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当近代西方殖民列强东来的时候,它们面临的是一个走向衰亡的明王朝和一个崛起的清王朝。上升时期的大清帝国,特别是其康雍乾盛世,国家生命力旺盛。无论是葡萄牙、西班牙还是荷兰、英国,都无法阻止其繁荣昌盛。然而伴随着西方资本主义的发展,西方列强轮番兴起,由于各种内部因素,如中国封建王朝自然经济的发展规律,中国封建社会晚期皇权压制下海商集团的命运,大清帝国反而逐渐耗尽了国家生命力,终于沦为列强的半殖民地并走向衰亡。  相似文献   
“尚”和“论”是吐蕃王朝两类来源不同的高中级官员,本文主要依据藏文史料分别就其历史沿革做了系统探讨,认为论主要来自一般贵族,尚来自吐蕃赞普母系亲属,二者是吐蕃官僚机构中的主要成员。  相似文献   
贺云翱 《华夏考古》2006,(3):103-105
现存于南京市雨华台区文物管理所的《国子监生赵君墓志铭》,所述为明代国子监生赵铠的生平,此人系朱元璋之女宝庆公主的后代。其祖父赵辉也曾地位显赫。该志未见著录。  相似文献   
毛泽东与红军赣湘进军   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
仅从中共党内路线斗争的框架认识毛泽东与1930年红军的赣湘进军,有较大的局限性。这次进军,是毛泽东等在长期思考形势、生存与发展问题的基础上,对历史机遇的主动把握,从正反两方面丰富了农村包围城市道路的思想。进军还提供了熟悉实际情况而又富有思想见地的地方领导者在面对上级错误决策时,如何去就取舍的行为模式,是中共历史上第一次在中央犯错误时,成功避免全党一起跟着犯错误的范例。进军对国民党当局也产生了重要影响,到1930年冬形成一个全面动员的“围剿”态势,国共斗争进入更加激烈的大军冲杀阶段。  相似文献   
Little was done to challenge nationalist assumptions in the name of regionalism. Regarding nationalism as a sensitive matter best left to a later stage of regionalism, they [advocates of regionalism] did not focus on how nationalist outlooks in the media and elsewhere stand in the way of both regionalism and internationalism.

Gilbert Rozman (2000: 18)

With an increasing regional integration and development, there are many competing ideas of, and proposals for, regional development in Asia. This article examines the historical evolution of the idea of regionalism, the meanings of Asian regionalisms, variations of Asian regionalisms and their impact on regional cooperation in East Asia. It discusses Mahathir's idea of neo‐Asianism, Japanese new Asianism, Chinese ideas of regionalism, and variations of Korean ideas of regionalism. It also examines a normative basis of regionalism with special reference to the sovereignty question. The paper concludes that behind East Asian regionalism is nationalism which constitutes driving forces for regionalism; that two competing orders (Asia‐Pacific regionalism versus pan‐Asianism) create different expectations and visions of how East Asia region should evolve and they are in tensions and lead to different directions; and that East Asia lacks a convincing and acceptable normative framework.1  相似文献   

义和团运动时期慈禧太后心态剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戊戌政变后,慈禧心中的“仇洋”情结不断膨胀,终于完全外化为其思想主流,并在一段时间内支配着她的行动。她一手导演的“宣战”闹剧,实质上是“己亥建储”的继续,是她在极度膨胀的权力欲望的驱使下、为实现“废立”而设计的“短、平、快”战术。慈禧于“宣战”五天后表示:由于义和团在京城“蔓延已遍”。“只可因而用之,徐图挽救”,其实清廷利用义和团、对外主战的内外政策并无实质性的改变。北京失陷后、她立即撕下虚伪的面具,把“肇祸”的责任全部推给义和团。同时把“纵容拳匪,启衅友邦”的责任推给了“首祸王大臣”。  相似文献   
何新文 《文献》1998,(2):54-64
对于赋体文学作品的辑录与整理,从汉代即已开始.西汉末年刘向等人整理校勘图书,编纂成我国古代第一部综合性国家图书分类目录《七略》,其《诗赋略》即分"屈原赋"、"陆贾赋"、"孙卿赋"、"杂赋"四类,著录屈、宋、荀况及秦代西汉辞赋共78家、1004篇.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the question of how a civil society impacts on Chinese democratisation, by examining the nature and features of a Chinese semi‐civil society which could be both a potential for greater democratisation, and a conservative force used by the state to maintain a neo‐authoritarian regime. It challenges the common assumption of the mere positive influence of civil society on democracy in a growing literature on civil society. It also discusses the issue of how the state and the reformer faction within the party saw and will possibly see ‘civil society’ as the rule of arts and a new source of legitimacy in the rules of games for strengthening their power. This is probably more likely than the total collapse and disintegration posited by other writers.  相似文献   
In practice, correction fluid to mask text errors has been continuously in demand since papers began to be predominantly used since the late fourth century AD in ancient China. However, research on the trajectory of correction fluid composition has been largely overlooked and has not been revealed currently. In this study, a multianalytical approach was used to investigate a thin whiteout layer, used as correction fluids applied in 1890, on a book page from the famous Imperial Encyclopedia (1726 bronze-type repaint version). The results showed that the white layer was composed of hydrocerussite ((PbCO3)2·Pb (OH)2) in mixture with plant oil and a tiny portion of calcium carbonate, which had been applied to conceal the originally printed Chinese characters upon which they were rewritten in preparing photographic negatives for reprinting using photolithography. The analysis results also suggest that lead white was likely domestically made using a local lead ore source by the wet synthetic process. Considering the prolonged use of orpiment (As2S3) as a correction fluid ingredient in Chinese tradition, a trajectory to lead white suggests not only advances in pulping and papermaking technology but also a shift in cultural habits and aesthetic psychology in the late Qing Dynasty.  相似文献   
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