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Through use of methodology common in sedimentary geology, we apply U–Pb ages of detrital zircons to source nonlocal temper sand in an ancient ceramic assemblage recovered from Roviana Lagoon of the New Georgia Group in the Solomon Islands. Most potsherds from the Roviana Lagoon contain local volcanic sand as temper, but a small number of sherds contain anomalous granitic temper sand that does not appear to be local. To determine the origin of the anomalous temper, ages of zircons from the anomalous Roviana sherds are compared with ages of zircons in materials from Lizard Island off the Queensland coast and in sand from Muyuw Island in the Solomon Sea where generically similar granitic sands occur. U–Pb analyses of grains from the Roviana sherds yield Middle Miocene ages, while analyses of grains from Lizard Island granitic bedrock, sand, and local potsherds yield much older Permian-Triassic ages, disproving any possibility that the Roviana sherds were derived from Lizard Island, but suggesting local production of the Lizard Island sherds. Ages of grains in a sand sample from Muyuw Island are nearly identical to the ages of grains in the Roviana sherds. All grains in the Muyuw sand are Middle Miocene in age, overlapping closely with the Roviana age population. This strong similarity in detrital zircon signals indicates that the Roviana temper was likely derived from Muyuw Island sands. Our test case for the use of U–Pb ages of detrital zircons in sourcing temper sands is of only regional significance, and not of intrinsic global interest. The methodology, however, should find wide applicability for sourcing temper sands in many parts of the world, for it provides more specific data for the origins of tempers than either petrographic or chemical analysis.  相似文献   
This paper summarises the current development in the southern Ionian Islands (Kefallinia and Zakynthos) prehistory and places it within the context of seafaring. Archaeological data from the southern Ionian Islands show human habitation since Middle Palaeolithic going back to 110 ka BP yet bathymetry, sea-level changes and the Late Quaternary geology, show that Kefallinia and Zakynthos were insular at that time. Hence, human presence in these islands indicates inter island-mainland seafaring. Seafaring most likely started some time between 110 and 35 ka BP and the seafarers were the Neanderthals. Seafaring was encouraged by the coastal configuration, which offered the right conditions for developing seafaring skills according to the “voyaging nurseries” and “autocatalysis” concepts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We analyze the impact of fiscal decentralization on U.S. county population, employment, and real income growth. Our findings suggest that government organization matters for local economic growth, but that the impacts vary by government unit and by economic indicator. We find that single‐purpose governments per square mile have a positive impact on metropolitan population and employment growth, but no significant impact on nonmetropolitan counties. In contrast, the fragmentation of general‐purpose governments per capita has a negative impact on employment and population growth in nonmetropolitan counties. Our results suggest that local government decentralization matters differently for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This research analyzes manufacturing growth and decline across metropolitan and nonmetropolitan regions during the 1972–2002 period. We decompose real value added growth across local labor market areas in the lower 48 U.S. states into contributions from labor, capital, and total factor productivity. We then estimate a model describing the long‐run growth of labor, capital, and productivity and find that increased productivity increases the growth of labor and capital, as well as a positive correlation between labor and capital stock growth. We also find evidence that human capital investment and agglomeration economies encourage productivity growth, while unionization discourages it.  相似文献   
Numerous Hellenic terms have been gradually adopted during the development of modern medical science. Moreover, there are a significant number of words that derive directly from the Hippocratic texts. Hippocrates (ca. 460-ca. 377 BC), revered as the father of medicine, and his followers left behind a valuable heritage of medical knowledge that, practically, laid the foundations of Western medicine. Their theories, collected in Corpus Hippocraticum, transformed medicine by adding, mainly, clinical observation and inductive reasoning as significant parts of medical diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, Hippocratic writings have provided an invaluable heritage of medical terms for all medical fields. The present article examines the Hellenic and Hippocratic terminology referring to the spine and how this vocabulary has influenced and dominated upon modern spinal onomatology.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on an evening event at the Community Centre, Jacksdale, Nottinghamshire, UK in 2001 featuring a group called The Chase, performing folk music and dance from France and other European countries. It raises a series of issues concerning the relationships between folk culture and modern everyday life. These questions intersect with debates concerning authenticity, tradition, working-class culture, community and sense of place. The paper develops the concept of vernacular culture within a dynamic and plural conception of place as a means of theoretically locating folk music within modern everyday life.  相似文献   
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Lehrbuch der Geographie, von Hermann Wagner. Sechste, gänzlich umgear‐beitete Auflage von Guthe‐Wagner's “Lehrbuch der Geographie.” Erster Band—Erschienen in 4 Lieferungen, 1894–1899—Einleitung. Allgemeine Erdkunde. Hannover und Leipzig. Hahn'sche Buchhandlungen, 1900. Pp. xvi + 882.

La Traversée de l'Afrique du Zambèze au Congo Français. Par Edouard Foá. Paris: Librairie Plon. Pp. xii + 323.

Eaglehawk and Crow: A Study of the Australian Aborigines. By John Matiiew, M.A., B.D. London : David Nutt; and Melbourne : Melville, Mullen, and Slade, 1899. With Illustrations and a Linguistic Map. Pp. xvi. and 288. Price 18s. net.

Origin and Character of the British People. By Nottidge Charles Macnamara. London : Smith, Elder, and Co. 1900. Pp. 234. With 33 Illustrations. Price 6s.

La Rénovation de l'Asie. Par Pierre Leroy‐Beaulieu. Armand Colin et Cie, Editeurs. Paris, 5. Rue de Mézières, 1900.

Narrative of Cruises in the Mediterranean during the Greek War of Independence, 1822–26. By William Black, L.E.C.S.E., Surgeon H.M.S. Chanticleer. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Limited, 1900. Price 14s.

British America. ("The British Empire Series.”) London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, 1900.

Bilder aus dem Kaukasus. Neue Studien zur Kenntnis Kaukasiens. Von C. von Hahn, Professor am I. Gymnasium zu Tiflis. Leipzig : Dunckler und Humbolt, 1900. Pp. 335. Price 6 M.

Surveying and Exploring in Siam. By James McCarthy, F.R.G.S., Director‐General of the Siamese Government Surveys. London : John Murray, 1900. Pp. xii + 215. Price 10s. 6d. net.

The Value of the Waters of the Great Rivers of India. By Major‐General F. C. Cotton.

Die Insel Giglio. Prague : Heinr. Mercy Sohn, 1900. Folio. Pp. 127.

Nelson's Supplementary ReaderThe Story of the North‐West and North‐East Passages. By C. G. Cash, F.R.S.G.S. London, Edinburgh, and New York : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1899.

La Spéléologie on Science des Cavernes. Par E. A. Martel (Scientia, Mars 1900). Paris : G. Carré et C. Naud. Pp.126. Price 2 frcs.

Dent's County Guides.I. Hampshire with the Isle of Wight. By George A. B. Dewar, John Vaughan, and others. II. Norfolk. By William A. Duff. London : J. M. Dent and Co., 1900. Price 4s. 6d. net each.

Sir Stamford Raffles. England in the Far East. By Hugh E. Egerton, M.A. ("Builders of Greater Britain” Series.) London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. 290. Price 5s.

Khaki in South Africa. China of To‐day: The Yellow Peril. London : George Newnes, Ltd., 1900. Price 5s. each.

How to read the War News from China. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. 142. Price 1s.

The Dominion of Canada: With Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. Handbook for Travellers. By Karl Baedeker. Second revised edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. 1900. Pp. lxii + 268. Price M. 5.  相似文献   
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