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This paper examines civil activities to protect and conserve the underground war-related sites in contemporary Japan. Conservation movements rooted in local communities and centred on the Japanese Network to Protect War-Related Sites are making efforts to transform the dark heritage of war-related sites into cultural property in an attempt to integrate diverse wartime experiences. In delving into the heritage-making practices, I introduce local movements in Okinawa and Okayama. Okinawa hosts the first underground war-related site to become a cultural property, the Haebaru Army Hospital Bunkers, while Okayama struggles to create another one by making the Kamejima Mountain Underground Plant a dark heritage site. I argue that these conservation movements are challenging the homogenising national war memory by attaching ethnically diversified vernacular memories to the underground sites. In doing so, these underground war-related sites have become public spaces where new forms of social engagement are negotiated and contested.  相似文献   
More than one million shards of ancient Chinese porcelain were excavated at the Maojiawan pit in Beijing in September 2005. Among these shards, four types of ancient Chinese white porcelain were identified. The ages and provenances of three of these types of porcelain were accurately determined by archaeologists based on typology. However, different archaeologists interpreted the other/fourth type differently. According to the colour of the porcelain body, it was easily identified as the product of the Jingdezhen kilns of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644 AD). However, based on the vessel shape, this fourth type of porcelain was also identified as the product of the Cizhou kilns of the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368 AD). In order to determine the provenance of this type of ancient Chinese white porcelain, 131 shards comprising the four types of white porcelain identified at the site were selected as experimental specimens and analysed by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). After the processing of experimental data by principal component analysis and geochemical analysis, the results show that the provenance of this type of ancient Chinese white porcelain is the Jingdezhen, not the Cizhou kiln.  相似文献   
Geologic carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an option for reducing CO2 emissions, but leakage to the surface is a risk factor. Natural CO2 reservoirs that erupt from abandoned oil and gas holes leak to the surface as spectacular cold geysers in the Colorado Plateau, United States. A better understanding of the mechanisms of CO2‐driven cold‐water geysers will provide valuable insight about the potential modes of leakage from engineered CCS sites. A notable example of a CO2‐driven cold‐water geyser is Crystal Geyser in central Utah. We investigated the fluid mechanics of this regularly erupting geyser by instrumenting its conduit with sensors and measuring pressure and temperature every 20 sec over a period of 17 days. Analyses of these measurements suggest that the timescale of a single‐eruption cycle is composed of four successive eruption types with two recharge periods ranging from 30 to 40 h. Current eruption patterns exhibit a bimodal distribution, but these patterns evolved during past 80 years. The field observation suggests that the geyser's eruptions are regular and predictable and reflect pressure and temperature changes resulting from Joule–Thomson cooling and endothermic CO2 exsolution. The eruption interval between multiple small‐scale eruptions is a direct indicator of the subsequent large‐scale eruption.  相似文献   
山东济宁张山J1所谓"北辛文化遗存"实际属于双墩文化,双墩文化北向分布至泰沂山以南的鲁西南乃至鲁中南一带。北辛文化是北上的双墩文化和后李文化融合形成,北辛文化中所谓裴李岗文化因素主要间接承继自双墩文化。  相似文献   
明代至清初贵州交通沿线的植被及石漠化分布的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用明清方志、游记、朱批奏折,以"移步换景"的视角,考察明代至清初贵州交通沿线的植被分布及变迁,并从石漠化地表景观、石漠化敏感性影响因子及与今日石漠化分布现状的对比等角度解读文献中所见的石漠化现象。结论认为,明末清初今贵州安顺、镇宁、六枝、盘县、普安等地已产生石漠化现象。  相似文献   
目的 构建以重组乳酸乳球菌为基础的黏膜输送载体.方法 以高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1的HA1基因作为研究对象,利用nisin诱导表达控制系统,构建分泌型与非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌表达载体,经口服灌胃途径免疫BALB/c小鼠,通过ELISA检测小鼠血清IgG和粪便IgA,最后,对免疫后的小鼠进行H5N1病毒攻击实验,进而比较分泌型与非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌表达载体的免疫效率.结果 分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌免疫小鼠后产生的抗体水平(IgG和IgA)高于非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌,经过同型H5N1病毒攻击后,分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌免疫的小鼠的存活率为80%,而非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌免疫的小鼠的存活率为60%.结论 本研究为防治高致病性禽流感病毒提供可行的思路与方法.  相似文献   
韩铁 《历史研究》2012,(6):113-131,193
美国刑罚领域的"严厉革命"以维护"法律与秩序"的名义,实行严刑峻法,从而使得建国以来在惩处罪犯的目标和手段上逐渐人道化这一趋势出现了重大逆转。其具体表现为:不定期刑判决此前的主导地位宣告结束,事实上已停止执行的死刑得到恢复,"权利革命"以来犯人权利的扩大和监狱改革的进展遭到重挫。结果,"严厉革命"很快就使美国监狱犯人在人口中所占的比例跃居世界第一,但对犯罪率下降所产生的影响却相当有限。  相似文献   
韩淑侠 《神州》2012,(6):129-129
口语表达能力是社会生活中求生存、谋发展的必备能力。园此.改变技工语文教学俯废口语的现状,培养学生大胆开口的自信,积累语言的兴趣,倾听和复述的能力,开展多种形式的口语训练。  相似文献   
韩宇 《世界历史》2006,1(6):54-63
马萨诸塞州是美国发展历史最久的老工业基地,曾在二战后长期陷于严重的衰退之中。20世纪七八十年代,该州成功实现了经济转型,被称为“马萨诸塞奇迹”。本文探讨了马萨诸塞经济重振雄风的原因,勃兴的高技术产业的作用可谓居功至伟。值得关注的是,生产服务业、教育和医疗保健等知识密集型服务业同样扮演了关键的角色。本文还就马萨诸塞在80年代后期的再次衰退和90年代的重新崛起进行了探讨,并对马萨诸塞经济转型的性质及借鉴意义加以分析。  相似文献   
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