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玉门花海毕家滩出土的《晋律注》是裱糊在棺板外侧的纸本文书,因埋藏环境复杂及年代久远等各种原因,文物整体保存状况极为不佳。棺板存在残缺、断裂等多种病害,而外侧的纸本文书降解更为严重,已达到触之即粉的状态。为了使文物的完整性得以体现及能够得达到展陈的基本要求,在对棺板木材进行种属鉴定及特征分析的基础上,在文物保护基本原则与理念的指导下,对棺板进行了病害调查、清洗、粘接及加固,对外侧文书进行了内容识读、原料种类鉴定。经过保护处理使得棺板的整体性得到了体现,达到了展陈的基本要求。原料分析结果显示外侧的纸本文书为皮浆纤维,因此该文书是目前为止出土为数不多的魏晋时期以皮浆为原料的纸质实物,这对甘肃河西地区造纸原料发展的研究提供了珍贵的资料。  相似文献   
南方多雨区域石窟寺的防渗加固是石窟造像保护的重要措施。近年来随着国力的增强,一大批文物保护工程已经实施。但是,对于石窟寺加固保护后效果的跟踪研究却较少。全国重点文物保护单位——杭州飞来峰造像原佛龛裂隙渗水较为严重,已对文物造成破坏和威胁。自2005年以来,飞来峰造像区域已完成了两期保护工程,实施了危岩加固、裂隙灌浆、地表防渗等工程措施。跟踪评价工程的防渗效果,对于后续保护工程和类似石窟造像的保护具有重要参考价值。本研究结合工程资料,实地观察测量渗水情况和分析渗出物成分,试探性对飞来峰造像二期保护工程的防渗效果进行定量化评估。该工作可以为南方多雨区域石窟寺防渗工程的效果评估提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The author scrutinizes the history of Muli (木里) as a semiautonomous political entity in the 17th century southern Sino-Tibetan borderland. By tracing Muli’s improvization in the face of multiple powerful regimes such as the Naxi kingdom, the Geluk Tibetans, the Khoshut Mongols, and the Chinese dynasties, the author explores how an indigenous notion of power took shape in the wake of geopolitical turbulence. Before 1580, Muli was a colony of the Naxi kingdom and dominated by the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. After 1640, it became a stronghold of the Tibetan Buddhist Geluk school and was deeply involved in the power struggles between the Geluk and Kakyu schools as well as the Tibetans and Mongols. Despite of acknowledging multiple sovereigns, Muli rulers utilized various tactics to hold on to power and prioritize local interest. The nuanced, yet creative, strategies Muli people adopted showcases the significant role border regimes played and their agency in shaping the power dynamics in pre-modern Eastern Asian borderlands.  相似文献   
The provenance of more than 2200-year-old terracotta warriors and horses in the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is still a mystery, even though some researchers have inferred that the terracotta figures were produced near the mausoleum. The sporomorphs (pollen and spores) extracted from terracotta fragments of a warrior and a horse and compared with those obtained from soil samples from the Qin Dynasty layer in Pit No. 2 of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum indicate that the pollen spectrum from the terracotta horse is different from that of the warrior, but similar to the local soil samples. Herbaceous pollen was dominant in the warrior sample, while arboreal pollen predominates in the horse and soil samples. Palynological evidence suggests that the terracotta horses were produced at a locality near the mausoleum, while the warrior came from a site which was further afield.  相似文献   
黎虎 《史学月刊》2007,(3):19-27
"吏户"论所指的"吏"是行政系统的"吏",但是在具体论证时,却常常以军事系统的"军吏"——如"将吏"、"吏士"、"吏兵"、"武射吏"、"武吏"、"文武吏"等有关资料作为证据,这不仅将行政系统之"吏"与军事系统之"吏"乃至士兵混为一谈,而且根据这种资料所作出的论断就很难说是符合历史实际的。  相似文献   
朱浒 《史学月刊》2007,(2):104-112
光绪十三年(1887年)黄河在郑州决口,是铜瓦厢改道后最大的一次黄河水灾。对于此次水灾期间的赈灾事务,学界以往甚少注意。实际上,此时以江南绅商为主体的民间力量自发组织动员的义赈活动,不仅承担了此次赈务中的很大一部分工作,而且是整个晚清义赈机制发展到一个新阶段的标志,其实践逻辑甚至还可以帮助我们推进此前关于地方史研究取向中国家与社会的关系的反思。  相似文献   
陕西韩城梁带村遗址M27发掘简报   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2005年5月经国家文物局批准,由陕西省考古研究所、渭南市文物保护考古研究所和韩城市文物旅游局联合组成的韩城考古队,开始对梁带村遗址的3座带墓道的大型墓葬进行抢救性发掘,发掘工作于2007年元月全部结束。其中M19发掘简报已刊于《考古与文物》2007年2期,现将M27发掘收获简报于后。  相似文献   
南宝力皋吐墓地位于内蒙古扎鲁特旗鲁北镇东南约40公里。方位东经121°19',北纬44°24',海拔高度205米。西临304国道2公里,东距通霍(通辽)—(霍林河)铁路3公  相似文献   
为配合南水北调工程建设,河南省文物考古研究所对安阳固岸墓地进行了考古发掘,清理出大批战国至隋代的墓葬,其中M2是一座保存较为完整的北齐时期的墓葬,出土器物60余件,尤其是出土的陶俑和镇墓兽十分精美,为研究北齐时期葬俗、葬制提供了珍贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
中坝遗址的盐业考古研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中坝遗址考古发掘中,发现了时代较早的井盐生产遗址。结合古代文献中有关古代巴人的记载,这些考古发现对提示和研究中国西南地区盐业的起源发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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