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文章以同治《畿辅通志》为主要资料,对初创时期直隶留养局的空间分布进行探讨,揭示了其既普遍又不均衡的分布特点,并对形成该特点的原因进行了分析。指出行政命令的统一性是这一慈善组织普遍设立的主要原因,区域自然环境、自然灾害频繁程度、经济状况、人口密度、与交通线的关系以及地方官员的积极性等是影响其分布不均衡的因素。  相似文献   
<正>In the whole world,only the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau produces caterpillar fungus due to the unique eco-environment that in particular suits the parasites.  相似文献   
《温阿蒙历险记》出土于埃及埃尔·凯本赫地区,以新埃及语文体写于两张纸草之上。文献写成于古埃及二十王朝末期,主要讲述了底比斯高级祭司温阿蒙被派往毕布罗斯购买制造太阳船的雪松木材的历险经历。温阿蒙一路历经艰难,先是货款在德尔城被偷,购买木材时又被毕布罗斯王公拒绝,最后还被腓尼基城市通缉,被迫逃亡塞浦路斯。尽管如此,他每次都凭着机智过人和能言善辩化险为夷。本故事发生于古埃及国力由盛转衰的关键时期,这就让本文成为了研究新王国末期和第三中间期早期古埃及内政、外交、海外贸易的重要材料。《温阿蒙历险记》根据伽丁纳尔的象形文字临摹本译出,同时依照文献内容并结合相关历史史实,作了适当的注释和分析。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This paper considers a case of bilateral monopoly and examines the possibility of an intermediate location for two vertically related firms under simultaneous entry, and then analyzes the welfare-maximizing location for both firms. It shows that whatever the case, an intermediate location for both firms is unlikely to occur and that the pattern of industrial location under welfare maximization is equivalent to the one under perfect competition, but is different from the one under bilateral monopoly under certain circumstances.  相似文献   
国红 《收藏家》2009,(7):45-47
1995年发掘的永州鹞子岭2号墓,出土了许多精美的器物,《考古》2004年第1期发表了该墓的发掘报告,其中一件铜熏炉经过修复之后,特别引人注目。这是西汉末期泉陵侯刘庆之妻的随葬之物(图1)。  相似文献   
在可以导致文物、艺术品及历史档案资料品质退化的几种环境因素中,浓度较低的气态悬浮分子污染物甲醛对文物是最具潜在破坏性影响.在光、热等物理冈素的联合作用下,其形成的复合污染对文物的破坏作用更强,而就其对不同种类文物的影响的规律性研究目前尚缺少基础数据.因此,本研究采用聚苯胺膜修饰的石英晶振片电极(简称复合电极),结合石英晶体微天平(QCM)方法,对微环境中不同浓度的甲醛进行了检测研究.研究结果表明,复合电极对甲醛有较好的响应信号,复合电极频率变化值与时间基本呈线性关系,并且随甲醛浓度的升高,复合电极频率下降速度增加,频率变化值增大.研究还发现,甲醛的浓度值与频率变化值也呈现出较好的线性关系.据此可以推算文物保存环境中挥发性气态分子污染物甲醛的含量.本方法可以对文物保存环境中甲醛浓度的变化进行实时监测,为文物保存环境质量评价提供一种新的方法和依据.  相似文献   
Domestic horses played a pivotal role in ancient China, but their exact origin remains controversial. To investigate the origin of Chinese domestic horses, we analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 35 horse remains, aged between 4000 and 2000 years, excavated from nine archaeological sites in northern China. The Chinese ancient horses exhibited high matrilineal diversity, falling into all the seven haplogroups (A–G) observed in modern horses. These results suggest that several maternal lines were introduced into the gene pool of Chinese horses in the past. Haplogroups A and F were more prevalent in ancient horses than the other haplogroups. Interestingly, only haplogroups A and F were present in the samples older than 4000 years, while the more recent horses (between 2000 and 3000 years BP) fell into all seven haplogroups. Comparison with DNA data of present-day horses suggests that haplogroup F is like to be an ancient haplogroup of East Asian origin. These analyses also suggest that the origin of Chinese domestic horses is complex, and external mtDNA input occurred after initial domestication. Our results indicate that the Chinese ancient horses are more related to the modern Mongolian horses. Lastly, our results cannot support the previous hypothesis that early Chinese domestic horses were derived from the Przewalski horse.  相似文献   
民族学和考古学研究显示,人类对石制品有意识的热处理现象自史前时代开始就普遍存在于世界各地,主要被用来改善石料的破裂性能,改变石料的外观,并且附加一定的文化价值与社会意义。有关热处理原理、方法和表现特征的实验研究,为辨别考古材料提供了对比依据。目前为止,中国关于热处理的考古学发现和研究很少,希望本文能够引起国内史前考古学界对这一主题的兴趣和关注。  相似文献   
读云梦睡虎地M77汉简《葬律》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖北云梦睡虎地M77出土的<葬律>是新发现的西汉早期律章,已公布的五枚竹简编次相连,内容是对彻侯丧葬礼仪的规定.现根据发掘简报提供的图版对竹简释文,就其中部分字、词作扼要解释,并对<葬律>的渊源、制定等问题作初步探讨.  相似文献   
孙浩 《中国钱币》2009,(1):30-31
广东省造寿字壹两银币乃中国银币大珍之一,由于未见史籍记载,来龙去脉众说纷纭并不明确。综合而言,以前辈张诘伯在《泉币》第七期所论可为代表:“本品因未纪年,殊难遽断,然观其图案,谐作福寿,环绕双龙,幕无英文,意含颂祝,大异常制。由此以推,或为纪念币之一种,专以祝慈禧太后七旬万寿者也。”将之视为纪念币并未有太多异议,只是在确切日期上,“因未纪年,殊难遽断”莫衷一是。  相似文献   
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