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This article examines the nature of academic political theory in Britain in the post-war period, examining in particular the degree to which theorists were able to mount normative theoretical arguments. Traditionally, commentators such as Brian Barry and Perry Anderson have argued that political theory in this period was largely dead between 1945 and 1970 due to the impact of positivism, but I argue this is mistaken for two main reasons. First, it fails to distinguish between the different forms that positivism took in the post-war era. Thus although it is true many theorists tended to claim that moral and political values could (or should) not be discussed rationally, their reasons for doing so varied considerably. For while theorists such as A. J. Ayer and T. D. Weldon justified their positions theoretically, with arguments drawn from behaviourist social science or innovations made in linguistic philosophy, others, such as Ralf Dahrendorf and Anthony Crosland, argued that it was the perceived success of post-war welfare states or the alleged failure of political ideologies that made traditional political theory irrelevant. Second, following on from this, I argue that delineating more accurately how positivism actually operated helps to explain how political theorists were able to pursue their discipline normatively—albeit that few reacted to all aspects of positivism. Thus if some (such as Karl Popper) were more concerned to insist that political philosophy had something to say in practice, others (such as Michael Oakeshott), reacted more strongly against the proposition that human behaviour can be understood purely causally. Finally, I examine the impact of ordinary language philosophy on post-war political theory, and argue that rather than simply damaging the cause of normative political theory by encouraging a myopic concentration on the linguistic analysis of particular moral and political concepts, over the longer term its effects were much more positive, since it helped to focus attention on the irreducibly normative dimension of political concepts.  相似文献   

Following the theorisation of museums as agonistic spaces and drawing on a comparative analysis of war museums located in various European countries, this paper argues that these institutions play complex and multi-layered roles beyond their obvious educational function. These not easily reconcilable roles act as major constraints upon the form and content of exhibitions and work against the adoption of an agonistic approach. However, the paper also argues that war museums are especially apt to become sites of political contestation able to engage with agonistic memory and unsettling counter-narratives. This is due in large part to the nature of the subject matter they deal with, as war and conflict lend themselves to being represented in ways that emphasise patriotic consensus but can also highlight dissent, contestation, multiple perspectives and alternative visions of society. Agonistic practices emerge when windows of opportunity open through a combination of top-down and bottom-up agency able to take advantage of particular socio-political circumstances or cultural developments. The paper also discusses a new exhibition on war memory planned for late 2018 in Essen, Germany and conceived as a strategic political intervention, which aims to communicate in an agonistic fashion with its audiences.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the seismic performance of partial perimeter and spatial moment resisting frames (MRFs) for low-to-medium rise buildings. It seeks to establish perimeter configuration systems and hence the lack of redundancy can detrimentally affect the seismic response of framed buildings. The paper tackles this key issue by com-paring the performance of a set of perimeter and spatial MRFs, which were “consistently designed”. The starting point is the set of low-(three-storey) and medium-rise (nine-storey) perimeter frames designed within the SAC Steel Project for the Los Angeles, Seattle and Boston seismic zones. Extensive design analyses (static and multi-modal) of the perimeter frame buildings and consistent design of spatial frame systems, as an alternative to the perimeter configuration, were conducted within this analytical study. The objectives of the consistent design are two-fold, i.e. obtaining fundamental periods similar to those of the perimeter frames, i.e. same lateral stiffness under design horizon-tal loads, and supplying similar yield strength. The seismic behaviour of perimeter and spatial configuration structures was evaluated by means of push-over non-linear static analyses and inelastic dynamic analyses (non linear time histories). Comparisons be-tween analysis results were developed in a well defined framework since a clear scheme to define and evaluate relevant limit states is suggested. The failure modes, either local or global, were computed and correlated to design choices, particularly those concerning the strength requirements (column overstrength factors) and stiffness (elastic stability indexes). The inelastic response exhibited by the sample MRFs under severe ground motions was assessed in a detailed fashion. Conclusions are drawn in terms of local and global performance, namely global and inter-storey drifts, beam and column plas-tic rotations, hysteretic energy. The finding is that the seismic response of perimeter and spatial MRFs is fairly similar. Therefore, an equivalent behaviour between the two configurations can be obtained if the design is “consistent”.  相似文献   
Floodplain management in Canada: overview and prospects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flooding is an important natural process. It plays a vital role in the maintenance of floodplain and shoreline ecosystems. Yet, it also is a hazard, in that floods put human life and property at risk. Paradoxically, flooding is a hazard only because humans have chosen to occupy flood‐vulnerable areas, such as riverine floodplains and lake or coastal shorelines. Recent major floods in Canada are a reminder that vulnerability to floods remains high. Responses to the flooding “problem” have evolved in Canada from an emphasis on controlling “water out of place” through structural measures such as dams and dikes, to managing human behaviour using zoning to keep development away from hazardous areas. In Canada, the federal‐provincial Flood Damage Reduction Program, initiated in 1975, has been an important vehicle for delivering a consistent, national approach to floodplain management. However, as of early 1999, the federal government has allowed the program to wind down while it reconsiders its role in water management ‐ effectively leaving the field of flood damage reduction to the provinces. This creates both challenges and opportunities. The challenge will be to avoid a return to the spiral of increasing flood damages and disaster assistance payments that characterized the period up to 1975. At the same time, however, opportunities exist to take stock of floodplain management, and to evaluate alternative future directions, including a more integrated approach to flooding. Les inondations font partie d'un processus naturel important. En particulier, elles contribuent largement à entretenir les écosystèmes des plaines inondables et des zones riveraines. Pourtant, elles constituent aussi un risque dans la mesure où elles mettent en danger la vie des gens et les propriétés. Paradoxalement, les inondations ne sont un risque que parce que les être humains ont choisi d'occuper des zones susceptibles d‘être inondées, comme les plaines riveraines inondables, les rives des lacs et le littoral marin. Les inondations importantes qui se sont récemment produites au Canada nous ont rappelé notre grande vulnérabilitéà leur égard. Notre réaction à l'endroit du “problème” que représentent les inondations a d'ailleurs évolué. Au lieu de nous concentrer comme autrefois sur l'adoption de mesures structurelles comme des barrages et des digues pour empêcher l'eau de s’échapper librement, nous agissons maintenant sur le comportement humain en décourageant les installations dans les zones dangereuses. Au Canada, le programme fédéral‐provincial de réduction des dommages causés par les inondations, lancé en 1975, a beaucoup contribuéà l‘élaboration d'une approche nationale cohérente dans la gestion des plaines inondables. Cependant, au début de 1999, le gouvernement fédéral, qui repense son rôle dans la gestion des eaux, a autorisé l’élimination progressive du programme, laissant tout bonnement aux provinces la responsabilité de la réduction des dommages causés par les inondations. Ce nouvel état de choses soulève évidemment toutes sortes de difficultés, mais aussi des possibilités. Entre autres difficultés, il faudra éviter de retomber dans la spirale des paiements d'aide aux sinistrés et de compensation pour les dommages issus des inondations qui a caractérisé la période antérieure à 1975. Parallèlement, sur le plan des possibilités, il faudra prendre en main la gestion des plaines inondables et évaluer les différentes orientations possibles, y compris l'adoption d'une approche plus intégrée de lutte contre les inondations.  相似文献   
A survey of excavation reports for sixty-one LPRIA sites in Britain reveals five 'fine' balances and objects possibly representing seven more. This paper describes the scales and discusses their use in Iron Age Britain.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Recursive algorithms for the elimination of redundant paths in spatial lag operators are introduced. It is shown that these algorithms have superior computational properties in comparison with the cumbersome procedure proposed by Ross and Harary (1952). A rigorous definition of spatial lag operators is given, while a number of mathematical results and properties are derived. Theoretical and empirical results regarding the performance of the proposed algorithms are presented.  相似文献   
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