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论文简述了冯夏威自杀殉国与1905年抵制美货运动的联系及其民族英雄形象塑造的过程和重要意义。1905年华侨冯夏威为抗议美国排华政策,在上海美国领事馆门口服毒自尽,奏响了抵制美货运动的序曲,并以民族英雄的形象贯穿运动始终。冯夏威的民族英雄形象是个体自塑与社会他塑的复合体。自杀殉国与遗书自述,完成了个体自塑的描摹;各方悼念与报道宣传,实现了社会他塑的目标。其自杀动机与反美抵制行为,契合了中国近代民族主义的发展潮流与认同需求,个人意志表达呈现出社会化、国家化、民族化的趋向。中国近代民族主义的急进发展,不仅为社会他塑提供了空间与动源,而且也认可了个体自塑的存在与价值。  相似文献   
上海青年“红旗读书运动”是全面建设社会主义时期加强青年思想政治教育的一次重要实践,对确立马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位具有重要意义。这场读书活动以青年为对象,持续时间长达七年之久,从最初广大青年积极参与,到因国民经济困难而受到影响,再到结合毛泽东著作出版掀起高潮,形成了以党委为核心,共青团、工会等团体密切协作的领导机制,同时建立起多层级的指导委员会,通过思想动员、组织动员以及典型引导的动员机制,加强对青年的思想引领。“红旗读书运动”为党开展思想政治工作积累了丰富经验,对新时代加强青年培养提供了现实启示。  相似文献   
Enhanced transportation infrastructure improves the frequency of travel and facilitates face-to-face communication. Will the resulting reduction in travel cost mitigate the geographical concentration of knowledge spillovers? Our empirical strategy exploits China's mass expansion of its intercity high-speed railway network as a natural experiment. Using patent citations as the proxy for knowledge spillovers, we find inventors increasingly rely on more distant knowledge after rail connection and newly connect cities' innovation performance improves substantially.  相似文献   
古顺芳 《收藏家》2013,(11):71-75
2011年,大同御东恒安街一座坐北朝南向的北魏时期的偏室土洞墓出土墓铭砖、石灯、陶壶、陶罐、铁镜、项饰、金耳饰、云母片和水滴形铜饰片等器物①。墓铭砖上阴刻"崔令珎妻韩法容"七字(图1)。石灯白色砂岩质,底座上圆下方,圆形部分雕饰莲花瓣(图2)。该墓出土的大喇叭口陶壶,宽圆肩,壶身饰弦纹夹忍冬纹及水波纹,颈部施竖向暗纹(图3)。陶罐口沿外和颈下部均施三周凸弦纹,  相似文献   
Establishing stable cropping systems was vital in antiquity, assuring certain yields and enabling ancient people to settle, thus possibly causing various modern food habits and culture to form around the world, especially in cereal-cultivation-dominated countries. China, one of the most famous ancient agricultural countries, has a long history of rice planting, and the fire-irrigation paddy cultivation system is prevalent in the lower Yangtze region, which is considered a rice domestication center. However, its origin and cultivation pattern remain unclear. We studied a famous agricultural vestige, the Chuodun site, involved in rice planting in the lower Yangtze River Delta in eastern China, during the Neolithic Age. Clear evidence from archaeology, paleobiology, pedology and biogeochemistry suggest both that the rice fire-irrigation cultivation system formed during the Neolithic Age and that ancient peoples lived there steadily. Under this extensive cultivation system, soil structures and properties changed significantly; in particular, it left more black carbon in the soil and increased the organic carbon soil stability, which can be used to reconstruct prehistoric environments. Meanwhile, the prevalent fire-irrigation paddy cultivation system used by farmers in this area, though for a different purpose than ancient people, may be inherited from the Neolithic Age.  相似文献   
Wang Yi, Fu Qiang, Xu Honghe, & Hao Shougang, June, 2007. A new Late Silurian plant with complex branching from Xinjiang, China. Alcheringa 31, 111-120. ISSN 0311-5518.

A new fossil plant is described from the middle part of the Wutubulake Formation (late Pridoli) of Xinjiang, China. This plant demonstrates at least two orders of branching. The first-order axis has pseudomonopodial branching with alternately attached second-order axes. Fertile units are alternately inserted along the second-order axis, and consist of a branching system and two sporangia at each tip. Sporangia are narrowly obovate with rounded apex and tapering base. This plant is characterized by more complex branching than other Silurian and Early Devonian plants, and is named Wutubulaka multidichotoma gen. et sp. nov., and placed under open higher-order nomenclature.  相似文献   
本论依照“女性主义——性别诗学——男性研究”研究路径,分别阐释不同研究立场的性别理论构建和发展,从“贾宝玉”身上窥见性别文学批评的演进过程。女性主义文学批评提供了崭新的视角,发现了一个“不一样的贾宝玉”。但这类研究普遍地关注“受难的女性”,从而忽视了男性角色在文本中的价值和作用,或者简单地将男性角色与父权制做对等处理,因此很难全面地揭示社会生活的复杂性。性别诗学,可谓是女性主义自我反思的结晶。相对来说,它能更多地考虑到男性角色的文学和社会的功能意义。但这些在男性研究者来看,仍嫌不够,不能全面地解决男性面临的问题。男性研究至今还仅仅停留在社会学领域,不如女性主义那样广泛地与文学批评接触,但笔者认为,其主要理论在“贾宝玉”的性别研究上仍具有重要意义。  相似文献   
黑河流域居民生活质量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭浩  曾刚  徐中民 《人文地理》2009,24(4):66-71
以《Calvert-Henderson生活质量指标》一书为理论指导构建了生活质量评价指标体系,通过开展生活质量问卷调查及查找相关统计资料,运用主成分分析法确定指标的权重,研究了我国西北地区第二大内陆河流域-黑河流域城乡居民2004年的生活质量。具体的评价结果是:黑河流域城镇居民生活质量明显高于农村;黑河流域城市居民生活质量表现出中游高于上游和下游;黑河流域农村居民生活质量以乡镇为单位计算差异显著;黑河流域农村居民生活质量中游略好于上游、下游;影响黑河流域城乡居民生活质量的主要因素是收入、教育和住房。  相似文献   
During the pre‐reform era, Chinese state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) operated not only as firms, but also as mini‐welfare states, providing employees with lifetime employment, inexpensive housing, free health care, and pensions. Since China’s market transition began in the late 1970s, however, SOEs have had to bear increasingly heavy burdens for welfare provisions to their employees. The steep increase in welfare spending has not only eroded the base of state revenue, but has also impeded further SOE reforms. To lighten welfare burdens upon SOEs and to remove institutional obstacles to marketization and privatization embedded in the existing welfare system, the Chinese state has imposed many welfare reforms aimed at shifting responsibilities for welfare provision from SOEs to a combination of government, enterprises, communities, and individuals. This article examines the belated welfare reforms in China’s state sector and their impact upon the reform of SOEs. It finds that reform implementation has been sluggish. To achieve the policy goal of welfare reforms, high degrees of state autonomy and capacity are needed.  相似文献   
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