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The article examines the interest in the United States for the construction of a trans-oceanic canal in Central America. In 1820, William Davis Robinson published a book, Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, which contained an appendix discussing the practicability of building a trans-oceanic canal including detailed analysis of the potential routes for its construction. The appendix sparked a lively debate among American political and economic leaders. This debate would not abate until the enormity of the financial and engineering realities of the project coupled with the continuing political instability of Mexico, Greater Colombia, and the Republic of Central America dampened investor enthusiasm.  相似文献   
To resolve the dilemma among a shortage of high-end talents, low level of scientific research and a huge brain drain in western universities in China, we proposes a way out by building an intelligence-alliance innovation team—a new interregional and multiagent cooperation mode. We identify major disagreements that hamper a fruitful collaboration, and then analyze reasons of such poor coordination. Given diversified backgrounds and different preferences of intelligence-alliance innovation teams, we suggest multiagent group decision-making as a method of seeking task coordination for participants in conflict and their problem-solvers. Finally, a specific case is given to prove that this method can improve task coordination of intelligence-alliance innovation teams, and that holistic feedback coordination may be the best scheme of task coordination for intelligence-alliance innovation teams.  相似文献   
动物胶作为一种常见的壁画修复材料,具有无毒,无腐蚀,与壁画兼容性好等优点,同时也存在耐水性差、易受微生物侵蚀等缺点。为了探索壁画修复中所用动物胶的性能,选择牛皮胶和明胶(化学纯)两种材料作为实验对象,对两者的性能进行了实验室表征。结果表明,质量分数大于等于1%,小于等于3%的牛皮胶,水汽透过率高,粘结强度适中,渗透性好,对壁画光泽度、色度影响小,更适合莫高窟壁画的修复实践。  相似文献   
李琳  彭璨 《人文地理》2020,35(5):94-102
基于城市群城市间创新联系和创新差异水平的改进引力模型,运用社会网络分析方法探究了2006—2016年长江中游城市群协同创新空间关联网络结构及其时空演变趋势。研究发现:研究期内长江中游城市群城市间协同创新水平整体逐渐提升,但强寡弱多的非均衡格局改变并不显著;空间上形成了以武汉、长沙为中心辐射邻近地区的协同创新高值区,环鄱阳湖城市群相对落后;长江中游城市群协同创新空间关联网络整体密度和效率提升较快,而三大子城市群城市间协同创新发展相对滞后;网络多中心在发育,逐渐由最初的双核主导发展为"3+5"多核心格局;随着创新内外环境的变化,网络内部四个凝聚子群不断重构,结构和功能更加复杂化和层次化。  相似文献   
中国祖先崇拜的起源和种族神话   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘莉  星灿 《南方文物》2006,21(3):123-127
如题目所见,这篇文章分两个部分,前者从考古上讨论中国祖先崇拜的起源,后者根据文献和作者对黄帝陵的实地考察,讨论黄帝如何从传说中的圣人最后变成全中国人民共祖的过程。从考古上研究祖先崇拜有许多局限性,尤其是在没有文字记载的史前时期更是如此。作者根据龙岗寺、史家、阳山和呈子等四个史前墓地祭祀坑的分布情况,提出中国的祖先崇拜至少可以上溯至新石器时代中期,大致经历了从"集体祖先崇拜"到针对个人的祖先崇拜的过程;文章还认为,从集体祖先到个人祖先祭祀仪式的转换过程,恰与从平等社会发展到等级社会的过程相呼应。进入商代之后,祖先崇拜仪式高度制度化,祖先崇拜渗透到国家政治生活的方方面面,在国家的起源和统治集团的合法化方面均发挥着不可替代的作用。根据作者的分类,祖先包括神话祖先和王室祖先,黄帝本是在商周之际被创造出来的神话祖先的一员,但是经过两千多年来的崇拜和祭祀,他从一个神话中的英雄,成为汉族的缔造者,进而成为全中国人民的共祖。作者仔细地考察了这个过程,并认为对黄帝的祭祀和崇拜,是历史上一系列政治运作的产物,神话的祖先既可以被创造,也可以被用来追求政治的和经济的目的。经过《古史辩》的深入讨论,黄帝的神性和神格本不成为问题,但是目前在考古界泛滥成灾的把考古发现跟传说人物对号入座的现象,应该可以在这篇短文里发现自己对古史的轻信和盲从。其实,对号入座本身,倒是我国考古界一个值得研究的学术问题。  相似文献   
One of the main challenges affecting the archaeological study of alluvial landscapes is the intensity of change these environments experience over time. Quick and dramatic alterations in geomorphological dynamics and land exploitation determine the visibility and conservation of the archaeological record. This study proposes an approach to the problem of studying these evolving environments based on the analysis and treatment of a series aerial photographs taken between the 1950s and the present day. This paper is particularly interested in looking at the process of photogrammetric restitution and in validating and comparing the digital terrain models and orthoimages produced. The quantitative analysis and visual interpretation of these results can provide valuable information about the transformation of landscapes and factors affecting surface evidence. The intended final result is to develop the ability to map the most problematic or best preserved areas. Nevertheless, it is considered in terms of a relative measure of change magnitude, rather than trying to provide absolute figures.  相似文献   
Can the arts and culture prosper under a less than democratic political regime? This paper looks at the soft authoritarian Singaporean government and the making of Singapore into a ‘City for the Arts’. Many scholars advocate that a culturally vibrant and creative city must also celebrate diversity, tolerance and experimentation. This implies that a democratic space is needed for creative energies to flow. Singapore is not known for its democracy. But Singapore has become relatively successful in being the cultural hub in the region. A more liberal approach to diversity and criticism of the authorities can now be observed but there are still many strong‐handed social and political controls in the city‐state. This paper tries to answer these two questions: has Singapore become democratic because the authorities want the arts and culture to flourish? Is democracy necessary for the creation of a lively cultural city?  相似文献   
We report a collaborative maritime archaeological project in Uruguay, one of several Latin American countries where the subject is undergoing review in terms of the ways it is practised and managed. Uruguay is typical of many states where there has been a tension between a heritage-based approach in which the results of investigations are viewed as publicly owned, as opposed to the profit motive in which commercial and personal gain is the underlying ethic. This project was conceived both as a way of assisting the Uruguayan Heritage Commission in promoting the former approach as well as advancing a programme of research into the age of global exploration. This paper sets out the rationale of the initial field season and reflects on subsequent developments.  相似文献   
郭璨  甄峰  朱寿佳 《人文地理》2014,29(6):18-23
移动信息时代与大数据时代的到来,促使城市研究方法趋于多元化。随着智能手机出现和手机功能不断发展,手机普及率大大提高,基于位置服务应用的智能手机数据成为最具研究意义的大数据来源之一,为智慧城市建设和城市问题的研究提供了新的思路与方法。本文对该数据特征和以往其应用于城市研究领域的方法进行了总结;结合该数据特征和智慧城市研究领域,从城市居民行为研究、城市空间结构研究、城市生态环境研究和城市管治四个方面介绍了智能手机定位数据在城市研究中的应用。文章的最后对手机定位数据在城市研究中的应用前景进行了探讨,并强调手机定位数据研究应与规划实践相结合。  相似文献   
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