ores as used in bronzes from the Peng and Jin states in Shanxi Province. However, it would not be possible at this point to come up with a clear idea of where exactly these copper ores may come from. Candidate copper mines might be the Tonglvshan mines in Hubei Province, the Zhongtiaoshan mines in Shanxi Province, or the Dajing copper mines in Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   
As an initiative to increase cycling, bike to work (BTW) events emphasize a pragmatic approach in which people learn through sensory experience. Pragmatism contends that the lived experience of the commuter within fluid geographies of social and physical conditions informs commuting knowledge and behavior. I researched how bicyclists participate in the 2012 BTW event in Lake Tahoe (USA) and how these experiences facilitate the process of becoming bicycle commuters. My study included participant observations, interviews, video observations, and route mapping. I analyzed this data with thematic and narrative analyses. I find that the BTW event illuminates bicycling, a normally invisible practice in a car world, and creates temporary bicycle-friendly spaces that provide the embodied experience and knowledge of bicycle commuting within context. Through this lived experience, participants can break free from unconscious car-based patterns and become embodied bicycle commuters who engage in active renegotiations of their commuting practices.  相似文献   
江淮东部是介于海岱地区和太湖地区之间的一个重要的考古学文化区。自50年代初在江淮东部发现淮安青莲岗遗址并由此提出青莲岗文化的命名以来,江淮地区的考古工作始终受到考古学界的高度关注。而高邮龙虬庄遗址被评为1993年中国十大考古新发现之后,在考古学界也产生了较大的影响。围绕龙虬庄遗址的考古发现,探讨江淮东部原始文化和青莲岗文化,以及淮河流域古文化,对于推动中国考古学研究向纵深发展,有着积极的意义。在高邮召开的龙虬庄遗址与江淮地区古文化的座谈会上,来自北京和苏鲁豫皖浙的专家各抒己见,本刊将座谈会上有代表性的专家的发言经整理后以纪要的形式刊出,旨在对江苏乃至淮河流域的考古工作起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   
《东林列传》是研究明末东林党人的重要资料,具有较高的文献参考价值,因此有关《东林列传》的版本问题也是一个值得重视的学术课题。  相似文献   
黄素敏 《民俗研究》2005,(4):258-272
中国历史上的民间信仰,由于受到“神道设教“的影响,大多具有明显的国家意识.不过,在民间信仰的传承过程中,神灵的象征意义是极为复杂多变的,不同的社会阶层各有不同的理解和解释;对普通民众而言,灵异传说与乡土观念构成了地方神崇拜的主要动力.因此,深入考察民间信仰的象征意义与传承过程,有助于揭示区域社会文化的发展机制.本文试图通过对明溪显应庙莘夫人崇拜的历史考察,分析地方官、士绅与乡民对待莘夫人崇拜的不同态度,对民间信仰的象征意义与传承过程作一初步的探讨.……  相似文献   
自西汉开辟"海上丝绸之路"以来,在我国漫长的海岸线上,先后出现了十余个与"海上丝绸之路"形成与发展关系密切的大小港口.这些港口在长期的发展演变过程中,历经兴衰与更迭,至宋元时期,最终形成了广州、明州(宁波)、泉州三大贸易枢纽港.这三大港口不仅是这一时期"海上丝绸之路"的最主要起迄港,而且在促进东西方经济贸易和文化交流方面亦起到了举足轻重的作用.本文拟结合市舶制度的建立、造船业的发展、航海线路的拓展以及中外文化交流等方面的状况,对宋元时期这三大港口的发展规模、功能特征、地位作用及其演变历程等进行比较研究,以进一步揭示三大港口历史发展的基本态势与内在规律,同时也为当今全球经济一体化大背景下的港口发展,提供一些有益的启示.  相似文献   
本根据成都平原和重庆地区葬具的发展线索,认为船棺葬为蜀人的固有葬俗,巴县冬笋坝和昭化宝轮院的船棺葬是受蜀化影响的结果。巴人本来无船棺葬的习俗。  相似文献   
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