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Rheumatological diseases, whether inflammatory or degenerative, are ubiquitous among modern Asian people but very few palaeopathological studies have been performed in Asia on this subject. Since 1996, we have been carrying out a palaeoepidemiological survey of rheumatic diseases in ancient Chinese and Japanese skeletal populations. Findings on the spinal column in ancient Chinese populations (ca. 5000 bc –ad 1644) in Henan Province (centre of the Yellow River Civilization) are reported in this study. The examined number of the people over 20 years old was 365 (185 males, 169 females and 11 unsexed). Of these, 248 were young adults, 98 were middle adults and 19 were old adults. Crude prevalence (number/100) in total population of vertebral osteophytosis/facet osteoarthritis was 17.5/7.7, 17/3.7 and 44.6/21.1 at the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, respectively. That of ossified anterior longitudinal ligament (OALL) or Forestier's disease was around 3 at each of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) of the cervical spine was observed in five out of 114 skeletons with cervical spine preserved, while it did not exist in any thoracic and lumbar segment. Ossification of the ligamentum flavum (OLF) was predominantly observed in the thoracic spine, the crude prevalence of which was 36.7. Overall spinal degenerative lesions seemed to have been more prevalent and spinal ligament ossifications less prevalent in ancient Chinese populations than in modern people. None of the inflammatory lesions like rheumatoid spondylitis, as well as seronegative spondyloarthropathies, were detected. This is the first palaeopathological study in which the prevalence of OPLL and OLF, the two clinically important spinal ligamentous ossifications causing myelopathy in modern mankind, was surveyed in ancient skeletons. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
从出土文献和文物来看,西夏时期的医药用具有度量衡器、制药器、贮盛器、服药器和治疗器五类,这些器具根据其使用特点由不同的材质制作而成。从现有的文献来看,西夏的医药用具较为简单,有很多是由其他器物兼用。西夏对医疗器具的使用虽多与宋同,但从品质、数量、种类来看,其与中原地域相比仍有较大差距,在一定程度上反映了西夏医学水平相对落后的实际状况。  相似文献   
黄新艳 《攀登》2008,27(6):98-101
马克思以“实践”为其哲学的核心概念,实现了从传统本体论到现代本体论的重大转变。马克思的“实践本体论”就是以实践为根据去理解人的存在、人的本质、人的思维和人的世界。实践作为人的本质活动,它的目标就是追求和谐与统一、追求人的更加完满的存在方式的实现。不管是从实践的本体意义,还是从实践的过程及其追求目标来看,马克思的实践观中蕴含着丰富的总体性思想。  相似文献   
湖北随州叶家山新出西周曾国铜器及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖北随州叶家山西周墓地出土的一批有铭铜器具有重要的学术价值。本文根据考古材料对主要铜器铭文进行了释读,进而讨论西周早期曾国的政治中心及曾与鄂的问题,认为西周早期曾国的政治中心应在今漂水下游南岸的庙台子遗址;西周早期曾与鄂两国一度同时并存于汉东地区,曾国主要地望应在漂水下游以东区域,而鄂国则应在其西约25公里的溠水流域。  相似文献   
Chang'an (now Xi'an) was the capital of the Western Han Dynasty and the starting point of the Silk Road. In the light of the importance of Chang'an as the centre of politics, economy and cultural interaction, the overarching question proposed in this paper is focused on its role in the mirror production and distribution network during Han period. On the basis of chemical and lead isotopic analyses of 34 Han mirrors, this paper discusses the potential existence of a mirror production centre in Chang'an. Meanwhile, a comparative study with mirrors uncovered from the south‐western frontier and from Central Asian and North‐East Asian countries offers new insight into these related issues.  相似文献   
HUANG D. & NEL A., June 2017. New fossil damsel -dragonfly clarifies the phylogenetic position of the small Jurassic family Juraheterophlebiidae (Odonata: Epiproctophora). Alcheringa, 41, 536–542.

A nearly complete specimen of Juraheterophlebia cancellosa sp. nov., the third species of the family Juraheterophlebiidae, is described from the Middle–Late Jurassic of China and shows the exact structure of its forewing discoidal space. As a consequence, this family is restored, separated from Erichschmidtiidae, and its diagnosis amended. It is transferred from Heterophlebioptera to Stenophlebioptera, the first clade being now only known from the Early Jurassic. Erichschmidtiidae includes the sole species Erichschmidtia nigrimontana, and this family is now considered of uncertain systematic position.

Diying Huang [] State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210,008, PR China; André Nel [] Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB-UMR 7205-CNRS, MNHN, UPMC, EPHE, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, Entomologie F-75005, Paris, France.  相似文献   

In examining the development of the International Geographical Union’s (IGU) Commission on Gender and Geography over the last three decades, we first highlight the advances made to establish visibility for gender studies within the IGU and create structures for more inclusive feminist geographies across national, disciplinary and other borders. Given that many of the early and most widely-known advances were largely within Anglophone contexts, we then discuss the ongoing challenges and possibilities for advancement faced by feminist geographers who teach, research, and write on gender in other locations. While some of these challenges (such as a continued lack of recognition for gender studies, paternalistic hierarchies, and specific government regimes) are country-specific, others are related to broader issues of neoliberalism and corporatization, and inequities in academic publishing. Clearly, continued efforts are needed to strengthen the agenda for gender to promote more inclusive histories, practices and processes of gender/feminist geography in research, teaching and application in the international arena.  相似文献   
黄晶晶 《丝绸之路》2010,(10):90-92
新世纪实施的西部大开发战略,是振兴国家、繁荣中华民族的伟大盛事。在实施过程中必然会遇到许多困难和问题,其中人口问题,特别是西部少数民族人口数量、素质和构成问题,民族人口与民族地区的社会、经济、资源的协调运行和可持续发展问题,都是无法回避的。本文分析了现阶段西部少数民族人口存在的问题,并试提出对策性建议。  相似文献   
在甘肃省博物馆的文物藏品中,瓷器虽不是特色,但占有一定的比例,元代青花可谓其中之珍品。本文撷取了日前展出的一件玉壶春瓶,从其基本情况描述人手,对其制作和烧造工艺、胎体的时代特点、花纹种类和布局及表现手法、花纹色料、器型等方面进行了介绍,使读者由此领略我国元青花的独特魅力。  相似文献   
汉代壁画墓的分区与分期研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>壁画墓是汉墓的一种形式,其分区不可能完全脱离于汉墓的分区,出土壁画墓的区域,必定也同时出土有不带壁画的汉墓,两者的整体发展情况应该是同步的;不同的是,壁画墓的数量在汉墓中只占少数,又集中出土于个别区域,具有  相似文献   
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