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Y. Song  Z. Hou  Y. Cheng  T. Yang  C. Xue 《Geofluids》2016,16(1):56-77
Extensive quartz–carbonate–Cu sulfide veins occur in clastic rocks and are spatially related to Paleocene granites in the western border of the Lanping Basin, western Yunnan, China. Abundant aqueous‐carbonic fluid inclusions occur in these veins but their origin is debated. In the Jinman–Liancheng deposit, individual primary inclusion groups contain either exclusively liquid‐rich inclusions (Gl), or coexisting liquid‐rich and vapor‐rich inclusions (Glv). Microthermometry and estimate of CO2 content indicate that type Gl inclusions either have homogenization temperatures (Th) 238–263°C and contain c. 3.9–5.5 mole % CO2, or have Th 178–222°C and contain c. 1.6–3.2 mole % CO2. Type Glv inclusions are thought to represent samples of fluid unmixing that occurred at 183–218°C. At that time, the liquid phase in the unmixing fluid may contain c. 2.0–3.3 mole % CO2. As such, the correlation of CO2 content with Th for type Gl inclusions is thought to be caused by fluid unmixing with decreasing temperature and subsequent CO2 escape. δ18O and δD values of the parent water mainly fall in the field below that of primary magmatic water, indicative of fluid derivation from degassed (in open system) magmatic water, with no contributions from basinal or meteoric water. Initial Sr isotopic compositions of hydrothermal carbonates suggest that the fluid was magmatic, probably derived from the Paleogene granites. δ13CPDB values (?4‰ to ?7‰) of the hydrothermal carbonates and δ34SVCDT values of sulfides (mainly ?11‰ to +5‰) indicate that the carbon and sulfur can be derived from (degassed) magma and/or nonmagmatic sources. The CO2‐rich and magmatic‐water‐derived fluid at Jinman–Liancheng differs from the CO2‐poor and basinally derived fluid in sediment‐hosted stratiform Cu (SSC) deposits, which suggests that there are no genetic linkages between the vein Cu and SSC deposits in the Lanping Basin.  相似文献   
成书于公元54~92年间的《汉书·地理志》记载西汉设县数目总数是1587个。但《汉志》正文所列县名总数只有1578个,尚有九县脱漏。本文利用秦汉玺印、封泥、简牍等出土文物,结合文献,补考《汉志》所缺九县。  相似文献   
It was July 3, 2012. The sky had cleared after rain and the ancient Namseling manor looked magnificent against a backdrop of blue sky and white clouds. The little courtyard of Duoduo, the village head, is right behind the manor. For centuries, generations of feudal lords living in the manor had owned the land.  相似文献   
The Namseling Manor rests on a site by a river, south of Samye Monastery and within the boundary of Namseling Village, County of Chanang in Lhoka Prefecture. The Manor was built during the Phagdrup regime. The Namseling Manor is a model of Tibetan feudal serfdom society. As an early, large-scalemanor house built in a time when Tibetan society lived under a serf-based regime, Namseling has survived hundreds of years as a witness to the formation and development of a feudal manor. After democratic reform in Tibet, the Namseling Manor stood deserted for more than half a century. The present manor, no longer what it once was, has embraced many life stories, including that of Shezang. The now elderly Shezang was born in Nagqu in 1927. Both his parents were servants in the nobleman's household. At 14 he was taken to Lhasa to work as a babysitter. The next year his parents passed away one by one. A fellow villager told him the news when he returned to Namseling at 26. Shezang has a younger sisterbut they were separated in Nagqu when both were still young. They never met again.  相似文献   
汉简所见西北边塞的流动人口及社会管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉简中所见西北边塞的流动人口主要有客、商人、僦人、亡人、流民等,来源不一、身份复杂,具有特殊性.他们往返于边塞地区,既促进了边塞经济发展、文化交融,也带来了管理等一系列问题.汉朝采取严格的检查、审核制度和登记、汇报程序,依据法律对流动人口进行分类管理,并且有安抚民心、化解纠纷的配套措施,有效解决了流动人口问题,维护了边塞安全.  相似文献   
人类文明的多样性,不仅呈现在当代,同样呈现在过去的历史长河里,因此探究历史上不同文明的特殊性非常重要。西欧文明始于公元5世纪,初步成型于11—15世纪,源于古代日耳曼传统、古典希腊罗马文明和基督教不同质的文化。日耳曼人的马尔克村社制度是欧洲文明的胚胎;古典文明,尤其罗马法促使中世纪个人权利概念逐渐形成并进入公法领域,成为法治社会的广泛基础;基督教的政治哲学及政治斗争结束了神圣王权时代,有助于建构起上层政治框架。经过几个世纪的发展,在一定社会条件下,三要素熔为一炉。逐渐生成西欧文明的雏形。很明显,西欧文明是次生的、混合的文明,其创生过程也是不同文明的融合和嬗变过程;16世纪后衍生为资本主义文明,后者表现了不凡的创造力,冲击了整个人类社会,同时也显现了与生俱来的局限性。  相似文献   
丁福强  侯金环 《神州》2011,(3X):174-175
高等职业院校电类专业的电工生产实习是在学生通过进校学习一年或两年文化课和理论课后,对电类专业有了一定的了解和具有了一定的专业理论知识,如何实施电类专业技能的教学。怎样才能使这些从未接触电类技能的学生能较好得掌握这门技能,本人在长期的电212生产实习教学过程中,认为启发式教学法是一种行之有效的教学方法。  相似文献   
《大慈恩寺三藏法师传》记录了玄奘自瓜州偷渡玉门关的经历,结合苏联军事地图以及实地考察进行“精准复原”,可知小宛城遗址很可能就是符合玄奘记录的唐代玉门关旧址。在截山子山谷的南端还新发现了一座烽燧,更加确定这条道路就是当年唐瓜州城通往玉门关的道路。  相似文献   
2004年11月,《广东省志·孙中山志》由广东人民出版社出版发行。该志是广东省人民政府2001年7月立项,由广东省地方史志办公室、广东省中山市地方志办公室和广东省社科院孙中山研究所历时3年共同编修完成的。全书104万字,各种图片400多幅,上起孙中山诞生的清同治五年(1866),下迄2004年10月。该志具有体例新颖,资料权威、丰富,学术品位高,思想性、政策性强等特点,是研究、了解孙中山的一部颇具特色的人物专著。特别是在促进祖国统一大业中,《孙中山志》的出版发行起到了不言而喻的现实作用。本书是中国地方志史上第一部以严格的方志规范编修的…  相似文献   
This article examines the effects of changes in family structure (from a family with two original parents to a lone‐parent family or a stepfamily) on emotional‐behavioral and cognitive outcomes of young children. We use data from three cycles of the National Longitudinal Surveys of Children and Youth, first conducted in 1994–95, and every 2 years since then. The present analysis is based on data for children, who were 4 to 7 years old at the first cycle. We find that compared with children in families with two original parents, those in lone‐parent and stepparent families are at a disadvantage on every measure of child outcome, even when their initial disadvantages and socioeconomic background are taken into account. We also find that the deterioration in economic resources is more important in explaining the relationship between family structure and cognitive outcomes (such as math and reading scores) but not emotional‐behavioral outcomes, whereas the deterioration in familial resources—ineffective parenting and parental depression, in particular—is more important in explaining the effects on emotional‐behavioral outcomes. The scarcity of material resources mediates the relationship between family structure and cognitive outcomes, whereas the diminution of familial resources mediates the relationship between changes in family structure and emotional‐behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   
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