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刘克 《江汉考古》2006,(3):69-73
养生汉画像石是汉文化的重要组成部分,体达着“下根”之人对于道教义理的认识和选择。以往相关研究多流于图像内容的阐释,着力点在于将该类画像还原成文献,缺乏对图像形式背后所隐藏观念意味的关注,未曾从道教房中养生思想对汉画观念浸润的层面作深入考察。房中养生画像石刻是对特定历史时期道教养生观念的诠释和图解,它的出现,与汉代特殊的人文环境有着密切的联系。  相似文献   
1937年7月-1938年10月的战略防御阶段,国民党正面战场是中国抗战的主战场,它对粉碎日军“速战速决”的战略企图,起了决定性作用。1938年11月-1940年,虽然日本的侵华政策有了变化,但其军事进攻的重点仍然放在正面战场,因而,正面战场仍是中国抗战的主战场。1941年-1943年,侵华日军对中国采取巩固占领区的方针,敌后战场上升为中国抗战的主战场。从1944年起,敌后战场的局部反攻作战逐渐向全面大反攻过渡,中国战场的大反攻,主要是敌后战场的大反攻。  相似文献   
陈豪  丁雨 《华夏考古》2021,(1):96-105
从现有考古材料来看,与前代相比,宋代墓葬体现的等级制度并不明显,而官员墓葬似恰是造成这一状况的原因.原本应当尊奉制度、为民表率的官员群体中,有很大一部分官员并未向下传递上层的丧葬文化,反而被出身之地或归葬之所的富裕平民阶层同化.由此使其地下墓葬部分呈现出“地方化”的特征.而这一情形,所反映的可能是两宋时期,民间经济力量...  相似文献   
李浩 《文献》1999,5(1):159-164
敦煌文献中保存的关中姓望史料主要见于北京图书馆藏敦煌唐写姓氏残卷(卷号为位字79号)①,英国大英博物馆藏《新集天下姓望氏族谱》(Title:Stein Rolls,No.2052),伯希和敦煌文书第3421号.  相似文献   
抗战前的西北交通建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘正美 《民国档案》1999,14(2):90-96
一、抗战前西北的战略地位与西北交通建设的提出抗战前的西北指陕西、甘肃、宁夏、绥远、青海、新疆六省,面积约占全国国土面积的32%,人口约占全国人口的6%,是一个地广人稀的地区。西北地区蕴藏了发展现代工业所需的绝大部分矿产资源。西北地区的矿产以新疆、青海为最多,陕西的石油,甘肃、新疆的金、银,宁夏的盐,绥远的石炭及铁等,都极其丰富。据统计,西北六省的主要矿产年产值可达1100多万元~①,但由于交通不便,大部分未能开发。西北同时也是国内的畜牧业中心,所产以牛、羊、马、骆驼、骡、驴、猪为大宗。西北地广人…  相似文献   
19世纪70年代的英国农业危机及其影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Liu J 《世界历史》1999,(3):28-33
1873年,资本主义世界爆发了一次空前严重的世界性经济危机,它标志着自由资本主义发展到顶点并开始向垄断资本主义过渡,从而使19世纪70年代成为资本主义发展史上具有转折意义的关键时期。英国这个在资本主义世界一直处于中心地位的国家,在这次危机中未能幸免,...  相似文献   
A mass of Longquan porcelain shards carved with ‘Guan’ or the dragon patterns were unearthed in the early Ming Dynasty layer of the Fengdongyan kiln site at Dayao County. These celadon shards were fired in the Hongwu and Yongle eras of the Ming Dynasty. In order to research the raw materials and firing technology of the imperial porcelain, 85 typical shards were analysed by energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence (EDXRF). The results indicate that the contents of TiO2 and Fe2O3 in the body vary in the Hongwu and Yongle eras. Compared with Longquan glazes in the Southern Song Dynasty, the average values of K2O, Fe2O3 and TiO2 are higher, but that of CaO is lower in early Ming imperial porcelain glazes. Principal components analysis (PCA) shows that different degrees of elutriation of the same raw materials are the main reason for this difference in the Hongwu and Yongle periods. However, the raw materials of imperial porcelain glazes show no obvious changes and have inherited the earlier tradition. The production and firing technology of imperial porcelain reached a higher level and had not declined in the Early Ming Dynasty.  相似文献   
Measuring Spatial Autocorrelation of Vectors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
This article introduces measures to quantify spatial autocorrelation for vectors. In contrast to scalar variables, spatial autocorrelation for vectors involves an assessment of both direction and magnitude in space. Extending conventional approaches, measures of global and local spatial associations for vectors are proposed, and the associated statistical properties and significance testing are discussed. The new measures are applied to study the spatial association of taxi movements in the city of Shanghai. Complications due to the edge effect are also examined.  相似文献   
The Chinese rites controversy of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries has been often studied, but hitherto mostly as a quasi-linguistic-and-technical dispute between the followers of Matteo Ricci, the legendary founder of the Jesuit China mission, and his many different enemies in the Catholic Church. In reality the involved debate was much more complex than that at every turn. To show this and more, this article takes a close look again at how and why Chinese terms and customs came to figure in Ricci's proselytising work in China, how they were challenged both inside and outside the Jesuit China mission, how the Chinese reacted and why, and what the debate revealed about the intriguing contrast of Chinese and European theism.  相似文献   
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